Chapter 8

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"That can't be. They would never let a succubus work with them" Adrian said
"What if she's not though? You said a succubus is born of a 7th daughter of a 7th daughter"
"Shes my blood daughter. I made her. Shes a succubus. That's the other way they are born"
"What if the 7th daughter thing still applies with her? She could be human"
"You have a good point but her mother was a succubus"
"Like you said, 7th daughter of a 7th daughter"
"She was the 7th daughter, she was a succubi at birth"
"Maybe shes good at hiding it. She didn't have the succubi flame in her eyes but she saw mine"
"Maybe. We need to find and talk to her"
"What if shes special like me?"
"She could be. I need to find out what that prophecy was exactly. It told of a hero that changes the way things are for our kind"
I would have said something back if I didn't take notice to the sudden stillness around us. The birds and bugs stopped making sound. The slight breeze that was blowing my hair around stilled. I looked around taking everything in. Adrian noticed what I had and went ridged.
"We have to go. Now" Adrian said
He put the cash, cards and phones in his pocket, hoisted me up into his back and he ran down a trail. I looked back and saw a dark form move behind a tree. I saw another one dart out into the middle of the path then quickly disappear but not before I got a good look. It looked like a dark black disfigured wolf.
"What the hell are they?" I asked
"Hell hounds" Adrian said
I felt a sharp, sudden pain in my leg. I looked and saw jagged claw marks. It took all I had not to cry out in pain. We had to escape them before we could worry about my leg. The trail let out to a small town. I looked back to see the hound stopping at the edge of the woods. I caught the eye of one and I felt a shiver run down my spine. It was like it could see into my soul and I couldn't look away. It howled and four other hounds came into view and it looked like they were bowing to me.
"What the hell" I muttered
Adrian turned to look and saw what I saw. The hounds ran off just as quickly as they chased us.
"They showed a sign of respect towards you" Adrian said
"It was like they could see into my soul" I said
"They can if you look them in the eye. It must have seen something that shows you as a leader or to them an alpha"
"I really am different"
"And it may have just saved us"
"How so?"
"They will protect you"
"Yeah, after they clawed my leg"
"They got you?" He asked letting me down
"Yeah" I said sitting on a little stump
He looked at my leg. I was scared to look but I felt the burning pain and wetness of blood running down my leg. I was slightly dizzy. Adrian took off his shirt, ripped it and tied it around my leg where the hell hound got me he picked me up and took me to a clinic in the town. Being this close to him was intoxicating. The feel of his smooth chest against my arm sent electric shock through me.
"What happened?" The doctor asked taking Adrian's ripped shirt off my leg.
I saw 3 jagged gashes for the hounds claws. They cut deep in the fatty part if my thigh.
"She was attacked by a cougar in the woods" Adrian said handing me over to the doctor
The doctor took me to a room and laid me in a bed. He called for the nurse to bring some gauze and cleaning solution and he cleaned my wound.
"Your going to need stitches" he told me
I nodded still feeling dizzy.
"Im going to find her something to eat" Adrian said then left
"I thought your kind has super healing abilities" the doctor said as he stitched my leg up
"What?" I asked
"A succubus. Don't fret I'm an incubus. There something different about you though. Your not normal" the doctor said
"Story of my life" I muttered
"I found pizza" Adrian said coming into the room
"Yum" I said taking it from him
"All finished" the doctor said snipping one of the threads
He put a gauze over it and taped it on. The nurse walked in with my discharge papers. I limped over to the little desk so I could sign them.
"So I can go now?" I asked
"You can. Come back within a week to have the stitches removed" the nurse said
"I won't be here in that time" I said
"We were just passing through when she was attacked" Adrian said
"Oh okay. Just find a clinic to get them taken out"
"I can do it. Im medically trained" Adrian said
I grabbed his hand and tugged him to the door. He followed. He picked me up and carried me out of the ER.
"I can walk" I said
"I know" he said but didn't put me down
I didn't mind him holding me. It gave me an excuse to lay my head on him and wrap my arms around him.
"What now?" I asked
"We find somewhere to stay. We can't travel this late at night" Adrian said
"A hotel?"
"No. They hunters would expect that"
"So where are we going to stay?"
"I know some people on the outskirts if town. We can stay with them tonight. Get a car tomorrow and get moving"
"How far away is this house?"
"Not much farther. Just the end of this road"
"That big blue one?"
"Looks like yours" I said looking at it
It really did look like his on the outside. The yard was decorated with vines and roses. It looked beautiful in the light of the setting sun.
"It's family I haven't seen in years" he said walking up the driveway
He sat me down once we got to the door. He knocked. After a minute or two an elderly lady with graying hair opened the door. She saw me first and gave me a wary look. Then she saw Adrian and gasped. She put her hands on his face and looked like she was going to cry.
"It's really you, your alive" she said
"Mother, this is Amara. We are hiding from the hunters. We can't stay long" Adrian said
"Of course, of course. Come on in" she said stepping aside
Adrian went inside and I limped behind him.
"What happened to you?" Adrian's mother asked me
"Hell hounds" I said following Adrian
The woman grabbed my arm and pulled me aside. She was stronger than she looked.
"He has affection for you little succubus. Don't do to him what the last succubus did" she whispered to me
"Huh?" I asked slightly confused
"I thought he was dead because of the last one he fell for"
"He feels nothing like that for me. I've only known him a month"
"Your different than most. I can see it in your eyes and there's a vibe about you. Your pure" now she was the one surprised and confused
"Everyone says I'm different. Adrian said I'm going to save our kind"
"Don't hurt him" she said at last and let me go
I limped over to Adrian and he put an arm around me to help me walk.
"What was that about?" He asked
"Uh, she was warning me not to hurt you"
"You could never hurt me" he said
"That's what I said"
"You would kill me" he said as I was talking
"Let's go lay down. You can sleep in my old room" he said opening a door
The room was plain with just a big bed and a dresser. The bed had a simple plain white blanket on it and a few fluffy pillows. Adrian helped me in to bed and to my surprise he curled up next to me. I drifted to sleep quickly.

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