Chapter 15

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Carlos POV;

               I had Caro get me the three paddock passes for Angela, Eli and Cassidy. It was no trouble. I also made sure Caro had booked an extra room at the hotel for the week, while upgrading mine to a suite with an extra small bedroom. I forgot to ask Angela if she wanted to share a room with Cassidy or with me, and I was too embarrassed to ask now. I just hoped I made the right choice. I was excited to have them with me for a whole week. I knew Elias would be jumping with excitement, and it made me happy to know I wouldn't have to miss mi amor, as she'd be with me.
            I told Angela to pack some warm but still cool clothes for the week as the weather in Canada is a bit different than here in Madrid. We already had plans for our first day in Canada. Or rather I agreed to plans. Max and some of the guys wanted to get together with all of our girlfriends and eat. I thought it'd be good for Angela to meet the guys and their girls. I was sure she'd fit right in and everyone would love her. I knew for certain she and Kelly would be great friends.
            I was a taken back at how calmly and confident she was with meeting my parents. My parents are nice people so I wasn't worried, I just knew my sister's would be judgmental about her having a son. But at this point, it honestly didn't bother me in the slightest. That little boy was a bundle of joy. His laugh was contagious and you'd have to be sick in the head to not like him. I know I loved him the same way I love his mom. I tried to remind myself to ask Angela when she'd want me to meet her family.

It was Sunday morning now, I had packed my suitcase last night for Canada. Angela had invited me over for breakfast this morning as a thank you for everything I'm doing to give her and Eli a vacation. I wasn't going to turn down mi amor's cooking. I put my suitcase in the trunk of my Ferrari Purosangue  and headed to her apartment. I took the elevator up and knocked at the door when I arrived. Elias opened the door greeting me with a huge smile. "Buenos Dias" I greeted him, ruffling my hand through his brown curls. "Hola Carlos. Come on in" he opens the door for me to enter. I walk into the kitchen to see Angela cooking. She has a small stack of pancakes on the counter and pulls out the last piece of bacon from the pan on the stove. "Mami Carlos is here!" Eli tells her.
          She turns to face me and I locked eyes with those hazel eyes of hers. They were beautiful, she was beautiful. Her curls were loose and bouncy. They suited her nicely. "Buenos Dias Amor, sit. Breakfast is hot and ready" she tells me and I take a seat at the dining table. Cassidy comes out from the hall with her suit case and greets me. Eli runs to the table and sits across from me. Cassidy helps Angela bring the food and plates to the table and then goes into the fridge for orange juice and brings cups. The girls sit across from each other and we all dig into the breakfast. I couldn't stop looking at my girl and admiring her. Fuck she was beautiful. Sexy. Without even trying. I couldn't wait to spend a whole week with her. I knew this was all practically new to her as it's been six years since she's had any sort of a romantic relationship, so I held myself back. As the days gone by, I started wanting her more and more but told myself I'd wait until she made a move or showed she wanted more.

Angela POV;

Carlos came for breakfast and told us about how he and some of the other drivers wanted to go out to eat for dinner on Monday night. Carlos told Cassidy and I the other guys would be bringing their girlfriends and that he was sure we'd get along. He told me one of his good friends, Max, his girlfriend Kelly, has a daughter around the same age as Elias so he wouldn't be the only kid there. It sounded nice, I was worried he'd be the only kid and I'd be that one person who ruins the vibe. Cassidy secretly told me she'd keep her eyes open for any of the single drivers. I told her she was crazy and we laughed.

Carlos told us what kind of clothes to pack so I stayed up a bit late last night packing Elias's suitcase and mine. The hours passed and soon it was time to head to the airport. Carlos's private jet was ready and waiting. The airport was a good 30 minute drive. When we got there, he drove through the gates, where there was a security guard. He told them his name and they let us right in without a problem. We pulled up to a very nice and luxury jet, reminding once again just how much money he had. It scared me for a second but I pulled myself together. "Woahhh" Elias exclaimed from the car's back seat. He parked us in a designated spot and his cousin/ manager was waiting at the bottom of the jet's stairs. Some workers got to work getting our suitcases off the car and loading them onto the plane. Carlos took my head and Eli's and lead us all to the plane. "Hey guys, welcome to 'Air chili'" he burst laughing at his own joke. "Sorry it sounded funnier in my head. But Welcome. Come on!" He waved us over behind him.

