Blue skies and grey clouds

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Just run.

Don't look back. They wont care.

I bolted. I heard Jessie shout after me, but I kept running, not caring if my wounds reopened. I had to get out of there. The rain was coming down heavier now, pouring down on me, washing away my fears, and taking my tears of pain with it. Running into school, twisting and winding through the throngs of people. My sneakers squeaked as I ran into the bathroom, and locking a stall behind me. Pulling down my jeans I stared in horror at all the blood running down my legs. Ribbons of blood trickling down from cuts that reopen from an agonizing run.

Toilet paper was my only substance of stopping the bleeding, and eventually it did. By then my first class was over with. I was going to be in a lot of trouble when I got home. No doubt the office has called home, to tell my father that I missed my first period. And yet I couldn't bring myself to care. Slowly walking out of the bathroom, I remembered to keep my hood up and be alert on all times. 

Walking down the hall ways, the bell rang signaling the beginning of second period. Gym. I definitely couldn't do a dammed thing in there today. Surprisingly the coach let us have a day to ourselves, due to the rain. I sat on the bleachers in the corner. The little windows attached to the doors to exit outside, were being pummeled by rain. It seemed endless. It calmed me. Pulling up my right leg I layed my head down on my knee, closing my eyes, and listening to the pitter patter of the rain. I relaxed a little, my mind going blank...

"Mommy where are you going?" I sat up on the couch, my little fingers clinging to one of the pillows. She looked back at me, smiling, her golden eyes shining with warmth and love. "Little rabbit, I'm going to go to the store to get a few more things before we eat." She walked over to me, picking me up and setting me on one of her hips while I hugged her torso. She kissed the top of my forehead, whispering, "You wanna come with me?" I looked up and nodded excitedly. She put me down and I ran towards the door, slipping on my little pink sandals, that matched my pink skirt and white t-shirt. My mom followed me out the door, and she buckled me in, and we took off to the grocery store.


After getting our few groceries, I skipped back to the car, enjoying the cool breeze that smoothed my hair, blowing it behind me. I giggled as a butterfly flew by me, distracting me, I twirled around chasing it until my mom caught me. Laughing she pulled me back to the car. Putting the grocieries in the back of the car, I heard footsteps approach. Turning my head, I watched as a scruffy man walked up to us. He had something in his hand. Something kinda big. A gun.

I was jolted awake. Someone was shaking me, class was over, but that was not what had my attention. Sparks were circling around me, warming me. I gasped, looking straight into a familiar pair of hazel eyes. And yet they were not familiar. They flashed to a golden hue. They filled with love and happiness, but then replaced by anger and pure hatred. Scared and hurting from the painful grip he had on my arm, I pulled away and jumped off the bleachers. Hissing from the impact to the ground, I stood still for a second then carefully composed myself. Walking off and only looking back once, torn between wanting to go back there, and wanting to make a mad dash towards my next class.

I chose the ladder. Walking slowly I was late for third period. Waking into class, saying nothing and not being noticed, I walked to the back of class, taking a seat, putting my arms on the desk and laying my head on top of them. Wincing again, I pulled back and slumped into my seat, my hood surrounding me and my existence.

Someone came in late. Everyone turned this time, the teacher paused his mono-tone voice, and faced the student. "Sorry", a smooth voice said, bringing my eyes to the one guy I was trying to avoid right now. Averting my eyes from his, which were focused on me, I looked at my hands, the pale skin against my black hoodie. Someone sat down next to me, and I had a good feeling of who it was. He held out a hand to me, "Names Alex, whats yours?" I hesitantly took his hand, enjoying the sparks running through me.

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