Chapter 24

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I drove to the towns library, Adrian hit the books and I surfed the web.
"I found something" I told Adrian
"What is it?" He asked
"To fight this guy it needs to be in spirit, I need to be in a trance. That's what he meant that I have to go somewhere you can't."
"You spoke to him?"
"Yeah. He just appeared in my dream"
"What else happened in the dream? The surroundings?"
"The field where we ran into those hellhounds. He also said I'm immortal but I can still be harmed"
"That's it?"
"Oh and apparently Blade is evil"
"He's what? But you brought him back"
"I know. And if he's so evil why would he be with us in the future as our friend?"
"True. I hope he's on our side and not the enemy"
"He doesn't seem evil, he saved me"
"Although you wouldn't have-"
"Shh" I said putting my hand over his mouth
I heard a faint ticking sound and that evil laugh. The ticking got louder and I realized what it was.
"Everybody out now. There's a bomb about to go off" I yelled
Everyone that was inside ran out but not in time. As they ran towards the exit the walls all around us exploded and crumbled. I made a protective bubble around Adrian and I along with a few that were close enough to be in the bubble. I stood there holding it until everything started to settle around us. The people looked at me as if they were scared.
"I am not the enemy here. There is no need to be afraid. I am here to protect you" I told them
I let the bubble disperse and the people ran out in panic.
"Don't let them deter you from your destiny, they are only scared mortals" a voice whispered in my ear
I turned and saw no one there. I heard the laugh again.
"We need to get to that field" I told Adrian
"Let's go" he said pulling me to the car
He got behind the wheel and I gave him a look that I hoped said what are you doing
"I'm driving. I know how to find the field. I will find a way to follow you to the spirit realm" he said
As he drove down a bunch of different roads he made a few calls and spoke in a different language. I wasn't sure what he was saying but he didn't sound to happy about the conversation. The last call he made was in English.
"Bella, is there anyway that I could go to the spirit realm without dying?" He asked then paused to listen
"Thank you, I will see you soon. Meet me at safe zone 4" he said then hung up
"Safe zone 4?" I asked
"The clearing in the woods"
"Bella is going to help?"
"Yes, she knows her stuff better than any other witch I know"
"She's a witch, and she can get you to the spirit world without you having to die"
"Okay. I'm nervous"
"Anyone would be. I know I am. The fate of the world rest on our shoulders"
"Mostly mine"
"No. We carry this weight evenly. I am here with you every step of the way" he said
We pulled over on the side of the road and got out. Adrian led me to a trail in the woods that we followed until we got to the clearing. I heard footsteps beside us and saw the hell hounds. They bowed to me and I nodded my head in acknowledgement. As if they knew what we were doing, they made a protective circle.
"When will Bella be here?" I asked
"Now" a woman said
She came off another trail that lead here. Her black hair was in curls down to her waist and her blue eyes glistened with knowledge. She red lips were turned up in a sarcastic smile.
"Amara, the immortal succubus goddess, pleasure to be in your presence" she said
"Bella, the greatest witch that Adrian knows" I said
"And the most beautiful, or so he's said" she said
"Did you being what we need?" Adrian asked her
"You think I would forget?" She asked
"No. That would be outbid character for you" he said
"Okay. The faster we get to the spirit world the quicker we can defeat this demon" I said
"Have you not taught her patience? Great battles are won by being patient" Bella said
"Amara's a stubborn one, it's one of the things I love about her" Adrian said then kissed me
"Okay first things first, Adrian get a fire going, Amara you will help me with the herbs" Bella said
Adrian went off to gather wood for a fire and I helped Bella make the mixture that will put Adrian in a temporary comatose state so he can get to the spirit world.
Once the fire was going, Bella put the potion in a pot and sat it over the fire while muttering something in a language I couldn't recognize. She would pause in her chant to toss something into the potion and stir.
"Amara. Get started crossing over, Adrian will meet you there" Bella said
I laid down on the blanket that we laid down earlier. I closed my eyes and focused on crossing over. I opened them and looked around. I saw myself, it looked like I was only sleeping.
"Adrian, you need the extra strength" Bella said
"I can't do that to Amara" he said
"She will never know. She's off in the spirit world, she can't see us"
"I said no. Now let's do the spell so I can help her before she's in danger" he said
That bitch was trying to seduce Adrian. This made me angry but I was glad Adrian rejected her.
"Fine. Drink this and lay down" Bella said handing him a cup
He did as she said and she started chanting in the language she was speaking earlier. I knew it worked when I saw Adrian sit up without his body. He stood and saw me.
"You saw that?" He asked
"Yes. I did but you said no" I said
"We need to find this demon" Adrian said
"No need, I am here, so nice of you to come visit" the demon said appearing before us
"Kayden" Adrian said in shock
"Hello brother, it's been awhile" the demon, Kayden, said

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