Please (Alex)

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I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I couldn't do anything. My wolf was quite, ashamed. To tell the truth so was I. We didn't always see eye to eye, but one thing we agreed on was our mate. She was perfect. Her smile, her silent laugh, her silence, her eyes, her hair. We were able to look past what only others would focus on. We saw past the scars and silence. We saw beauty. We saw a broken girl who needed our help, and laying here right now isn't helping her.

Silently, I got up off my bed where I woke in. I was in my clothes form yesterday, and was too absorbed in the thought of my mate to change. I walked down the stairs of my home, everything and everyone was quite , as if waiting for a storm. I watched my feet drag across the carpet as I walked into random room, going by memory. In  one of these rooms was a bed. A bed that held my mate, my broken beauty, while she slept. I didn't want to call her dead. Didn't want to bring that word to reality. I knew that it was just eternal sleep. Death. They're  almost the same. In a way.

She lay there exposed. Her face telling a story no one thought possible. Her hood was gone, and she lay there in my sisters blue tank top and black booty shorts. I shook my head at the thought of my sister. She was upset over Alice, her tears showing how much she really cared about Alice. I know Alice would run away screaming if she knew what she was wearing. Her arms, legs and face exposed, showing my the danger of her father. I looked at her in wonder, how could she have taken that for so long? Obviously she was a lot stronger that others thought.

Brining myself out of my thoughts, I sat down in the chair by her bed, scooting it more close to her. I brought my hand to her limp one where it lay by her side. I gripped her hand in mine, afraid that if I let go... i'd never see her again. A sigh ran through me as I watched the flat line of the heart monitor. The pack doctor said that she is the only one that can confirm her fate. If she wishes to return she will.

With all my heart I hope that was true. If not I'll join her and maybe in another life we could be together. Those thoughts were my last as I laid my head on her bed and drifted off to a peaceful blank sleep.... or so I thought.

I was by a car, watching as a tall blonde woman helped a little blonde girl put away bags. I felt a slight chuckle as the little girl was chasing a butterfly. All of a sudden they were running around the car, passing through me. A man I didn't recognize came up to them asking for money. The wallet in the purse the woman was handing over fell out and the guy fumbled with the trigger. A bullet lodging into the woman stomach. The girl stared at me, eyes wide and shock written all over her face. She looked down to see the woman lieing on the ground, rain pouring down around them, mixing with the blood of the woman. The girl wailed, crying, "Mommy! Mommy please.... please don't go..." Her voice going hoarse.

"Shh..." A shallow, wet breathe was taken." Rabbit, your gonna have to... to be on your own for a while. You know I love you sweet heart..." She looked into her daughters eyes, tears streaming down both their faces. The little girl nodded her head, "but mommy.... why?" She asked. Sadness and pain pricked at his heart for this young girl. He didn't know who it was, but I know it must be hard to lose a parent. a loved one.

"I don't know rabbit...." She looked into the eyes of the little girl, her dark blue ocean eyes dulling, fading, to a lifeless blue. Her pale skin even paler.The light in the girls eyes gone, she sobbed and looked to the sky. As if she could find the answers to the unanswered question up there. Her sobs went silent, as if her voice just died and disappeared.


I was moved forward in time. I was in a dark room, light on one side and Something flickering on the other. I froze. I wasn't alone. But I didn't feel threatened. I felt in between life and death. "Purgatory." I heard someone say. Something about that voice sounded slightly familiar. I looked upon two women. Something was familiar about both of them. I felt like I should know these people, like this is important. But important for what? I looked closely. The tall one had long blonde hair, dark blue eyes, and pale skin. Some fuzzy memory pushed forward into my for-front mind. My eyes widened as I realized that this woman was the one who was killed. Shot down for money, and losing her daughter. 

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