Chapter 6

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I was still sitting in bed thinking about the weird dream I had when I heard a knock on the door.
"Come in" the girl said
A short bald guy walked in holding boxes.
"Ms. Adams. Ms. Smith. Your uniforms" he said handing us a box each then left
"About time" the girl said
"Vic?" I asked
"Nevermind" I said and she laughed
"Questions about how I was in your dreams? I told you I'm a witch. It's a simple incantation to enter someone's dreams"
"You got in my head?"
"God that's just no. That's a violation of my privacy"
"Don't worry. I didn't dig too deep, just enough to learn basic facts about who you are. Oh and sorry for my attitude last night. Bad day"
"Uh. Okay then"
"You better get ready. They run a tight schedule here" she said and I realized she was almost completely dressed
I opened my box and pulled out a light blue button up shirt, a white tank top, and black slacks with black shoes and put them on.
"Don't forget the neck tie and pull your hair into a bun" Vic said
"Okay" I said
Once we were both finished getting dressed she took me to the cafeteria. It reminded me if the ones from high school. I looked around hoping to see Adrian. I spotted him quickly. He didn't really change much about him except his face. It was more round with a bigger nose. His hair was also short and practical. He still looked good though. He looked up and our eyes locked for a brief moment then he saw Vic by my side and looked her up and down. I knew it wasn't the way he looks at me but I still felt a pang of jealousy. Vic was looking back and forth between Adrian and I.
"Wow, that's amazing" she said quietly
"Huh?" I asked dumbfounded
"Your aura, it split and wrapped around that guy when you locked eyes. I've never seen anything like that before" she said then went to join a group of other recruits, I went to Adrian.
"She knows what we are" I told him quietly
"I know. I also know shes a witch from the Adams coven" he said
"So you know her?"
"Her, no. But I've met her grandmother, Valerie. Shes the one who saved me from the demon hunters"
"Attention" said a booming voice that echoed in the large cafeteria
Everyone stopped talking at once to listen to the man. It was the same one who gave Vic and I our uniforms.
"Some of you are here by free will. Others not by their own choice. You will all undergo a series of test to determine who really belongs here and who will be best to defend our great country. We are a nation at war, to be the best, we need the best fighters. Those of you who prove your worth within the few months you are here will be transferred to a bigger base where you will be sent to the battle fronts" he said without taking a breath
"These test will test your speed, endurance and how well you will be able to survive on your own. Some of you will do better than others" he said locking eyes with me
I felt a shiver of fear run down my spine. I looked away from him after some time and looked at Adrian. He was staring at the man with a dark expression. It was clear he didn't like him. I didn't hear what else the man had to say, I was to lost in thought.
"-will disgrace us" I heard him say while looking at Adrian.
Now I really was confused. I should have paid attention. What did he mean by disgrace them? What did Adrian do? Why does he think I won't be good enough? I was determined to prove him wrong about me. I also needed to get answers about the disgrace thing from Adrian. So much to do, so little time.
The man dismissed us to continue as we were.
"Not now" Adrian said interrupting my question
I gave him a look that I hoped said we are going to talk later and walked away to get food. I sat next to Vic and just picked at the food on my tray. I wasn't in the mood to eat or keep up with the chatter of everyone at the table.
"All female recruits come with me" a woman said loudly from the far corner
All the girls got up and I followed suit. There wasn't many girls here. 20 at most. I recognized the woman. She is my aunt on my dads side. I knew she was in the service but I didn't know where she was stationed.  Then it clicked where I've seen Vic before. She was my cousin, my aunts daughter.
This day was getting weirder by the minute. My aunt took us to a work out room where she ran us through a set of drills that were easy for me now that my strength was returning. It still had me gasping for breath and put a fire in my lungs, just not as bad.
"Smith, go get water" my aunt said
"Yes ma'am" I got out between breaths
Right outside the door was a water fountain. I heard the door open and my aunt walked out.
"Amara?" She asked looking at me as if she was having trouble seeing
"Uh, yeah" I said quietly
"Why are you here? Your mother called me frantic about how you disappeared without a trace. And what did you do your hair?" She asked and I scoffed
"Yeah. That's her cover story. She kicked me out for being a, nevermind, that's not important. She kicked me out and my hair, I dyed it and I'm wearing colored contacts"
"Your a succubus" she said looking at me
"Well better you find out now than never. Im a succubus too. Im your mother" she said
Well this day sure did get weirder. What's next? Adrian turns out to be my dad?
"I understand the shock you must be in. Wait a minute, your inner flame is purple. I've never seen that before. All succubi are red and incubi are blue. But purple, strange"
"Purple inner flame and a golden aura, strange doesn't begin to cover it"
"Yeah. Apparently I have one even though I shouldn't"
"Demons don't have auras. Find me later. We need to talk. But now we need to get back in there. Take it easy. Don't push yourself to hard" she said and ducked inside
A group of guy recruits passed by and they were all staring at me with lustful eyes. I quickly went back in the training room but not before I saw Adrian with the group. His eyes flashed then he quickly looked away. Yeah, this day is just a weird day. I went back inside and found Vic staring at me with a shocked expression. I noticed she was close to the door so she was eavesdropping.
"So were sisters" she said
"Apparently so" I said quietly then got back to the workouts

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