Losing Myself

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I skipped back to the car, enjoying the cool breeze that smoothed my hair, blowing it behind me. I giggled as a butterfly flew by me, distracting me, I twirled around chasing it until my mom caught me. Laughing she pulled me back to the car. Putting the groceries in the back of the car, I heard footsteps approach. Turning my head, I watched as a scruffy man walked up to us. He had something in his hand. Something big. A gun. 

Fear struck me in place, my eyes growing wide. I tugged mommy's sleeve, "Momma that man has a gun." I whispered so he couldn't hear me. Quickly turning to look at me then looking at the man a little ways away from us. She grabbed hold of my arm, shutting the car door, and pulling me behind her as she backed up. Going around the car trying to avoid the man, she was buying time. "Shh, shhh. It's ok little rabbit." She tucked my hair behind my ears. My breathing ragged, I was shaking with fear. I'd only seen guns in movies.

"Gi-Give me your money." Said a deep shaky voice. I peeked around my mom to see the man holding the gun, pointing it at her. Tears sprigged in my eyes, but I forced them down. My mommy gave him her purse, speaking calm words. The wallet slide  out of the purse pocket where she kept it. The mans fingers fumbled on the gun.

 He took off running, picking up the wallet and running. Running, and leaving me here.

It all happened so fast. We were having fun and now my mother lay on the ground, rain pouring down, mixing with the blood.


I jolted awake. A cold sweat trapping my clothes against me. Gasping for air, my heart beating erratically. Body shaking and quaking with fear and adrenaline. Blood rushing in my ears. Throat burning for water. Hands shaking. Eyes wide. Mind reeling from my dream. 

Distantly I heard a door slam. Footsteps pounding up my stairs. Looking at the clock it shined out the time of 5:32. My door swung open, revealing an evil smile on the face of my father. He looked over me, mock pity in his voice, "Did someone have a bad dream?" I looked at him with a blank expression, no longer showing my fear.

He didn't like this one bit.

Stomping over to my bed he grabbed hold of my throat, slamming my head and my body against the wall, dragging me out of my bed. My vision blurred and black dots danced at the corners of my vision. I couldn't breathe. His hands squeezed my throat, making my head loll to the side, my nails scratching at his hands, drawing blood. He hissed in pain, letting my go as I fell onto my bed, gasping for breath. But I got no relief. My head jerked to the side, pain seizing all of me, numbing me of my scenery. Something climbed on top of me. Something pinned me to my bed. Something's rank drunken breathe swirled around me. He was on top of me. My father whispered in my ear, "Maybe this will teach you to never be late for school again. Maybe this will teach you to not disrespect me again!" He slapped me again.

He tore my shirt open my bra exposed. My shorts gone. I looked at the ceiling, wishing for this to be another nightmare. Wishing for this to end quickly. But I knew it wouldn't. It never does.

Hearing the clinking of a belt buckle, and pants dropping on the ground, I winced as I felt the weight of my... father... on top of me. Strattling me, his ruff hands took hold of my hips. He grinned before thrusting inside of me hard and deep. I grunted not wanting to give him the satisfaction of him causing me more pain. I lolled my head to the side as I took my punishment. Tears brimmed my eyes as he slapped me once again, "You look at me bitch!" He screamed at me. Taking a drink of his vodka. When did he get that? He slurped the rest of the drink down. I looked away terrified of what that evil look on his face meant. I heard glass break seeing it scatter around my floor. What was left of the bottle hit the side if my face, tearing into my right cheek, spilling blood on my bed. Tears fell unwillingly, the salt from my eyes stinging my wounded cheek.

He laughed, a deep rich laugh filled with happiness. Sick bastard. Slowly I brought my hand to my cheek, then brought it into my line of vision. Blood ran down my fingers. Anger surged through me. I didn't want to live like this anymore! I knotted my hand into a fist and drew it back. Still laughing he didn't notice this, but as soon as my fist connected with his jaw he was struck into a daze. I was able to push him off me and trembled on rubbery legs. He grabbed my leg, making me stumble as I fell onto the floor. He dragged me over to him, my stomach wounds from yesterday reopening again, staining my already dark carpet. "Nice try." He smiled, not flipping me over. He took me from behind. His hands on my ass. Tears mixed with blood. My blood.

Pain over rated on my Richter scale. Something sharp dug into my back. Cold glass sawed through the flesh on my back as my father used the broken bottle, tearing my flesh apart. On the outside I was grunting through the pain but on the inside I was screaming and dying. This time the pain was enough, and I slipped into a blissfully reliving obsess of darkness...

Losing myself to darkness.... 


again I cant upload a music video and it's pissing me off. the music vid for this would be-

Lovely Bones by Dead and Devine

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