Surprise love

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Computer is being stupid again. song for this is-

Hide and seek by Imogen Heap


My eyes widened as I took in the beautiful sight around me. The breathe swooshed out of me as I took a shaky step down off my high, I looked down to see my converse brush against blossom petals around me. I looked on in awe, little white candles led a path into the forest. petals of roses, blossoms, and white lily petals littered the ground around me, leading me into the forest. I looked behind me to see Jessie gone, leaving me alone with my wonder and curiosity.

I followed the candles, lighting my way to a place unknown, but yet you could tell it would be wonderful. The petals smell filled the air, drowning me in beauty. I was wanting to savor this place, keep it forever. Right now I felt as if time couldn't touch me. The beauty of this place, I wanted to get my camera, save this for another day, capture the beauty, put a smile on my face... but yet something pushed me forward.

Once in a while, I would come across a lily petal with something only Alex would write. It looked carefully placed upon the lily with care. The ink from the pen bleeding out a bit, but it only made it more fascinating. Words like "Your smile makes me melt." "Your eyes make the sky look dull in comparison."

Those corny, sweet things, put smiles on my face and love in my heart. "When you bite your lips, I want to kiss you." I rolled my eyes and bit my lip. Opps. I guess I do that a lot. "Of course I always want to kiss you." I gave a silent laugh. God, where was he? "Your hair reminds me of a halo." "Your my angle." "My other half." "You drive me crazy." "And my wolf." I shook my head, walking further into the forest. The candles lessened, lights fading. The smell of the flowers slipped away. "I never want to leave you."

I looked around. I heard the faint sputtering of a heart beat, smelled cinnamon in the air.

"I want to be yours."

I picked up the last petal, on the ground in front of me. "Forever."

I looked up, hazel eyes full of passion and love, looked towards me. There he was. Alex. My heart swelled at the sight of him, something yelped and howled inside of me, my wolf, she pushed me forward. He stood there in a tux, looking cute and handsome as always. His eyes trailed down my body, making the only blood in my body rushing to my face, making it red and the rest of my body white. He gave a shy smile, and I returned his with one of my own.

He came over to me, taking the petal out of my hand and letting it fall back to the ground. He lead me to a rock, that sat surrounded by four candles, the lights flickering across his face, shadowing his strong jaw. I sat down slowly, looking at him, amazed as he moved around with grace and a hint of nervousness. I watched as he came back to me, a basket in his hands. I raised an eyebrow at his nervous darting eyes. His eyes darted towards something in front of us. I turned my head in curiosity. A lake lay in front of us. This place was full of wonder. I had no idea he lived by a forest and a lake. It still amazed me, that even though he looked normal, that I looked normal, we were all hiding something.

He sat down next to me, and cleared his throat. I turned my head to his, my eyes wide taking in all the beauty around me. He smiled widely, as he handed me my camera. I gasped and grabbed it from him. He chuckled, "I Thought you would want it, we get the most beautiful sunsets here, and I know how much you love pictures, so.." He trailed off, still looking nervous. I narrowed my eyes down in suspicion. What was he nervous about?

I shrugged it off. If there was something wrong he would tell me, wouldn't he? I took a few pictures, Alex having the patience to let me take in all the beauty. He laughed at my concentration. I turned my head to scowl, only to be surprised that between us was, lasagna, brownies, and some Pepsi. I looked at him, laughter silently making its way out of my mouth. How romantic. He smiled sheepishly, "I couldn't cook anything else." He scratch the back of his neck, making him look shy and self conscious. I motioned to him asking if he had paper and pen. He did. He handed it to me with shaky hands. My fingers grazed his as I took the pen from him. Sparks ran up my arm, flowing over my body. I shivered a little at our contact. I hadn't seen or felt him all day, and this little contact made me contempt.

