Chapter 5

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We ran at a slow pace down the tunnel. I've only had one day of workouts here and being held captive for a few weeks made me weak so I couldn't move as fast as Adrian. I quickly ran out of breath even at our slow jog. Adrian lifted me and put me on his back and have me a piggy back ride the rest of the way. It took us a little over a hour until we got to the end of the tunnel. I hopped down off his back and we walked a little ways to a fenced in area. The fence was nearly 10 foot tall with rounds of barbed wire on top. It had a sign that read PRIVATE PROPERTY. NO TRESPASSING. Adrian had a quick conversation with the guy working the gate and they let us in.
"What now?" I asked
"We stay here. It's the military base I was stationed at for a few years. We will be safe here" he said
He stopped in the middle of the hall and looked at me. The intensity of his gaze made it hard for me to breathe. He gently brushed hair out of my face. His eyes dropped down to my lips then back to my eyes.
"Why is it so hard for me to resist you?" He asked
"Why do you want to resist?" I asked
"Your pure. I don't want to make you impure"
"I'm a succubus. It's bound to happen sooner or later"
"No. Your different. You don't need to feed off sex like others of your kind. And damn your purity is intoxicating and almost irresistible"
"Almost" I whispered to myself
He still stood in front of me studying my face. He took his hand and tilted my chin up. His lips brushed mine gently, then they were gone. I opened my eyes to his retreating figure. He motioned for me to follow so I did. My knees were weak from the small contact between him and I.
"Are we gonna talk about the spark between us?" I asked after awhile
"What spark?" He asked
"Okay. Guess we are pretending it doesn't exist"
"Amara" he said turning to look at me
I saw that blue fire dancing in the depth of his eyes. The way he said my name sent a shiver down my spine. There was a pained expression on his face.
"This is not the time or place to discuss this" he said then continued walking down the winding hallway
It was hard for me to keep up with him. He didn't slow down or give me a lift so I followed at a slight jog that had me gasping for air when we got to where we were going. My legs throbbed from the unwanted movement. I really need to get back into those workouts. The room Adrian took me to was a small bare room with 2 sets of bunk beds. There was only a small window between the beds.
"This is where you are going to stay with a few of the female recruits. You will have to pretend to be one of them. You have a uniform with a fake last name on them. From now until we leave you will be Sara Smith and I will be Carl Smith. We will be portraying as siblings. Change your look to a brown eyed brunette"
"Uh, okay. Your not staying in this room too?" I asked
"No. This is the girls room. I have to go make a few other arrangements. Your roommates arrive in the morning. Get some sleep" he said then left
I looked around the small room for anything to keep me entertained. I found nothing. I went to the small bathroom that was attached to the room and looked in the mirror. I focused on changing according to Adrian's instructions. Im sure he wanted me to look average but I went with slightly pretty. What I found interesting was I could change the length of my hair. I went with a short practical one usually seen on a girl on a military base. Or so I think. I've never seen a service women. Only in movies. I brushed my new hair back into a low pony tail. One thing I never leave without is a hair tie I keep on my wrist. I splashed my face with cold water.
"Who are you?" I heard a girl ask
I quickly looked up to see who it was. A girl no more than 20 stood at the door. She had a grey T-shirt and black sweat pants on. Her dark brown hair was neatly brushed back in a pony tail similar to mine. Her tanned skin was a bit red as if she had been outside too long. Her brown eyes sparkled as she studied me. Something about her seemed familiar.
"Sara. Im one if the new recruits" I said quickly remembering the cover story
"Hmm, aren't you worried the war will mar your beautiful face?" She asked bitterly
"No" I said slowly
I should have chosen a different face.
"You seem like a preppy girl who's afraid to get dirty"
"Looks can be deceiving" I said turning back to the mirror
"That they are. Just one thing. Stay out of my way and we won't have a problem. Okay?"
"Uh sure whatever" I said and she walked away
"Well then. Not a very good start" I said quietly to myself
I'm not here to make friends. Im here to stay safe. I went back to the room and the girl was laying on the bottom bunk of the beds on the far side. I hopped on the top of the ones closest to the bathroom. I tossed and turned then eventually fell asleep. When I did I felt a tug of something that was dreamlike but it wasn't a dream.
"I knew it. Your a succubus" said a girls voice. I looked to see who it was. It was the girl I share a room with.
"Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me. Im a witch. I won't tell if you dont"
"I don't know who you are but I don't want any trouble" I said
"Sorry. I forgot to introduce myself in the waking world. Im Victoria, you can call me Vic"
"Uh, okay"
"Hmm. Your not like other succubi I've met. You have a golden aura. Succubi don't have auras though. The tail, wings and horns say succubi. Aura says something different. Pure. Angelic almost"
"Okay. Im lost"
"Succubi are demons. Demons have no soul so they don't have an aura. You have a golden angelic aura so you have a soul"
"Good to know"
"Don't get sour with me. So where is your incubus mate?"
"Incubus mate?"
"Yes. Your aura tells me your bonded to an incubus"
"Geez, do you know anything? Bond. As in you found you're soulmate"
"I only know one incubus and he's not interested in me like that"
"Or so he says. Is he on base with us?"
"Uh, yeah" I said
This dream was getting weirder and weirder by the second. Suddenly I was jolted awake by the sound of thunder crackling. I looked over at the girl. She was fast asleep. I slipped out of bed and into the hallway. I needed to find Adrian. I walked around not sure where I was going. I eventually got lost.
"What are you doing out of your room?" A thunderous male voice said behind me
I turned to see who it was. He was tall. A height that rivaled Adrian's. His sandy blonde hair that was slightly messy. There was a blue fire in the depths or his brown eyes.
"Adrian" I said and he laughed
"How did you know?"
"The blue flame in your eyes gave it away"
"Your flame has turned purple. That's strange. Inner flames don't change. They reflect our kinds gender"
"Well everyone says I'm different"
"Why are you out of your room anyways?"
"My roommate creeps me out"
"Roommate? You shouldn't have any until the morning"
"Maybe she got in early"
"Maybe. Come on so we don't get in trouble for being out and about"
He walked me back to my room. I didn't realize how far I walked until the walk back. I opened the door and the girl wasn't in her bed. I hugged Adrian.
"So that's him. That's you incubus mate" I heard the girl say behind me
"I must still be dreaming" I said to myself
"Let's go with that" the girl said
Adrian left the room with a dazed and confused look on his face. I hopped back in my bed and the girl got back in hers. Then I bolted upright at an alarm going off. It really was all a dream. A weird twisted one.

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