Chapter 18

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I woke up to a snoring Adrian. I raised up to see if Blade was still asleep but he wasn't in his bed. I looked around the room but there was no sign of him anywhere. His shoes were gone. I went to get up but Adrian wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me back down and kissed my neck lightly.
"Good morning sunshine." he said his a sleepy voice that sounded sexy as hell
"Good morning. Do you know where Blade went?" I asked
"Breakfast. He also told me not to break you while he's gone"
"Break me?" I asked laughing
"Or maybe he said the bed"
"Oh god"
"Your so beautiful in the mornings"
"Yes with my hair everywhere" I said rolling my eyes
He grabbed a strand of my hair and played with it. His eyes held mine as he slowly got closer to me. His lips gently brushed mine before he went for an all out kiss. The way he touched me gave me jelly belly. I would say butterfly's but it felt more like my insides liquified.
He pulled me on top of him without breaking the kiss which turned to making out.
"No" he said pushing me away
"What?" I asked confused
"We can't do this"
"Of course we can. We're alone" I said going for him again
"No" he said pushing me away again as he got up
"Fine" I said getting up and going to the bathroom
I slammed the door behind me. Him leading me on and rejecting me is getting really annoying.
We keep having little moments that heat up but never go anywhere. I have never wanted a guy more than I want Adrian.
I sat on the edge of the tub as I felt the tears roll down my cheeks. Without thinking I balled my fist up and punched the wall.
"Ow, fuck" I yelled through gritted teeth
"Amara? Are you okay?" Adrian said from the other side of the door
"Yeah. Fine" I lied
My hand was throbbing and hurt really bad. I may have broken it but I didn't care.
"I'm sorry" he whispered
"Why do you keep doing this?" I asked opening the door so quick he almost fell
"Because your young still. Your innocents may be the only thing keeping your powers intact"
"So last night wasn't going anywhere either?"
"You know I want to. I just can't risk it"
"Who cares about the risk"
"I do"
"What's going on?" Blade asked walking in
"Your dad's an ass" I told him as I pushed past Adrian
I walked out the door and down the hall and out the front door.
I ran until I got to my old home. I didn't bother with knocking the door, I just walked right in.
"Amara" my father said looking startled
"Amara? What happened to your hand" my mom said
"I may have punched a wall" I said, my voice shaky
"Let me call your birth mother" my dad said
"Oh yeah, aunt Jenna. Ask her to bring Vic too" I told them
"You know?" My mom asked
"Yes. I do" I said
"How?" My dad asked
"It doesn't matter how I know" I told them
My dad dialed the phone and went to another room.
"What are you?" My mom asked
"You're not human. I know that for sure"
"Hell if I know. Honestly. I have no idea what I am but I can do this" I said and made my lightning sword appear
"Demon" she whispered
"I prefer angel but goddess will do"
"How do you know your not a demon?"
"Demons don't have souls" Vic said walking through the door
"Amara's is a really bright golden one of pure goodness" she continued as she slung her arm over my shoulder
"So she is an angel" my 'mom' said
"Of sorts. The virgin succubus could be her new title"
"Like the Virgin Mary?" I asked her
"I missed you and your crazy wackado self. Where's mom?"
"She's on her way"
"How did you get here so fast?"
"Witch. Duh"
"Right" I said laughing
In the mean time my 'mom' looked like she was about to have a heart attack.
"Let's go to my old room before we scare her to death" I told Vic
I walked back to my room and opened the door to find everything how I left it. My homework I was working on when I was kicked out still laid on the bed. Only things missing were most of my clothes and necessities.
I grabbed a black T-shirt with angel wings on the back and a pair of yoga pants from the dresser.
"Why couldn't I be the 1st to pop out and be the succubus?" Vic said
"What do you mean?" I asked
"Were twins. Duh" she said
"We are? And here I was wishing I had a twin sister to cause trouble with"
"Yes but turns out I do" I said
Vic laughed
"Wait, that means we have other siblings. I'm the 7th born"
"Were a family of twins. Kora, Kira, Chelsea, Dez, Lexa, Alayna, you then me" Vic said
"Four pregnancies and eight children, it's a wonder I could manage" my mom said walking in
"Aunt Jenna, I mean mom" I said hugging her
"The other girls really want to see you again"
"How come I never knew them?" I asked
"They live with your father, we split up while I was pregnant with you and Victoria. I couldn't raise both so I let your aunt and uncle raise you as your parents. I chose you because you look more like them than us" my mom said
"You're a succubus and Vic is a witch, how?" I asked
"Our family is full of witches, mostly male but Vic was a rare case as is Kora. There are very few witches that are woman in our family" she told me
"We should probably go before Aunt Casey has a heart attack for us demons being here" Vic said cutting in
"Let me grab a few things" I told them
I grabbed a old backpack from the bottom of my closet and put the few clothes that were left into it. I also found a few bottles of lotion and body wash and put it in my bag. Once I was all packed and ready I went outside and got into the car where my mom and Vic were waiting.
"Where's your mate?" Vic asked
"Adrian? I, uh, he's not here anymore" I told her
Speak of the devil and he shall appear. I thought when I looked out my window and saw two men walking down the road.
Adrian and Blade have come to look for me  there was no way I was going with those two anytime soon, at least not Adrian the prick tease.
"Go. Hurry" I said and my mom did as I said
She backed out of the driveway and kicked it in drive and sped away.

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