Chapter 1

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Today started out like any other. I was sitting on my bed trying to figure out a math problem when my mom barges in and started putting my stuff in trash bags.
"What are you doing?" I asked
"You're no longer welcome here. How long did you think you could pull this off before we found out what you are? Your lucky I'm not turning you in to the demon hunters" she said
"I am not your mother. You were adopted I never would have taken you in if I knew what you are"
"What am I?"
"Dont play coy with me succubus"
"Succubus? What's that?"
"Out. Now." She said after she had all my belongings into trash bags.
I took 2 and she grabbed the other one and I put them in my car and left. I kept driving until I ran out of gas. I didnt know where I was. It was a remote little town. I got out of my car and walked to find help. Everyone kept staring at me or running from me. I found a small car repair place and went in. No one was at the front desk so I rang the bell on the counter.
"It would do you well to hide your tail, little succubus" a man said behind me
I turned to look at him. He was way over 6 foot tall. His dark blonde hair hung loose around his shoulders his dark blue eyes studied me. His shirt hung open to reveal a tribal tattoo on his right side. He was breath taking. He was also obviously a lot older than me.
"W-what?" I stuttered
"Oh you don't know what you are. Your a succubus. It's illegal for you to be living with the humans. But then again, im not supposed to either. Im an incubus. Names Adrian"
"Amara. Uh, my car ran out of gas a little ways out of town"
"I got ya beautiful" he said in his deep voice making me blush
How one guy can make me feel this way is beyond me. Especially one that's old enough to be my dad. Well not that old but you get what I mean. He grabbed a gas can and we went to the gas station.
"What brings you here, little succubus?" Adrian asked
"My mom kicked me out and I had no where to go so I drove until I ran out of gas" I told him
"She kicked you out?"
"Because your a succubus?"
"Apparently so. She said I was adopted"
"A succubus is rare. It's the 7th daughter born of a 7th daughter. Did your mom have any older sisters?"
"Not that I know of but I dont have any sisters"
"That you know of"
"Good point"
"Take me to your car" he said putting a cap on the container
We walked to the outskirts of town in silence. He filled my car up enough to get it to the gas station.
"Can I get a ride back?" He asked
"Of course. Hop in" I said moving stuff from the passenger seat
"You know, if you need a place to stay I have an extra bedroom"
"Thanks. It will be helpful"
"I love to help beautiful girls in need" he said winking
I got butterfly's and looked away before he saw me blush. I started the car and drove to town. When I pulled up to the gas pump he jumped out to pump the gas.
"How much do I owe you?" I asked when he got back in
"It's on me hun"
"Thank you" I said smiling "back to work?"
"Im on break. Let's get you set up at my place" he said motioning for me to sit in the passenger seat.
I moved over and let him drive.
"So, what is a succubus exactly? And why are they so bad?" I asked him
"Succubi kill humans with sex" he said
"What?!" I shrieked and he laughed
"Incubi do the same"
"But im a virgin" I said and this earned more laughter
"Your so young, little succubus. Soon you will have to live off sex"
"Oh no no no no. No"
"It's how it works. It's how we have to survive. I've lived on this earth many decades and never seen a succubus or incubus survive without sex"
"How old are you anyways?" I asked
"Physical age is 46. Actual age is 192"
"So I would die if I didnt, uh, do that?"
"Well hell" I said and he laughed more
It was a wonderful sound that filled the car and made my heart flutter. Why am I feeling like this? I just met him. I had bigger things to worry about than some school girl crush. I knew I couldn't stay in this town forever. I need to make a life for myself. I'll need to finish college. The car stopped pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Were here" he said
It was a huge white house on a big square of land. Off to the side was an apple orchard. The yard had the greenest grass I've ever seen. The front was decorated with flowers of all kinds. The walk way to the front porch had neatly placed stones. The porch itself wrapped around the house. The front door was at least 8 foot tall. It was like a mansion.
"Your wife won't mind you taking in a homeless girl?" I asked
"I'm not married, and no I don't have a girlfriend either" he said looking at me like he was amused
Could he see my small crush? Was it that obvious? I didnt think so.
"Come on. Let's get you set up before I have to get back to the garage" he said getting out.
He grabbed the bags of my stuff and took them in. I followed him. He showed me the room I'll be staying in. It was huge. The walls were powder blue with elaborate floral designs all around it. The bed was a King size with a bed spread to match the room. There was a huge flat screen tv mounted on the wall across from the bed. The room had its own bathroom. The closet was huge. About half the size of the room. It reminded me of a hotel room.
"Whoa" I said looking around
"You dont like it? I have others" Adrian said
"I love it. It's better than my room at home." I said "Well now it's not my home" I added softly tearing up a bit
He hugged me. His scent wrapped around me like a blanket. He was warm and intoxicating.
"It's okay. You dont need them" he whispered to me
"Thank you for all this" I said
"It's no problem. I have to get back to the garage. Make yourself at home. If you need food, ring this buzzer and the cook will bring you anything you want" he said pointing to the intercom next to the door
He nodded then left. I was left alone in the giant room. I dumped the bags out on the floor and sorted my stuff out. I put it all where it needed to be. The huge room reminded me how few things I owned. I hit the button on the intercom and asked for pizza and tea. Adrian must have told them I was here because they addressed me by my name. They had it up within 5 minutes. I ate and watched a little bit of tv then drifted off to sleep.

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