We walked up the stairs and my god. The inside was very fancy. I instantly felt out of place. Elias was just as amazed as I was. So was Cass, we'd never been in something as luxurious as this. "Don't touch anything or grab anything without asking papi. You got it?" I quickly told Eli. "Yes ma" he groaned as if embarrassed his mom was giving him instructions. It took a couple minutes to get settled and for the workers to load our luggage. After that, the captain introduced himself and greeted us through the intercom. He told us the flight would be a good 12 hours. "Get comfy mi amor. Our first vacation together." Carlos said grabbing my hand. I gave his hand a squeeze. Carlos and I were sitting next to each other with Elias in front of us. Cassidy sat on the other side across from Caro. They seemed to be getting along just fine chatting and laughing. It wasn't long until we were in the air. Elias fell asleep a few hours into the flight. I tried fighting my own exhaustion. I felt myself falling asleep a couple times but wouldn't let myself. "Take a nap hermosa. I'll wake you when we land." Carlos kissed my forehead. And I complied. I felt a blanket get draped across me and peeked Carlos covering me. I smiled and closed my eyes.

I woke up being shaken by Carlos. "Mi amor we're about to land. I didn't know if you wanted me to wake Eli." He says giving me a smile. "I'll wake him when we land. Thank you" I say sitting up in my seat. I looked over at my little boy and saw him laid out comfortably across two seats covered with a blanket. I knew it was Carlos's doing. I turned to him and gave him a kiss. "Thank you" I whispered to him. "I love you" he whispered back. "I love you too" I say giving him another kiss.

              The plane lands and I wake up Elias, who for a second was confused what was going on until I reminded him were with Carlos and in Canada and he practically jumped up from his seat. We got off the plane and the feet two red SUV's waiting for us. "Want to ride with me Cassidy?" Caro asked her shyly. She seemed to blush and accepted. Workers put the suitcases in the vehicle Caro and Cass would be riding in and Carlos lead me and Eli to the one we'd be taking. After w couple minutes we start to heading out of the airport and to the hotel. Eli and I were both fascinated by the scenery. Canada was beautiful. Carlos said the hotel was a good 25 minute drive. We'd go through the city of Montreal. Our hotel was in the center of the city giving us a good location to go exploring the new area and the Track wasn't too far away.

            During the ride I spend a good amount of time taking in the beauty of the city. I felt Carlos take my hand and gave it a squeeze. I turned to him and he had a smile on his face. "Ohh, before I forgot amor. When would you want me to meet your parents? Or how would we do it? You said they stayed in the US?" He asks. I guess now would be the time to tell him. "Ohh. I don't have any connection with my parents or family. So you don't have to worry" I say with a fake half smile "oh I'm sorry." He gives him a sympathetic look. "Don't worry about it. It's ok. I'll explain later, I'd rather Elias not be around to hear." I whisper the last part and he simply nods and gives my hand another squeeze. We start to slow down as the car is approaching the hotel. Crowds of fans and reporters gathered. "Oh wow." I say. My eyes widened at the size of the crowds. "They should really work for the government, I don't know how they always know when I'm going to be somewhere." He says jokingly. "They really love you huh?" I tease.
           Luckily Elias has been carrying the ferrari hat Carlos got him everywhere. He always had it on him. "Hey baby why don't you put your hat on huh? I'll carry you into the hotel." I tell him. "Why ma?" He turns to me. I think of a response, "I just don't want my baby to be famous just yet. I'd rather you not be in hundreds of pictures online." I hope he takes the fake response. I couldn't tell him the real reason. Only Cass knew. "Oh ma. You're silly" he mocks me and puts his hat on. "Let me, amor. I'll carry him." Carlos offers. I tried to keep a calm face and agreed. "Just try and cover his face with his hat please." I try and get it out as normal as possible, hoping he doesn't notice my worry. When the car comes to a complete stop near a couple feet away from the entrance carlos gets out of the car first and I follow. I instructed Elias to wait until Carlos got him out. We walked around the car and the fans and reporters call his name out. "Carlos!!" "Carlos over here" Carlos gets to the door and opens it slowly, Elias quickly scoots towards Carlos and he pics him up. I was worried Carlos would struggle to pick him up but it was as if Elias weighed nothing.

             He carried him and Elias placed his chin on Carlos's shoulder and I pulled his hat down so the visor was covering his face as best it could. We stayed close as we walked into the hotel cameras clicking and flashing as they snapped pictures as we walked. The lobby was much more calm and quiet and once inside I let Carlos know he could put Eli down. I pulled Eli close to me. Caro and Cass joined us in the lobby soon afterward. Cassidy came up to me and whispered something. I assured her everything was fine. Carlos and Caro went to the reception desk and checked us in.

All I see is Sainzजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें