Chapter 20

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Vic and I searched through all the books they had in their library, yes the house was big enough that it had a library.
After however many hours, we found nothing.
"Maybe what we need isn't in any book." I said
"Maybe. I think we need to find someone who knows more about this than we do" Vic said
"I know someone who might know but I'm not talking to him right now" I said
"What did he do?"
"Prick tease. He said he doesn't want to soil my virtue incase it's linked to my powers. I know he has a point but still"
"You're a succubus. You have needs"
"Yes. Exactly"
"I hate prick teases"
"So do I. It's weird though. I've never wanted a guy like this before"
"He's your soulmate. You will crave him in anyway you can get him"
"How do you know all this?"
"I know a lot from experience and watching others"
"I see"
"Okay so who else can we get the spell from?"
"Adrian said something about succubi and incubi elders. If anyone knows it would be them"
"And how do you suppose we find these elders?"
"You're a witch. Do a locator spell of some sort"
"It's easier if I have something that belongs to the elders"
"Wait, I have this" I said and pulled a small wooden rose necklace that I swiped from Adrian's moms house
"Where did you get this?" Vic asked
"I may have taken it from Adrian's mom"
"I've only seen pictures of it. If I'm right it in this book" she said pulling a book off the shelf
She opened it and flipped through the pages until she found the one she was looking for. She put it on the table to show me. It was a picture of the rose necklace I took.
"The wooden rose belongs to the leader of the succubus elders. It is also the key to getting home after the epic battle between a special succubus and the most evil succubus" Vic read aloud
"That battle has already happened. I won. And I have the key, how does it work?" I asked looking at the book
"Put the stem of the rose in any door lock and turn. It will open a portal to the demon dimension"
"This is it. There's no spell. Just a key. I can get my species home" I said
"What about the warning from our grandmother?"
"I doubt anything bad will happen" I said leaving out the part about my future self warning me not to open it
"I'll take your word for it"
"If anything does we have 3 witches and myself to take care of any issues we may have"
"That is true. We can put up a door where we can go in but nothing can come out"
"That is perfect. Get the others and we will do this tonight. Rest up incase we have to use more magic than planned. We have to be ready for anything"
"I'll go tell the others"
"I'll find a place with a door that would be perfect" I said as we walked our separate ways
I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I dried off and dug another pair of yoga pants out along with a purple V-neck shirt. I brushed my hair out and went downstairs to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat.
"Your actually doing it?" My mom said walking in
"Obviously I won't be able to stop you but I'm going to be there to help out anyway I can" she told me then walked out
I bit into an apple and thought of places I could open the portal. I was thinking about going out into an open field and setting up a door frame and door. That could work. But where am I going to get a door frame?
"Dad" I yelled out
"Yeah?" He said looking into the kitchen
"Do you think you can get a door and a frame from the store?" I asked
"Make sure if has a locking door handle"
"Okay hun" he said and left
I finished my apple and tossed the core into the trash.
I turned around to Dez and Chelsea smiling at me showing their fangs.
"Hey" I said to them
"How can your kind not get to the demon dimension? Our sire travels back and forth from there" Chelsea said
"My kind is cursed to never return there, but I broke it" I said
"Our sire said it's not a very good place to be. Apparently it's in complete chaos" Dez said
"I'm willing to risk it. My kind wants to be back home. No demon hunters to experiment on us and disembowl us while we are awake" I said shuttering at a small memory of someone screaming
"We don't think you should do it" Chelsea said
"I have to. It's been prophesied" I said
"It doesn't matter. How many warnings have you had not to open it?" Dez asked
"It's a terrible idea no matter how prepared you think you are" Chelsea said
"Nothing is going to change my mind" I told them
"Then that makes you stupid" Dez said
"I don't need this. I am the chosen one with special abilities that no other succubus has. I am opening this portal. I have the key and only I will be able to use it" I told them walking away
"She has our mothers stubbornness" I heard one of them say as I walked away
I sat in the living room watching vampire diaries reruns while I waited for my dad to get back.
I half paid attention to the drama between Elena, Stefan and Damon.
I remembered seeing an empty field a little ways from here. That's where I could set up.
"I got the door, where to?" My dad asked
"You know that field that looked like it went on for miles?" I asked
"The one about 5 miles down the road?"
"That's where we're setting up?"
"Yup" I said "Kora, Vic, mom lets go. We're doing this" I shouted
Everyone was in the shiny red Chevy my dad had. We drove a little ways into the field where we couldn't be seen from the road and set everything up
I pulled the rose out of my pocket and put it in the lock. I looked around to everyone to make sure they were ready.
I slowly turned the lock and opened the door. A rush of air flew past me and I heard Kora and Vic chanting to put up a 1 way wall.
"We did it, we can go home" my mom said and walked through before anyone could stop her
She stepped through and looked around. She looked at us and smiled.
Out of no where a wolf looking creature jumped on her and started clawing and biting at her. A couple more joined and tore her to shreds.
All that was left was bones and blood.
Kora Vic and my dad all screamed while it happened. I just stood there with my jaw on the ground.

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