Chapter 19

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We got to my aunt/moms house, which technically is my home now. It was a big blue house with a small yard surrounded by thick woods. A rusty swing set I played on with Vic when we were little sat in the side yard. It's been years sense I've been here, my dad and aunt aren't all that close anymore after a big family feud.
I walked inside and saw a big group of girls in the kitchen along with a man with blonde hair like mine.
"Amara, these are your sisters and your father" my mom told me
I waved at them.
"Omg Amara. I haven't seen you in so long. You were only a baby when we last saw you" a blonde girl said walking up to me
"That's Dez, she dyed her hair blonde to look different than Chelsea" Vic whispered in my ear
All the girls were pairs if near identical twins. The older looking ones had different eye color.
"Kora has the brown eyes, she's a witch like me. That's her twin, Kira" Vic said
"Okay" I said smiling at then
"The only truly identical twins are Lexa and Alayna. They even share the same brain wave" Vic said
"This is true" Lexa and Alayna said at the same time
"Amara" my dad said coming over to me and wrapping me in a hug
I looked into his brown eyes that looked like Vic and Kora's.
"Dad" I said hugging him back
"She's a succubus like you?" My dad asked my mom
Still weird calling them mom and dad after 20 years of calling them aunt and uncle
"Yes, but she's more than that, I'm not exactly sure what she is" my mom said
"Goddess, angel, whatever I am, I'm good"
"Oh show them that lightning thingy you had when I came in" Vic said
I held my hand up for the lightning sword to appear, only, it didn't.
"I can't. It's not working" I said trying over and over again
"Maybe you drained your power. It happens to us witches sometimes if we use too much" Kora said
"Maybe" I said
I was staring at my hands when I heard the crackling if thunder outside that made me jump a little. I looked outside to see rolling, dark grey clouds.
"That's funny, it wasn't supposed to storm today. It was just sunny and bright" Kira said standing next to me
"I did that" I said quietly
"Make it stop" Lexa and Alayna said together sounding worried
"Tornado" my mom shouted
I looked back outside and sure enough there was a funnel forming.
I tried to make it go away but it only got worse.
"Kora. Come help" Vic said opening the front door
They went outside and I followed. They put their hands in the air and started chanting. My dad came out and joined them. It was a repetitive chant that I picked up easily. I held my hands like they did and started chanting with them. As soon as I joined the storm quickly dispersed.
"Holy hell" I said
Kora, Vic and my dad turned toward me.
"What was that" they asked together
"I don't know. I think my powers are growing" I told them
We went back inside and my mom and the other girls were staring at me
"You absorbed the storm" Lexa and Alayna said together, again
Now I see why Vic said they share the same brain wave. They say everything together. It's like 1 person split into 2.
"I created it" I told them
"No, you didn't. She did" Kira said pointing outside
A woman in dark robes with long grey hair stood beside a tree in the front yard. She looked really angry.
"Who is she?" I asked
"Valerie Adams. The leader of her coven. Our rival" Kora said
"My mother" my dad said
"Why is she here?" I asked
"She's upset I started my own coven and she tried to destroy ours" he said
I watched the woman tilt her head as she was studying me. She started walking closer to the house, as she got closer I noticed her eyes were glowing green.
A vine shot through the window and grabbed me. I aimed my hand at the vine and shot a fireball at it.
"Fire. That's new" I said as I dropped to the ground
I didn't hit it though. I floated right above it. I was flying again.
I summoned my lightning sword but it was fire. I pointed it at the woman (my grandma) and she smiled
"What do you want?" I asked her
"You, dear. Your power" she said
"You can't have it" I snarled and shot a fireball at her
"Amara, no" Vic shouted at me
"She steals powers when they are used against her" Kora said
I let the power I was holding onto go and I landed lightly on the ground.
I noticed Dez and Chelsea were behind me. They haven't really said anything sense Dez geeked out over me being here. I sensed something off about them.
"What are you?" I asked them
They looked at each other and smiles showing fangs
"Vampires" Vic told me
"Really? And let me guess. Lexa and Alayna are werewolves?" I asked
"No. They are pretty much the only normal ones here" Vic said
I felt something wrap around my waist then pull me back.
"Mother" my dad said walking to us
"Andrew. So nice of you to join us" my grandma said
"Let her go"
I saw a knife laying on the ground, why it's there I don't know.
I used it to cut the vibe that was wrapped around my waist. I threw the knife at my grandma and it went in her hand and pinned her to the tree she was standing next to. She screamed loudly.
"Don't let her open the portal to the demon dimension. It will be the end of us all" she yelled at is then vanished in a puff of smoke
"You're opening the portal?" Vic asked
"I want to so succubi and incubi can go home" I told her
"That's bad. Very very bad" Kora said
"I know a few of my kind that want to go home. Why deny them that?" I said
"You have a point but we can't allow this" Lexa said, alone
"You could unleash hell on earth" Alayna said
"I'll help you contain it" Vic said
"Then we will do so tomorrow, dad, Kora. If you help we can make sure demons don't escape"
"Fine" "Okay" "Yeah" they said

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