Shadows growing, your voice calling

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Song for this is-

Take it like A Woman by Alice Cooper


Something was different. I felt selfless. I felt enhanced. The birds sang a sad song. Slow and beautiful. I could hear the bees buzzing by, switching from one flower to the other. The squirrels chattering, chipmunks scattering. It was strange. Dots dazzled by my eyes as I slowly cracked them open. My window showed the sun looking down upon me. I smiled a genuine smile. Then I froze. It was day. It was well past morning.

Trying to sit up, I winced lying back down. Glancing around my room, memory of last night returned to me. Glass lay upon my floor, blood splattered on the vodka glass bottle. My blood. Tears brimmed my eyes. I was so sick of crying! I was sick of being the weak little girl. The silent mute. More of my memory came back... I fought back. I punch my father. Enough to daze him. This... this gave me hope, gave me strength. I could fight back.

My eyes locked onto my clock. 12:50. I gasped, looking dumbfounded at my clock. No, no, no, no. I groaned. Well Tuesday turning out to be my second non-favorite day, I didn't really care anymore.

My vision was clearer. I don't know how, but something seemed different with myself. Shaking that thought off, I slowly got up off the floor, with the little effort I had. Trying to avoid the broken glass scattered everywhere, I made my way to the bathroom. Emotionlessly I looked at my self.

Dried blood covered my face and what I guess you could call my body. My blue eyes seem dull as I took in the damage. My right cheek was torn apart. My cheekbone slashed. The corners of my lips were torn into a cruel smile. My stomach showed off a little rug burn. Dried blood were in ribbons on my legs. I was scared to turn around, scared to fear that my life has gotten, unsurprisingly worse. Slowly, and carefully, I turned. Careful not to reopen all the cuts running down my back in jagged long or short lengths. I looked like a bloody checkered board. I sighed. Another two years with this and I'll be done. I can escape. If I can make it that far.

Hot water greeted me as I scratched away the dried blood. The dove soap calming my fiery skin. Quickly shampooing and conditioning my hair, I shut off the water, and walked over to my full length mirror. The dried blood was gone. My cheek started bleeding again. My lips torn to my cheeks. My back red and raw.

Anger unfurled in my stomach, spreading over my body. I couldn't defend myself again! Sure! This wasn't my first time being beaten and raped by my father, but this time I fought back! And yet... here I am. Bruised and scared. I couldn't look at myself anymore. I was disgusted by myself. Anger, disgust and hatred pushed my fists forward, sending the glass of my mirror, crashing and careening down. Showering over me. Looking down and around me glass was everywhere, just like my emotions. All that glass, broken. Just like my heart. This glass was me. Always broken, putting myself together, and falling apart again. Every shard disappearing. The sun glinting upon me, every once and a while. I was just like the mirror that used to be. Everyone judged me by what they saw. But they didn't take the time to see the fragility of my broken heart. Like this glass, I am lost, thrown to the side and thrown to the floor, I was never meant to last. I couldn't be fixed again. Try to pick me up, your gonna cut yourself.

Every minute I spent looking at that glass, a little part of me died inside. Hours passed by, the glass staring straight back at me, showing me my dull pale blue eyes. My torn smile screaming at me. A deep, smooth, husky voice pulled me out of misery. I know that person! I got up off the floor and walked towards the window. Two figures were walking on the sidewalk, passing my neighbors. My somehow enhanced hearing picked up a conversation... one that made me realize who they were and who they we speaking of.

Faceless {:Watty 2013:}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu