Shouldn't be a Good in Goodbye (Alex)

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Song for this is-

Shouldn't Be a Good in Goodbye by Jason walker. (yes I know its the same as the chapter title lol)


Blue eyes.

A watery smile.

Bruised face.


I woke with a smile on my face. I would save her. I just had to get her away from her dad.

I got up out of my bed, swinging my legs to the floor. The sun was shining, flowers blooming. My wolf yawned, wagging his tail in excitement of seeing our mate. I smiled again and hoped into the shower. After washing up, I felt a little ach in my back. I twisted it around and cracked it. But the ach still remained. I shrugged it off as sore muscles. Throwing on some clean jeans and a black t-shirt, I messed up my hair, not caring. Pulling on my converse, I ran down the stairs, grabbing the cereal out of my sisters hands and eating before she could. I felt a slap on the back of my head, before she went to go get herself more. I chuckled at my triumph.

To today was going to be good. Or so I thought. Running out the door, I wanted to go and see Alice. I know she walks to school too, so I wanted to meet up with her. But my sister took forever. Impatient I went ahead, like she did yesterday. Speed walking I came across Alice's house pretty quickly. Silence engulfed the house. I heard a faint heart beat which struck fear into my heart. Steps renewed sound. Jessie came up behind me. " I don't think she's in there Alex. I can't hear her." Begrudgingly I nodded my head, slowly walking away from her house.

She wasn't here.

I knew it right when I arrived. I couldn't feel her. I couldn't smell that addicting scent of rain and Nightshade. I couldn't see her. A shiver of fear crawled up my spine, evil dragging its claws over my heart. Reluctantly I made myself believe I was wrong, setting my self up for disappointment when I would have to take in that she isn't here. Worry filled me as I wondered why she didn't come. Something told me I wouldn't like the answer.

Trudging to my classes, my mind wandered. A blonde beauty walking and talking with me. A smile crept onto my face. Her voice, angelic and soft. I closed my eyes, sighing to what I hoped would soon come.

Glass shattered all around me, dull blue eyes stared right at me blood spilling over the glass. Her mouth opened in agony, a silent scream ripping through me. She cried out, "Alex!"

"Alex!" Jessie shoved my shoulder. I woke with a start. What? Alice. Something was wrong and I could feel it. Something wasn't right. Jessie looked upon me with worry. I could feel her slipping away. Something dark and corrosive latched onto my heart, sucking the happiness from my life. I wanted to scream to fight. But I had nothing to fight against. I shook my head, and walked to the last class. When thinking of the one you loved time flies.

Anxiety filled me as I bounced my leg up and down, willing the bell to ring, signaling the school day over. Signaling me free to find her. Alice. The clock on the wall took its own damn time, ticking slowly, tormenting me. On purpose. The screech of the bell sounded sending the pen I was clicking out of my hand and across the room. I groaned and ran after it, snatching it from the ground and running. I grabbed my sister from her friends and ran her stumbling behind me. "Hey! I was-"

"Something is wrong. Very wrong." I said.

She pulled me to a stop. Telling me to take deep breathes and calm down. When I calmed down enough she asked what was wrong. "Alice. Something happened."

Her eyes widened. "Okay well, maybe nothing happened, and her dad left her alone, or didn't come home. Let's just think this through. Okay?"

I nodded, taking in slow, deep soothing breaths. We walked in silence, my mind going blank to all except for my broken beauty. My beautiful mate.  The life we could have together. Children, happiness, talking. I wanted this, not just for me, but for her as well. She was so damaged, so hurt, maybe I could help her heal. Help her forget.

"Her not being at school... has me thinking the worst." I snapped out of my daydreaming, at Jessie's words. My head switching to the house in front of us. Alice's house. Straightening up, I walked over to the door, knocking. I went unanswered. I knocked again, waiting a few more seconds. I was about to knock again when Jessie said something that caught my attention. An "Oh no...". I looked towards her. Her face and body positioned towards a window. I looked at the window, only to catch a glimpse of blonde hair swoosh by. Jessie ran up to me, pushed me out of the way, and started to franticly knock on the door like a maniac. "Alice!" She screamed.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" she was breathing heavily, tears brimming her eyes. fear coated me, as a car pulled up into the drive way. Recognizing the car as Alice's fathers, I shoved Jessie behind me. She didn't protest. He came out the car, slamming the door shut, eyes filled with rage. "What are you doing here? Get away! You have no business here!"

I stood up straighter. A foot taller than her father. "Obviously I do. Alice is my friend. And with you as her father, this concerns me in the most greatest manner." I spoke calmly. Surprising both me and my sister. Authority seeped through me, making him lower his eyes. he may not know what I am, but he will obey me. "Get away from my house now." He spoke in a small voice, cowering from me. Satisfaction filled me, but I was pulled forward. Jessie dragged me away as her father stepped inside the house. I could hear her heart beat, feel her confusion. Our bond was getting stronger. I could feel her, sense her.

I stopped Jessie. I walked on a new confidence swelling through me. we were growing together everyday. And now I needed to Get her home. My home. A safe place. Away from her dad.

Pain radiated through me as I opened the door to the pack house. I gasped, drawing the attention of my mother and father, who sat on the couch in the living room with another couple in our pack. My mother came rushing to my. "What happened? What's wrong?" I didn't know. AlI knew was that I wanted to scream, but couldn't. My voice would not come out. Pain seized me and robbed me of all emotions. I felt like I was being torn apart, my flesh on fire. A pang in my chest snapped at me. My wolf howling in agony. "She's dying!" He howled out, pushing forward. I gave in to him, and transformed.

I couldn't feel the earth, as I pounded through the forest, my paws tearing through the grass. Crashing through anything that was in my way, I came upon a quaint little house, where it was there that I threw my body against the door knocking it off one of its hinges. It was there where I found my mate, my beautiful mate bruised and batter, dying on the floor. NOOOOOOO!

My wolf ran over to her, nuzzling her neck. Her head lolled to the side. The very, very faint rise and fall of her chest gave me a dim hope. It was small, but it was there. Her heart was slowing drastically. Her body temperature dropped. her eyes grey with death. My hand reached out to touch her face. Without realizing it, I shifted. Tears spilled onto her cheeks. Was she crying? No it was me. I was crying. I was losing my mate. I was losing the only person I'd ever truly love. She was my one and only, and I couldn't lose her. 

Her mouth moved, as if whispering her last dying wish. Alex, she mouthed.

And then she was gone. I felt cold, empty. She couldn't be gone.... she couldn't. Her head in my lap had my tears rolling off her cheeks, looking as if they were her own. Rain bashed and smashed against the windows. Muffled voices floated around me, I could hear them yet they didn't quite reach me. Someone picked me up, I kicked and struggled to get back to my mate. I didn't want to leave her, Staring up at the sky, rain splashing upon my face, I begged for death. Begged to be with her, joined once again.

The pain and grief that surrounded me was enough to drown out any other emotions. I watched helplessly as my mate was carried out of that house by a pack  member, and taken tot the pack house. To see the pack doctor. She couldn't be helped. I knew that. And I begged to be with her. My separation and lose tearing me apart and my soul aching to be with her. I begged for release... and I guess in someway, I got it.

For when you go to sleep, you forget about things, for a little while.

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