Chapter 7

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Cassidy got home from work with some takeout. I thank her and offer to reimburse her for the food. She denies and as always scolds me, "we're family. It's what we do for each other" I roll my eyes at her and tell her I'll be getting changed in my room. I only have 30 minutes to get changed, I opt for something casual but cute. I put some light wash, high waisted denim shorts with a black Tube top. Sealing the look with a white oversized dress shirt. I pick tan sandals to go with the look. I check my phone and see I have a missed call from Carlos from a minute ago. Shit. I forgot to take my phone off vibrate. I quickly return the call.
       "Oh god, I'm so sorry I was finishing changing and didn't hear my phone." I quickly apologize. "No worries I figured. You can't rush beauty" he laughs. "I'm outside, but take your time if you need." He assures me. "I'm ready. I'll be down there in a minute.  See you!" I quickly hang up and grab my purse. Elias is on the couch watching tv and Cass is in the kitchen pouring herself some soda. "Ok I'll be back soon. Be good papi!" I yell at him. "Thank you!" I praise Cassidy and she gives me a wink.
             When I exit the lobby I see Carlos, but he's leaning on a different car than usual. A Ferrari nonetheless. Jeez. Talk about being rich. "Hey there beautiful" he greets with a kiss on the cheek. "Hey" I greet back. He seems me eying the car. "Nice huh?" He asks proudly. "It's nice. Thought no offense it doesn't seem like your looks more like a family car." I blurt out with a soft laugh. "Yeah.." he says with a certain tone I couldn't make out. He leads and helps me to my seat. I quickly admire the interior as he walks around to the drivers side. "Do you mind if we pick up some food and eat in the car? I don't feel like dealing with people today..." he draws out. "In this car?" I asked confused. He found something funny because he starts to chuckle. "Yeah... if you don't want to we can dine in. It's no problem." He quickly says.
         "No no. We can eat in here I just. I don't know...I didn't think you'd be ok with eating in here. It's too nice to risk dirtying." I whisper loud enough for him to hear. He laughs and turns the car on. "You're cute you know. But no worries we can dine in." He assures as he pulls out into the street. "No it's ok I promise. Let's eat in here." I exclaim. He drives us to a restaurant not too far from my apartment. It's a sushi place. He calls on the phone while we're parked outside and waits until it's time to go in and pick up the food. He excuses himself quickly when it's time to get the food. Once he returns he places the food carefully on the floor of the back seats. He tells me he's going to drive to a nearby parking garage so we can park up top and eat.
          This man was certainly something. I wouldn't have thought he was capable or into small simple dates. Fuck. I think I'm falling for him. I'm so stupid. I don't even know him like that. The heart wants what the heart wants. My subconscious scolds me. We arrive to the parking garage shortly and he drives to the top level. It's almost empty up top. I get the bag of food and pass out our plates and drinks. I asked for a water, I don't drink soda too much. Or any sugary drink. He got himself a water too.
          We got comfortable and out of the seatbelts he slides his seat back a bit and turns around to face his body towards me and I do the same. I let myself relax and cross one of my legs under me. Almost criss-crossed. We start eating and talking. He talks about Italy and Monaco. He shows me pictures on his phone and the views there are beautiful. "Wow." I say amazed. "Oh I took this one just for you" he says and swipes. It's a picture of him in a room standing in front of a long, body length mirror. He's in his full race suit with his helmet in he's other hand and he's winking. "Mhmm. This is definitely the best one of all the pictures you just showed me" I say blushing. I feel the heat instantly rise to my face. I set my plate down on my lap and take a drink of my water. He clears his throat as he sets his plate down as well.
"So... over these past two weeks while we've been texting and calling, I was thinking. More like I haven't stopped thinking about you. I think you're a wonderful and beautiful woman." He starts. "But...." I cut in "no buts. I think you're wonderful. I haven't felt this way in a long time. You bring out something I didn't know I had inside of me. I'd really like to be something more than whatever it is we have going on right now..." he finishes and waits as if he knew I would speak up. "Carlos, I feel the same way. You've been wonderful and cause me so much happiness. I'd like to try for something more but I have a son. That's not something easy to grasp. I just need you to understand I come with baggage. If you want me you need to want my son too." I explain.
        "I want to meet him. If it's ok with you of course. I know you come as a package deal. I'll never want to get in between that. I thought about it all while I've been away. I'd hear him in the background sometimes when we'd talk over the phone. I'd like to meet him. I want to." He says enthusiastically. "He's a big fan of yours" I chuckle "so you'll most likely have a good impression on him. But I just want you to be 100% sure you want to try for something more. Now I don't expect you to take him in as your own. Id never ask that of you. I know a toddler isn't ideal for you. I just want to make sure things are clear..." I say and suddenly feel embarrassed and look down at my hands. "Don't feel embarrassed or anything. I've thought about it. I know kids didn't work out for my ex but maybe that's the way things were meant to be. If you're ok with it, I'd like to meet the little guy. I love kids. I know he'll grow on me." He says confidently and brings his hand under my chin. He tilts my head up and leans forward pressing a kiss on my forehead.
           "If you're sure and set on meeting him, ok. I only ask that it be at my place. Just to make sure he's comfortable. I've never introduced a guy to him. I've never went on a date either so I'm not sure how he'll react. I'll talk to him and mention we've been seeing each other." I set straight. "Perfect. Whatever you want. I want this to work hermosa" he says and all my nerves go away. My heart flutters. "Would you like to come over for dinner tomorrow? I can cook. Or is that too soon?" I quickly input. "No that's fine. I don't mind a little speeding things up. I'm all for speed" he says teasing and it makes us both laugh. "I'm sorry. I'm sure you weren't expecting me to be a package deal." I start apologizing profusely. "Enough of that. There's need to apologize. I'm here because I want more with you." He says and rubs his thumb over my hand.
We decide to finish eating. We talk about Elias for a bit. He asks about him wanting to get as much background information before tomorrow. A part of me is worried he'll come tomorrow but find a toddler too overwhelming and leave running. I shove the nerves aside once again and just enjoy the moment. Talked for a while but eventually it was getting late and he started the drive back to my apartment. He asked me about work and my day and I told him about the promotion I was being offered. He agreed and told me I should think about it. That If I'm still doing the exact same thing, is it really a promotion.
It was a nice car ride back, he drove with one hand on the steering wheel while the other was intertwined with mine. I would occasionally look over to glance at him while he was focused on the road. He was handsome. I admired him for the couple seconds I'd stare then look away hoping not to get caught. I felt like a younger girl the way I would stare at him. He pulls to the side of the road and parks. He comes around and opens my door helping me out. "Should I bring anything tomorrow? A desert? Wine? Or maybe something for Elias?" He offers kindly as he helps me out of his car. "That's very kind of you but no it's ok. I hope you like Salmon." I throw in. "Oh boy. I enjoy a good salmon." He says excited. "Is 7pm a good time for dinner?" I ask. "Yes that's fine. I just have some work stuff I have to do during the day but I'll be free in time for dinner. I can't wait. I'm nervous" he says and starts to laugh out of nerves. "Me too. If it becomes too much just let me know at any time during dinner promise?" I say. "Yes ma'am" he says jokingly and leans to kiss my cheek. "Good night. I'll see you tomorrow" he says softly. "Good night Carlos. Drive safe" I say and get on my tip toes to kiss his check.

