Lost in darkness

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The song for this is-

Broken girl by Matthew West. I really wish you do look up the song sense I can't upload them. These song have comforted me, and I wish they would make this book more interesting! Please!!!! ;)


It was cold.

It was dark.

I was scared.

And yet I felt no fear. Only peace. I was floating, drifting through the darkness like a leaf being blown in the wind. My mind blank, no thoughts forming. I felt safe, but also in danger. I felt lost in between choices. Darkness coming over me, my eyes closed on their own accord, dragging me down to sleep.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

I lay on the floor of an unknown room. Looking around I pushed myself up off the cold ground. I felt trapped in a tunnel, a light at one end, like a train coming straight at me. At the other end, something flickered on. A dim light drawing me away from the light of the tunnel. Images flashed before me, like on a television, these images were played out. Confusion furrowed my brows as I took in the smiles and laughter. What is this?

"This is your memory." A lyrical voice said. I turned to see a blonde, tall woman. Dark blue eyes. Memory? I turned back to the images. The woman appeared in many. Something clicked in my mind as I realized... Mom? I turned back to her, a smile upon her face, nodding her head. Tears brimmed my eyes, running up to her, she hugged me clutching me to her, as I sobbed into her. "Little rabbit, little rabbit, it's ok." She cooed.

Wiping the tears from my eyes, as my mother let me go, I wondered if this was a dream. "Honey, no, this isn't a dream."  She said sadly. Sadness clouding her dark ocean eyes, a storm a brewing. We watched as my memory showed off to us, the happy things, the sad things and... my dad. Horror etched onto her face as she watch what was being showed. I kept my face blank, and forced myself to witness this. But as I looked down, I didn't see and bruises or scars. I felt no pain. I looked upon my flawless skin in wonder. I meet the eyes of my mother, as she looked at me in wonder, giving me a watery smile.

A new image flashed before me. I was walking with someone. Alex. I gasped. I wanted to reach out, to tell myself this is a dream, to be with him. Looking up at my mom, she gave me answers I wasn't expecting. "Honey, you... died." My eyes widened, the images flickering towards my death. "You weren't meant to. This wasn't supposed to happen." She whispered, shaking her head. "Your stronger than others. You are. You've faced your inner demons, you've over come them. You were meant to have a life." She nodded her head towards Alex as he came into a blurry image. Tears rolled down his face, as he begged me not to leave him.

I was meant to have a life.

I had a chance.

A life with Alex.

And I lost it.

My mom shook her head, "No rabbit, you didn't. Sense you were meant to have a life, you get a choice.''

A choice?

"You can chose to stay here... or live the life you were meant to have." She smiled. She was always smiling. Always happy. Always the one to lead you through your toughest decisions, and hardest times.

Where is here? I wondered. Where was I? Where were we?

My mom nodded. "We are in between the living and the dead. The space where you are judged for your actions. Many call it Purgatory." She looked all around the room, at my memory, and the light at the other end of the tunnel. Why was she hear?

"I am hear to guide you to the place you chose. But really you don't need my help." Coming up to me, and embracing me in another hug. How does she know what I'm thinking? How am I stronger than others? why am I more enhanced now?

She looked into my eyes, blue eyes searching mine. "You are special. You are my child." She kissed my forehead, whispering, "I know you'll chose right rabbit, I love you." She said, before dissipating into the light. A small smile tugged at my lips. I love you too mom.

Turning back to the images, thoughts clouded my mind as I tried to make sense of her words. I am special. I am her daughter. And I had to make a choice.

Images flicked to one then another. Alex, his laughter, his tears, his love for me. My mom, her smiles, her laughter, her death. My pain, my tears, blood, scars, and sorrow. Finality came over me as I made my decision. I closed my eyes as darkness ran over me, my feet taking my to where I wish to be. To where I want to be.

To be un broken.


Apparently My last sentences didn't save so sorry!!!! I re-wrote them.

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