Chapter 3

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I think Cassidy is somehow more excited about this date than I am. She insists on choosing my outfit and doing my makeup. She wanted to do my hair but as I told her, "no offense but I don't like when you do my hair. You brush my curls out. That's a big NO!" She just laughs and settles with choosing my outfit and doing my makeup. As the time passes I get more nervous. The pit of my stomach in a knot. I try to focus on work but I couldn't help but think about my first date in six years. Before I know it, my alarm goes off to remind me it's time to pack up and pick up my sweet boy from school. I say my goodbyes and 'see you tomorrow's'. Grabbing my purse and phone, I get in the elevator. It's a nice warm walk to the school. Lots of parents gathered around the front entrance and from across the street. Some parents in their cars and others standing.
Once the bell rings I wait for my bundle of joy and soon enough I hear his voice. This time I crouch and open my arms to him. I hold him a tad bit longer than usual. "Mami! People will see" he scolds me. He think he's too big to be seen hugging his mom now. I just laugh and let go of him after I've kissed the top of his head. "Come on, now finish telling me about the formula 1" I encourage him and he sets off. I figured it wouldn't hurt to brush up on some facts before my date. I wouldn't mention or bring up knowing Carlos is a formula 1 driver. But if he happened to bring it up, I wouldn't deny it either. Elias tells me about his teammate and the fun challenges they do. He even promises to show me some videos at home. Part of me felt guilt for lying to my own son about going on a date later but I know he wouldn't understand. We reach our apartment lobby, and get in the elevator. As we walk the halls to our door I remind him, "remember papi, Cassidy will take care of you and put you to bed. I will be back a little after your bedtime." "Si mami." He responds without any questions and some of the guilt goes away.
Cassidy said she'd bring takeout with her on her way home from work for her and Elias. So as promised, he shows me some videos of Carlos and his teammate. I paid the teammate no mind. Carlos was handsome. God. The door opening and closing caught us both off guard. "I got food" Cassidy makes herself known. "Thanks again. I can't thank you enough." I praise her. "Oh stop it. What are sisters for?" She winks. We liked to say we were sisters. She serves her food on a plate as well as for Elias. I let them eat while I shower to prep for my date. It's only 5pm but, you can't rush the Process. Especially with curly hair. That's almost an hour just for hair. I'm quick to shower and shave. Exfoliating and all that. Once out the shower I put on a robe and start my hair routine. Cursing my hair for being high maintenance. I do the curl cream, mousse and gel. Making sure to scrunch and diffuse for the next 45 minutes. Finally, curl perfection. I walk from the bathroom to my bedroom to find Cassidy on my bed with a dress laid down as well as some black heels.
"I peeked into Elias's room, the hunk of chunk of a driver looks well in red" she winks at me. "Figured you should wear a red dress" she teases. It was a Bodycon tight red dress with off the shoulder straps. Not too fancy but not too basic either. The black heels went perfectly. "Bitch you're hot. He'll for sure want to see you again." She says looking me up and down. "Now sit. To seal the deal I'll give you a natural makeup look. So he can see your natural beauty." She says pointing to my small chair next to my vanity. It's now 6:45pm. The nerves are hitting me once again. I let Cassidy work her magic. She uses very minimal makeup. Some foundation and concealer, blush, mascara. No eyeliner as to not do too much. "Damn I'm good" she praises herself as she finishes. She spins my chair so I'm looking myself in the mirror. "Jeez. I don't even remember the last time I got all dolled up" I say. I'm taken back at my reflection in the mirror. Almost not recognizing myself. "He will want you so bad" she squeals. My phone rings.
Incoming call: Carlos
  "Oh fuck he's calling me" I say scared. "Bitch calm down. Answer" she reassures me. I take a deep breath and answer on the fourth ring.
  "Hello" I answer. God I'm so awkward.
  "Hey beautiful, I'm sorry I know I said I'd pick you up at 7:30pm but I'm already outside your building. But don't worry, if you're not ready yet take your time. It's only 7:15pm" he soothes. My brain scrambles to find a decent response.
