Chapter 2

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I woke up about 2 hours later and decided to explore the house. I walked down the hall I first came down to get to the room. It was on ground level. I got to the front door where I saw stairs that went up. I climbed them slowly because I was in a strangers house. Who knew what I would stumble on. The stairs gradually spiraled up and were made out of some kind of black marble. The walls were lined with abstract paintings of flowers. This man sure does love his flowers. I couldn't help but thinking that he was an incubus and he needed sex to survive. How many women has roamed these halls? Maybe that's why there's all the flowers so women aren't to frightened by him. The top of the stairs opened to a big room with a door on each wall. There were plush off black couches in a semi circle. The white carpet looked too soft to wear shoes on so I took them off and walked bare foot. It was like walking on a cloud. In front of the couches was another large flat screen tv sitting on a shelf that had over 100 DVDs. I noticed the light switch was a dimmer switch. This was like a cinema room. I checked the doors. All were locked except one going to a bathroom bigger than the one in my room. This one didn't have anything floral. It was just black and white. It was gothic looking up here. I guess the floral designs where just to the top of the stairs. I went back down stairs and walked down a different hall. This one was almost creepy. It was painted blood red with weird paintings that could give a little kid nightmares. I kind of liked it. My room was in this hall. Again I tried the doors and all were locked except one to yet another bathroom. This one was red and black. How many bathrooms does this house have? Must have a lot of people who have to clean up when he's done with them. I found another set of stairs. This went both up and down. I took my chances and went down. It went to the basement. It was a big open space with support pillars about every 6 feet. There was all kinds of workout equipment down there and mirrors lined 2 of the walls. I happened to get a glimpse of myself and gasped when I saw a little black tail with a fiery tip. I got closer to the mirror and saw little horns growing on the sides of my head right above my ears which were starting to shape to a point. I forced myself to turn away and continue exploring. I went up the stairs. It was a long way up. The stair ended in a open room with 1 door. I tried it but it was locked.
"Little succubus, what are you doing up here?" Adrian said from behind me scaring me
"I- I'm sorry. I was just exploring" I said a stumbled a bit
"This floor is off limits. As are any doors that are locked" he said grabbing my hand and leading me down stairs
He led me down the first hall I went down that lead to stairs and a back door that I didn't notice at first.
"Where are we going?" I asked
"You already explored the house, I'm giving you a tour of the grounds" he said leading me outside
It was bigger than the front. The back of the deck was complete with a grill and picnic table. About ten feet away was a party deck with disco ball and lights hung around on it. To my left I saw a white pavilion with flowery vines running up the poles. To my right was a huge pond with a few benches sitting on black gravel. It was covered in lily pads and their pretty flowers. On the other side I saw a small row boat.
"You sure do love flowers" I said
"It's a hobby I picked up from my mother. It's quite relaxing and smells amazing" he said
"Makes beautiful scenery too"
"That it does"
"You know, I can't stay forever. Ill have to move on with my life after I pick up the pieces" I said looking at him
He looked me up and down and the way he did it have me goosebumps.
"Not until you master hiding you succubi parts. Soon you will have to have sex to live. How old are you?"
"Hmm, your early. A succubus usually doesn't show her true form until shes 25 or so"
"How do I hide it?"
"It takes will power and concentration. You will eventually be able to do it with ease like I can"
"Does your staff know what you are?"
"Yes. They are paid enough to keep quiet. I informed them on who you are and paid them a little extra to keep quiet about you"
"Can I see?"
"See what?"
"Your, uh, true form"
"Not out here. Let's go to the basement"
"Okay" I said
He took my hand and led the way to the basement. He went inside the small bathroom in the corner. When he came out I hardly recognized him. He was even taller than before. He had huge horns that spiraled out. His tail whipped around his legs and had a blue flame. His feet were hooves. I couldn't help but notice he was naked. I quickly looked away and he laughed. Somehow it was more seductive than it was before. I felt a swirling in my abdomen and looked back at him. I looked at every inch of him including his manhood which was hard.
"So, uh, I'm going to look like that?" I asked
"Not exactly. You will have smaller horns and wings and your tail has a red flame"
"Yes. You have wings. I can see them forming. I used to have some. Demon hunters got ahold of me and took them. I escaped before they took my life"
"Im so sorry"
"It's not your fault. Demon hunters are ruthless. I hope you never have to encounter them"
"Why is it illegal for succubi and incubi to live amongst humans?"
"Because we are hazardous to them. But they let vampires and werewolves live with them"
"Those exist too?" I asked and he laughed making me feel that swirling feeling again
"There is so much you dont know, good thing you found me so I can teach you"
"Yea" I said quietly
I walked over to the mirror to look at myself. My normally blonde hair lighted to nearly white. My blue eyes were turning red. My skin growing gray with little swirling designs on it. I couldn't help but notice I was getting slightly taller too.
"Your the most beautiful succubus I've ever met. Your different from the others. You're pure during transformation" he said walking to me
He stood behind me studying me. I gasped when I felt something hard brush against my lower back. He laughed again.
"You are the complete opposite of me. You are light and pure. Im dark and tainted" he whispered
His lips brushed my ear as he spoke sending a shiver through me. I turned to look at him. Our eyes met and held for a while. It felt like hours. Then he bent down as if he was going to kiss me.
"Damnit" He said and hit the mirror shattering it and turned away quickly.
"I have to go" he said in a husky voice then he took off up the stairs taking them 2 at a time. I suddenly felt cold inside with him gone. I wrapped my arms around myself and slowly climbed the stairs and returned to my room. I ran myself a hot bath and was happy to see assorted soaps around the huge jacuzzi tub. I climbed in and sunk down so only my face was sticking out. I say there for a while before I decided to get out. I didn't bother with getting dressed after I dried off. I plopped down on the bed naked and drifted off to sleep.

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