You don't hear me complaining, do you? I wrote. He laughed, looking at me, his shoulders sagged as tension left his body, making him more relaxed looking and less nervous. "No I don't, not that I would let you anyway." He smiled deviously. I shook my head and smiled. He handed me a plate of lasagna and a fork. We found out there was no proper way to eat lasagna. We ate a lot. Me mostly because I had barley anything to eat today, and him because he was just a guy. There was no lasagna left. we laughed at that, him saying that he'd never met a girl who eats more than her own weight. I had two glasses of Pepsi and two chocolate chip peanut butter brownies. He was a really good cook, that was for sure.

We sat there watching the sun set, corny as it may be but it was still perfect. I felt at peace, but something was missing. I wasn't complete. I wanted to be with Alex, truly I did, but how could I if I wasn't like him. I was missing my wolf. I felt cagey, trapped. Like something was holding me back, not allowing me to be with him. But there was a way. I just had to find it.

I looked at Alex, his eyes looking towards the now setting sun, the horizon showing hews of pinks and reds fading to purple and blues as night came upon us. The candles flickered around us, dancing flames finding a perfect picture to burn. He looked deep in thought, his brows screwing up together, his lower lip stuck between his teeth. He looked as if he was trying to figure out a 2,000 pieced puzzle, like he lost a few puzzle pieces, and is trying to find them. Trying to put them in place, to show him a picture. But a picture of what?

He looked towards me, my eyes still downcast, watching as he chewing his bottom lip. He scooted towards me, moving closer, his legs touching mine, sparks shooting out around me. I looked up at him through my lashes. His eyes darkened, taking in my flushed face as he leaned forward, a breathe of space between us. He looked into my eyes, blue meeting hazel, then crashed his lips to mine. The feel of his lips on mine was overwhelming, sense I hadn't seen him almost all day. I groaned and leaned into him, he lick my bottom lip asking for entrance, I let him in, his cool tounge slipping into my mouth, dancing with mine, like the flames dancing with the wind.

I brought my hand behind his head bring his lips closer to mine, deepening the kiss, making it more meaningful. Passion flowed between us, sparks on our tounges and every where else we touched. My hands ran through his hair, making him groan as he gripped my hips, gently pushing my down, laying me on the rock. We didn't break the kiss, our legs entangled, his body on top of mine. We were going too far, I realized, but it felt all too right. I felt at home, as if this was what I needed, what he needed. We could be together, just... not right now.

He broke the kiss, letting me up for air. Our breathe mixed together as our gasping was ragged and deep. He was still upon me, resting on his elbows, making sure not to hurt me with his weight. He smiled down at me, his hair sticking up in all sorts of directions, his lips red from the passionate kiss, his eyes dark with lust and... love. He lowered his mouth to my ear, grazing his soft lips on the tip of it, his teeth nibbling on my earlobe. I gasped, shuddering from pleasure.

In my high of the moment, I heard a whisper. The wind carrying the words over my skin, like a soft caress to the heart. "I love you." I closed my eyes, those words... pleasure went through me, those words were Alex's. My eyes shot open, only to be met with the closed eyes of Alex. He was holding his breathe, as if expecting something bad to come. Like he would end up hurt. I know how he feels. I've been wanting to tell him, say to him that I love him. But telling someone you love them... gives them the power to destroy you. A smile crept onto my lips, now that he has said he loved me, he couldn't go back now. We were in this together. There was no backing out. And with him saying it first has given me strength. Enough strength to do what I did next.

I grazed my hand down his cheek, he leaned into my hand, his eyes still closed. I brought his face down to mine, kissing his forehead, his cheeks, the tip of his nose, and finally his lips. I gave a slow, passionate kiss, letting my love flow through me, showing him, letting him know I wasn't going anywhere. I pulled back. Something inside of me was opening up, I could feeling it crawling in my throat, knocking against my teeth, vibrating me.

My voice.

For the first time since my mother died.... I spoke.

My voice soft from the non-usage, it bubbled up from inside of me, a soft whisper,

"I... I love you too."

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