   "No worries. I just finished getting ready. I'll be down in a couple minutes." I assure him. 
    "Perfect. Can't wait." He stays on the line for a couple seconds before hanging up. "He's here bitch!!" I say panicking. The nerves are in my throat now. "Calm down. Breathe!" She fake slaps me. We take deep breaths in and out until I gather myself. "Can you take Elias to his room? Distract him please. I don't want him to see me and question me. The little six year old does tough interrogations" I roll my eyes. "Yeah I got you" she laughs. I grab my purse and she closes my room door as she leaves. I hear her call Elias and their steps in the hall as they go to his room. As soon as I hear the door shut I quickly but carefully walk out my room trying not to make too much noise in heels. As I grab the door handle I quickly yell out. "I'll be back mi amor. Behave". Without waiting for a response I exit and walk to the elevator. I take some deep breaths in the elevator. The doors opening bring back the pit in my stomach but I force it away. With one last deep breath I bring my purse to my shoulder and walk out. As I exit the apartment building I look around on the street until my eyes meet his. Parked on the side of the road and leaning against the passenger door of his sleek grey Ferrari. Oh lord.
      I walk up to him and he stands up straight. Eying me up and down. Once I'm less than a foot in front of him he lets out a deep breath. "Dios mio. You're beautiful" he says and takes my hand in his. He leans forward giving me a kiss on the cheek. I couldn't help but blush and the heat rose to my face. "Shall we?" He offers. Too flustered to answer verbally, I nod. He keeps my hand in his as he takes a couple steps and opens the door for me. As I walk past him to get in the car I take him in. God he's handsome. I put one leg in first and get myself settled into the car. It's very low but elegant. Almost too elegant for me. He waits until I'm fully settled and grabbing the seatbelt to close the door. He walks around the front of the car to get to his door. He's wearing a red button up shirt, coincidentally matching my dress. Dark pants and shoes. A fancy watch on his wrist. His hair as perfect as always. He was definitely one of gods favorite. He gets into the car and turns it on. The engine roaring to life. He looks over at me and smiles. I couldn't help but smile back. All my worries and nerves leaving at once. With one hand on the steering wheel, he takes hold of my hand with his free hand and places it on the center console. But not before picking up my hand to his lips and placing a soft kiss with those luscious, full lips of his.
      He gets the car on the street and starts cruising smoothly. The first five minutes of the drive are quiet but somehow, with our hands enveloped in one another, it's not awkward. "I really hope I didn't intrude on your plans or anything, you didn't seem fond of the idea of dinner when I asked." He breaks the silence. If only he knew why. "No, I'm sorry I hope I didn't come off smug or anything. It's just, personal. But I'm glad we're having this dinner date." I respond smiling at him. "I'm glad too. I hope you like pasta. I chose an Italian restaurant." He informs me. "That's perfect. I've been craving pasta actually. I was thinking of making some for dinner sometime this week." I softly chuckle. "Ah perfect." We spent the rest of the drive in silence. His thumb rubbing my hand gently. Occasionally we'd face each other and just smile or softly laugh. It was strange how comfortable I felt. As if I've known him for a while. Almost 20 minutes later we reach the restaurant. In downtown Madrid.
The streets were lit, full of people. I was in awe. I'd never actually been to this part of the city. "Beautiful isn't it?" He asks. He must've caught me staring out the car window. "Yeah. I've never been to this part of the city." I respond glancing back at him. "But not as beautiful as you" he whispers, but I managed to catch him. I couldn't help but blush at his comment. He finds a parking lot and comes to a stop at a valet stand. He gets out and hands the drivers the car keys and gets a ticket in return. He walks around and opens my door and offers me his hand. I pull my dress down once I'm standing. He gently releases my hand and brings his arm around my waist, his hand rests on my lower back. He leads the way, I see the restaurant entrance but we don't go towards it. "Where-"I start asking but he continues to lead me to the side of the restaurant. "A rather more discreet entrance. It's ok?" He says, almost asking to make sure I'm ok.