             The next morning I planned to tell Elias on our walk to school about having someone over. While he showered I prepped coffee and waffles. When Cass finally shuffled into the kitchen I greeted her and told her right away. I took her squealing and jumping as a good thing. "I told youuu! He likes you" she said in a singing voice. "We'll see if he still likes me and wants me after tonight" I joke but she scolds me right away for being 'negative'. It's 6:55am and we're all getting our things to head out. Eli (our little nickname for my little bean) and Cass say goodbye to each other and I tell her I'll see her soon.
        "So papi...tonight at dinner someone will come over" I say and it comes out strange. "Who mami?" He turns to look at me for a second before continuing to look ahead as we walk. "A friend... a new friend. We've been hanging out and he wants to get to know you. Would you be ok with that?" I ask him, he's six but I still like to take into consideration how he feels. "A friend ? Or boyfriend !" She snaps at me, stopping us in our tracks.
        "A friend. But what if it was a boyfriend? Would that be bad?" I test the waters. It was true, as of right now Carlos and I weren't official or had a label. "I don't know ma. What if you get a boyfriend who doesn't like me? What if he takes you from me?" He says with a touch of sadness in his voice. I pull us out of the way of the people on the sidewalk and near a building to stand against the wall. "No one could ever take you from me baby. You're my world. He's just a friend. For now. He wants to meet you though so that's a good sign. One day you'll understand. But if you don't want to meet him today, you just say the word and I'll cancel tonight." I tell him. I really didn't want to push him. "I want you to be happy mami. You can invite him. I'm just scared. We've never had anyone else. It's always just me, you and Tia Cass. I will have a serious talk with this person" he says sternly giving me his best mad face. "Te quiero" I whisper and kiss his forehead. I take his hand and we continue our walk. We're almost there anyway. 
         I take the walk to work to think a lot. About what this could possible lead to. I'm scared Eli will get too attached to Carlos and see him as a father figure. I'm worried Carlos won't want to be anything more to Eli. I think about all kinds of scenarios until I finally get to work and pull myself together. I make a mental note to stop by the grocery store later. I need to buy stuff for dinner. Vegetables and a desert. I have wine already back home. I get to my cubicle and start on my work. Shit. I completely forgot I'm supposed to give Pablo an answer on the 'promotion'. I roll my eyes to myself and decide I don't want it. I'm fine with where I am, and I'm assuming since he didn't mention any pay raise there isn't one. I get to his office door and knock. I walk in when given permission and get straight to it.

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