No sane person needs this many clothes

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Its been a few weeks as I come closer and closer to the conclusion that I might not become a wolf. My thoughts depressed me as I pulled on some black jeans and a lime green t-shirt with Mayday Parade scrawled on it. I sighed as I just shrugged as I walked away from the mirror. I didn't really care. I've been living with Alex, Jessie, his parents, and the pack for a while, I could care less what I looked like.

Apparently, Alex's parents are going to step down from their positions as Alpha and Luna and let the next in line take their place. That would mean Alex. And me being his mate... I would become Luna. I do not believe I am strong enough to handle this, and be the one that people look up to. I'm weak, and a disgrace to werewolfs. I don't know why Alex bothers to actually insist that we are mates when he can do so much better than me. Me, this abused, emotionally scarred, and shy girl who doesn't talk. The mute.

I silently padded down the white stairs of the pack house. Curiosity filled me as I wondered what Jessie wanted today. I didn't need my hood anymore, I had flawless, pale skin. No scars, no wounds. I no longer carried the physical scar and blood. But the memories... they linger. The physical pain may not show, but my emotional walls are built well, and I show no pain. I let others watch my face, as I pretend to feel no pain. My night terrors lessen each night I spend with Alex. He was my safe place. The only person I could truly be myself with, the only person who knew me almost as well as I knew myself. Almost. He just didn't know about my mom.

I shook my thoughts off as I came to the bottom of the steps. I was instantly dragged to the front door, Jessie had a hold on my arm, as I stumbled to not fall, surprise taking over me. What was going on? I hadn't seen Alex all day, it was almost afternoon, and I haven't seen him once. I narrowed my eyes down and dug my heels of my converse into the carpet, officially pulling Jessie to a stop. There were some upsides of being half werewolf. You got some strength.

"oof, come on, we got to go!!!!" She said exasperated. I felt my lips twitch upward. She didn't have a lot of patience. It was kinda funny to watch her struggled in pushing me out the door, "We're going shopping!" She screamed. At the word shopping, my arms stuck straight out, slamming my hands against the door frame. Oh hell no! If there were any other cruel way to kill me, it was with shopping, and by seeing Jessie's closet, I was doomed. My feet supported me as Jessie took hold of my hands. She was outside, and I was inside, my feet at the bottom of the door frame, buying me time before I was met with my cruel, cruel death sentence.

I heard laughter, behind me as others gathered to watch, as Jessie struggled to pull me from my safety. I shook my head vigorously, refusing with my eyes wide. "Budge dammit!" Jessie squealed. Funny thing is, no one cares if you curse in this house. Which she takes full advantage of that. I rolled my eyes, still refusing to move from my immobility. I was too young to die!!

All of a sudden I found myself laying on the floor. She let go. That bitch. And now I was vulnerable to her, I realized this too late. She had a hold of my leg, dragging me outside. She laughed as I struggled to get a grip on the door. She dropped my leg and ran to the door, slamming it shut. I could here someone coming on the other side of the door. The sound of the lock flipping, made me realize I was with the devil. I huffed in frustration, glaring up at Jess's triumphant face. She grabbed my hand, laughing at her success.

I rolled my eyes and, begrudgingly, accepted my fate and hopped into the car. I felt myself push against the passenger car as she sped off. I slumped, still suspicious and kind of hurt about not seeing Alex. I sighed, wondering if by now he realized that I wasn't a strong person, I wasn't good enough for him. Jessie looked over at me, her eyes full of wonder. I met her gaze and smiled, showing none of the emotions I was feeling right now.

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