We come to a side door and there's a waiter already waiting. "I have a reservation for 2, Sainz" Carlos tells the waiter. "Yes of course. Right this way sir" flustered and scrambling to open the door, the waiter leads the way. Carlos, a gentleman as always, holds the door open for me. He goes for my hand and we walk hand in hand. The waiter leads us to a table for two in the back of the restaurant, less busy back here. I can see the more full tables up in front. Carlos leads me to my chair and opens my seat for me. I thank him and he takes his seat. "Can I get you started with some drinks?" The waiter asks. "I'll have some red wine" he responds and looks at me. "I'll have the same" I order. "Perfect." With that, that waiter leaves us. "I hope I didn't bore you in the car. I just didn't want to start a conversation in the car and then stop when we arrived." He apologizes. "No worries, I kinda thought the same. So I didn't try to start any conversations." I answer agreeing. The waiter returns shortly with our drinks and takes our orders. Carlos orders a shrimp carbonara and I order their seafood Alfredo. The waiter assures us the food will be out shortly.
"So, tell me about yourself, please." Carlos says eagerly. "Well, I'm 23, I work as a secretary at a law firm with my best friend. She's a lawyer there. She's also my roommate. We moved here to Madrid about a year ago from the US. She's originally from Spain but we met in middle school. Her parents sent her to the states thinking it was best for her. My parents are Mexicans who moved to the states to have a better life and had me. But things happened and I decided to move here with Cassidy, my best friend. She missed home and told me I just had to come with her. And here I am" I chuckle lightly. I had his full attention. His eyes were so mesmerizing. I reach for my wine glass and take a sip. "And you?" I ask in return.
He clears his throat. "I'm 29, and was born and raised here in Madrid. I'm actually a Formula 1 driver. I've been into racing my whole life. My dad is a rally driver actually. I started karting when I was 8 and ever since then, racing is my passion. I do travel a lot so that's always nice, but I do love my home city. I have to say, it was intriguing when we met. Most people go crazy and instantly recognize me. Not that I'm comparing you. Oh no. I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that." He says flustered at the end. I couldn't help but laugh and the waiter brought out our food. "Enjoy" he says. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to laugh. You're just cute when you're flustered" I spit out. "Cute huh?" He says in that husky voice of his. "I knew who you were when we met in the cafe. I'm fairly new to the Formula 1 world but I do watch it from time to time. I have someone close who's obsessed actually. With you even" I bite my tongue before letting out that Elias, my son is the one who is obsessed.
"Interesting..." he mutters. We begin eating and talking about our jobs. I explain what it is I do and he does the same. He tells me about the places he goes to and the things he enjoys from all those places. Time passes and we finish our meal. The waiter comes and takes our plates away. "Desert?" He asks looking directly at me. I glance at Carlos and he politely declines. As do I. "I'll be back with your checks shortly." And he walks away. We continue talking and getting to know each other. Carlos tells me about his wins and how he gets showered in champagne. I tell him stories about me and Cassidy growing up which seem to really entertain him. The waiter walks by and places the check on the table. I didn't expect Carlos to pay for me, nor did I want him to think that either. So I make a grab for the checkbook. "Dios mio no." He says baffled. Confused I stop in my tracks. My arm stretched over the table almost at the check. I look at him confused. And he looks offended.
"Hermosa, por favor. I'm paying." He says and furrows his brows at me and snatches the check. I retract my arm and just stare at his gorgeous face. "I can pay my half" I throw in. "As if" he scoffs. "I could never let a beautiful woman pay. Your beauty and company has been great. Allow me, please" he asks. I back down with a smile and nod. He pulls his wallet out and places his card inside and sets it on the end of the table for the waiter to pick back up. The waiter comes and takes the card. He comes back with a receipt and Carlos comes around to open my seat. I thank him and get up. Grabbing my purse and his hand this time. I made the move for his hand. He smiles and we exit through the same side door of the restaurant.

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