Chapter 8

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Carlos POV;

       Flashback to the Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix....

"I thought back to a beautiful woman I met and I think that gave me the extra push I needed" I told the reporter. It felt really nice to win, I scored enough points to pass Checo and I'm now in second place for the driver's championship. After my interview I head to the cool off room with Max and Checo where we eat congratulate each other. We're all pretty good friends and know that when on the track, nothing is personal. We're all happy and proud of one another for our wins and successes.
A group of us drivers agreed to go out to eat to celebrate and wrap up this Grand Prix weekend. Angela and I had texted shortly before I got back to my hotel room. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I also thought about the fact she was a single mother. I was take by surprise at first, but after I left Spain and have been away I've put thought into it. I want to try for something more with her. I know she comes in a package with her son and I'm ready. I know I'll have to meet the little man and I want to. I want to meet him and know him. I can't imagine what their relationship is like. I can't imagine growing up without a father. Suddenly I'm stumped.
          As I finish getting dressed after my shower I realize I could talk to Max, after all, he was in a similar position. I grab my room key and phone, I scurry out of my room and into the elevator. I press the button for the lobby and pull my phone out to call Max to ask if he's left already to the restaurant we're supposed to be meeting at. As I scroll through my contacts I hear a yell. "Hold the door" I quickly stop the closing doors by placing my hand in between and they open. "Oh thanks mate" Max says gratefully stepping inside to my side. "Just who I was about to call." I start. "What's up?" He asks as the doors close this time.
         "I know this is a personal question but I need your help or advice." I say nervously. "Sure, what's up mate? Ask away." He says causally. I'd been good friends with Max for a while. I'd say close friends. We started out in formula 1 together many years ago in Red Bull's youth team. I enjoyed our time as teammates and we've been good friends ever since. "How did you know, with Kelly? That you wanted more with her. And with P?" I shoot away. The doors ding and open. We step out at the same time and head to the lobby doors where a taxi is waiting. "Oh. Pfft. Really is personal. Umm... I don't know. It's cliche but just as people say, 'when you know you know,' or 'the heart wants what the heart wants.'" He says and pauses as we get in the taxi.
         I speak out and tell the driver our destination. "Are you seeing someone who has a kid?" She asks before I can think of something to say. "I met this girl, she's beautiful, wonderful, smart. The whole package. She's nothing like anyone I've ever met. She's very humble and sweet and innocent." I say with a deep breath. "Damn sounds like she has you whipped mate" he says laughing and elbows me. "She has a son. Six years old. I only met her a couple days before I flew out here but we've been in contact and I haven't been able to stop thinking about her. When I get back after Monaco I want to tell her I want to try for more. But I'm just stumped on what it means with her having a son and all" I say a bit embarrassed.
       "Well it's a bit different than with me and Kelly. P was only just a baby when we got together. Kelly felt like a burden all the time thinking I was only tolerating P to be with her. But honestly I think it's just the struggle of being a single mother and them having been independent. You know P's dad isn't much involved. It takes a toll having been a single mother. She just wasn't used to the idea of having someone there for both her and the baby. Man, meeting P for the first time...that was it. I was whipped. Wrapped right around her finger." He lets out a soft chuckle. "You've heard the stories about the kind of 'father' Jos is. They're true. As P got older maybe a year or two I knew I wanted to be a father to her. Be the father I wish I had. I love P, watching her grow and learn has been such a blessing. You just know. And it's the best thing ever. I'll always claim Penelope as my own." He finishes. "Thanks mate. I think that really helped with what had me stumped." I say giving him a pat on the shoulder.
         We arrived shortly after to the restaurant. Most of the guys already there just waiting on a few.

            Monaco Grand Prix.....

             It's race day finally. I have my private jet scheduled to fly my back to Madrid later tonight. I'm ready to see Angela again. And talk to her about meeting Elias. I'm nervous but excited at the same time. I text my cousin, who's also my manager to meet me in my drivers room when he arrives to the paddock. I have about two hours before the race so I'm just relaxing for now. I hear a knock shortly after. "Come in" I yell. "Buenos Dias, listo?" He greets and asks me with a half bro hug. "I need you to get something for me caro" I explain. He's another Carlos in the Sainz family so he got the nickname 'Carlo' from the start to differentiate us. "Sure thing, what can I do?" He says with no hesitation. I go into details about the items I need and ask him to get them wrapped and prepped as gifts.
       I really wanted to get some stuff to take with me to Madrid. Something for Angela's son who I remember her saying is a huge fan of mine. I thought that was adorable. I also wanted something for Angela, I also thought about getting her best friend something. Angela told me a lot and her best friend seems like she is really the best. The way she describes their friendship and how she considers her family. It's nice to know she wasn't completely alone raising her son. It lightens something in me. After a while I head out of my driver room and head to the garage. I see Charles already there and go and greet him. "Hey mate, ready for today?" I as feeling good right now. I felt like I was on a roll.
"Morning mate. Yeah I'm feeling good, hoping for some good results today." He says awkwardly. I know he was disappointed these last few races, he's been having a hard time with the car. "I got faith in you mate. You got this!" I try and cheer him on with a pat on the back. "Well well, what has Chili in such a good mood today? Or should I say, who!" He claps at me. He stares at me with narrowing playful eyes. Charles has been my teammate for a few years now. We were good friends, we knew each other well. "What are you talking about?" I try and avoid the question on purpose. "Who's this beautiful woman you talked about after your win last week?" He says more specifically. "Ohhh her." I say playfully. "Mhmm. Come on mate. Who's the lucky gal?" I fill him in quickly as we're running out of time. As the mechanics and engineers are checking the last bits of data on the car I quickly sum up everything with Angela.
"Well, that is definitely something. I don't know what to say mate. All I can say is you're a great guy and have a good heart. You'll do what feels right. Just remember if you go for something more it's not just her, it's that little boy too" he tells me, reminding me of my conversation with Max. It's time to get in our helmets on and into the cars.
We had a good race. I secured P2 and Charles a good P4. Angela sent me a text right after the race but of course I'm seeing it now after the post race interviews. I feel my body get the relief it needs after the intense forces it comes to face with during the race. I text her back a couple hours later as I got carried back to interviews and the usual post race duties. I finally respond to her texts when I'm heading back to the hotel. I tell her about my late flight scheduled and how I wanted to talk to her tomorrow in person. I've made up my mind. I want her. I want to do this. I want to meet her son. I've thought about it all and possible scenarios and I know in my heart this is what I want.
              After my shower I get myself ready to go to bed, it's only late evening now, and I get a knock on my door. I go to open it and it's Caro with the gifts I asked for. "Thanks Caro, you're the best!" I praise him and take the bags from him. He follows me into the room. "You're only saying that because we're family" he jokes around. "Well you are my manager, and favorite cousin too" I play along. "So you're set for leaving in the middle of the night?" He checks in. "Yup. Now I am. Do you want to join me? You know you're always more than welcome to use the jet." I remind him. "You know what, yeah. I think I'll hitch a ride home. We're done here anyway." He says having thought about it. "Great. Now let me get some sleep please. Coming in second place sure is hard work" I say laughing. We say goodbyes and see you later's and he exits the room. Most of the drivers went out to celebrate but I stayed behind. I had more important plans.
         I laid in bed thinking about Angela. Practice in my head over and over what I wanted to say to her. I don't realize exactly when I start to fall asleep. My last thought before my eyes close were her beautiful hazel eyes, the way she looks into my eyes when we talk. I enjoyed how she'd give me her full attention and always looked me in the eyes when we spoke.

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