Chapter 4

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I woke up in a pitch black room. I had no clue where I was. The back of my head hurt. Slowly I began to remember what happened. Someone kidnapped me. Suddenly I was blinded by a bright white light.
"Your awake demon" a woman said through a speaker
Her voice echoed loudly making my head hurt more. The sound was like a blade slicing through my skull. I felt hazy like I was drugged.
"Where am I?" I asked
"Classified" she said
"What is this place?"
"Classified" she said once more
"Why am I here?"
"Your a demon" she said
"Wow, you do say more than just classified" I said
The light somehow got brighter at that remark and I screamed then was plunged back into darkness. I was sitting on a cold concrete floor. When the light was on I saw what looked like a sink in the far corner. Were they going to keep me here? Who were they?
The answer hit me: they're demon hunters. Does this mean they're going to kill me? I should have never left the house. I knew people in town saw me. I should have used a different face. There was a lot of ands, ifs, could've and should've. I wish Adrian were here to save me.
I had no clue where I was or how long I've been here. How would he even know where I was? I heard a door open and felt a rush of warm air fill the room. I felt someone grab me but I didn't fight back. They took me to what looked like a hospital exam room and strapped me to the bed.
"What are you going to do to me?" I asked
"Run some test. Im sorry you have to go through this. I truly am but I'm not supposed to empathize your kind" a young blonde woman said before a bunch of people piled in the room
They drew blood. Took saliva samples and a lot of other stuff that was kind of painless. Everyone disappeared for I don't know how long, it felt like hours. I even dozed off for a bit. I woke up but didn't open my eyes when they came back into the room.
"You said she was a succubus, everything we have came back human" I heard a guy say
"I saw her tail. Shes one if them. I don't know how she could hide it so well" I heard the one blonde woman say
"Obviously she's not one of those demons. She doesn't have a tail or anything remotely close to being a succubus. You obviously made a mistake" the man said
"Maybe your men grabbed the wrong girl"
"Is this not the girl you seen?"
"It looks like her. The hair and skin is darker tho. The face is slightly different" she said
Good thing I slightly altered my nose while I wasn't the dark room, I thought to myself.
I heard a button click and the man said
"We have the wrong girl. Take this one back to her town. Erase her memories"
"Wake up. Time to go" the woman said shaking my shoulder
I opened my eyes to look at her and she gasped. I could see my reflection in her glasses so I saw what she saw. My eyes were glowing red. I closed them and focused on having blue eyes. I opened my eyes. The woman was still looking down at me gaping. I could see my eyes were blue.
"Shh" I said quietly to her
She looked like she was going to tell the man and quickly changed her mind. They took me to some room. It was all black and had what looked like a giant eye exam machine. They had me stand there and something flashed in my eyes. I fell and felt someone catch me before I hit the ground then faded into unconsciousness.
I woke sometime later on the outskirts of town. I made my way back to Adrian's house. It was colder outside than I remember from when I ventured out. I walked into the house which was full of people. I saw Adrian talking to a man. His back was to me but I could spot him anywhere. As if he felt me looking at him, he turned to look at me. His eyes locked on mine after he did a quick scan of me. My breath caught when he did. He walked over to me and hugged me.
"Where have you been? I've been worried and had everyone looking for you for weeks" he said looking at me
"Weeks?" I asked
"2 exactly"
"Demon hunters took me. They deemed me human and let me go a little ways out of town"
"You must be starved. You lost a bit of weight"
"Now that you mention it, I don't remember them giving me food. I think they drugged me"
"They do that to keep us out of commission so we can't fight back. Wait, you said they said you were human? How?"
"I don't know. You said I was different"
"You are different. Let's go get you something to eat" he said and lead me to the kitchen
He gave me some pizza and sweet tea to drink and a brownie to eat after. I could tell he was thinking hard about something the way he was studying me. I felt my heart start to race under his gaze and I pretended to not know he was studying me. I took little bites of the food. My stomach wasn't really having it.
"Maybe your powerful enough to switch species" he said suddenly
"Or maybe I'm just a succubus misfit" I said
"Misfit yes. But that's a good thing. You more powerful than others of your species"
"What other creatures are there in this world?"
"Just us. All succubi and incubi were banished from the other side"
"Other side?"
"Where all the demons are. We got banished because we were causing too much havoc in the demon world and said we would fit better in the chaotic human world. Believe it or not, but the other side has more order than the human world. We have been roaming this world for nearly a thousand years. For the last 200, humans have been hunting us"
"Wait. I thought we were the 7th born sister from a 7th born sister?"
"You are, when that happens the baby is born and 'dies' then goes to the other side. But sense we have been banished you don't go there anymore"
"Oh okay. That helps a little bit. I still want to know why I'm different"
"I can't answer that. I'm not all knowing but I made it my goal to learn our history. We would have to find an elder succubi for the answers you want"
"So what are we waiting for? Let's go" I said and he laughed
"We can't just rush out blindly and weak. I'll get information while you rest up and get your strength back"
"Okay. Fine"
"I left your room as it was. I was hoping you would turn up soon" he said making me smile
"Good thing I did, huh?"
"Yeah. I would miss you too much and have to look for you myself" he said leading me to my room
When we got there he surprised me by kissing my forehead. He winked and walked away. I went inside slightly dazed by his show of affection. I made my way to the bathroom and looked at myself. I was a mess. I was dirty and my hair was greasy. My clothes were all wrinkled up and smelly. I stripped and hopped in the shower and scrubbed myself until my skin was pink and scrubbed my hair until I was sure it wasn't gross anymore. I put shorts and a tank top on and looked in the mirror again. I was skinnier than last time I saw myself. My shorts hung loose at my hips and I didn't fill the top out like I used to. After I was done brushing my hair out I sat on the window seat and looked out at the apple orchard. I saw a slight movement behind a dead tree that looked like a person moving. I saw another a ways away watching me. I made out another person that was closer to me. It was the blonde who had me in captivity. I bolted out if my room to find Adrian. I ran right into him as I turned the corner.
"Whoa, hey there. Slow down" he said then looked at me "what's wrong?"
"Demon hunters watching me, us, the house" I said quickly
He walked over to an intercom and said "code red. We are under attack"
He grabbed my hand and took me down a set of stair behind one of the locked doors. There was a small narrow hall at the end of the stairs
"We stay here. I have people going out to deal with the hunters" he said
The small hall we were going down opened up to a bigger room that turned out to be a bunker. On one side was beds and on the other was a locked cage full of weapons. We went inside that cage and Adrian moved a shelf that revealed a small tunnel.
"If we need to, we escape through here. It will take you under the town. It let's out 3 miles away. Hopefully they won't be there waiting. They shouldn't know about this tunnel" he said
He took me over to the beds and sat on one with me. After awhile of sitting in silence Adrian's cell rang. He moved to the other side of the room to talk to whoever called him. I heard him curse. He hung up and went back to me.
"What is it?" I asked
"The hunters took out my guys. They had back up. They are raiding the house. We need to get moving" he said

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