Chapter 7

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In the middle of a set I was doing an alarm sounded through the room and red lights flashed.
"We are under attack. Commence base lockdown" a voice said over a loud speaker
The room went into chaos that my aunt, uh, mother couldn't control. I could only guess who was attacking the base, demon hunters. I ducked out the door before it shut. With all the chaos, who would notice I was gone. I ran down the hall to where I seen Adrian go. I tried to look in the room but the small window had a metal door over it. I ran as quietly as I could down the hall to an open door. I hid in there for awhile. I heard foot steps run past the door as I huddled in a dark corner. The foot steps got further away until I couldn't hear them anymore. I concentrated on listening for anyone who might have stayed. It was silent. I slowly and quietly headed to the door. Someone slammed into me and took me to the ground. I fought against my attacker with everything I had and got in a few hits before he fully restrained me. In the dim light coming in from the hall I could hardly see the mans face but his scent was one that was intoxicating and I knew it well.
"Adrian" I said 
"Amara?" He asked
"What are you doing out here? You should have stayed with the others"
"I panicked. I was going to escape. I hid in here"
"We have to go. Now" he said helping me to my feet
He got closer to the door and I could see his face better. I left a few scratch marks on his face and his lip was bleeding from me punching him.
"Does it hurt?" I asked quietly
"Does what hurt?"
"Your face. I hit you"
"You did pretty good but no it doesn't hurt. Im tough and used to a little rough housing"
I felt a swirling in my abdomen when he said that. He looked at me like he knew how my body reacted. I looked away quickly.
"So, uh, how are we going to get out if here? It's a total lockdown"
"I know this place better than the back of my hand. There are a variety of secret tunnels. The nearest one is near the commons"
"With demon hunters running around this will be cake"
"Shh" he said
I heard foot steps pounding down the hall from where they disappeared to the first time. Adrian pulled me close to him against the wall and I stopped breathing for a moment when he ran his hand through my hair. I looked up at him, he was already looking at me. The fire in his eyes danced wildly as he studied every inch of my face, his hand still playing with my hair. He lightly tugged it in a way that sent chills from my head to my toes.
"It is so hard for me to resist you Amara" he said in a quiet husky voice
"Then dont"
And with that he tilted my head up to his and kissed me lightly on my lips. I deepened the kiss. One if his hands slid up the back of my shirt as he tangled the other one in my hair that somehow fell out of my hair tie. He picked me up and put me against the wall without breaking the kiss which turned into making out. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he held me against the wall. With the hand he had up my shirt he slowly started to lift it off of me when the lights suddenly turned on.
"What is the meaning of this?" Asked a woman
I scrambled away from Adrian but he was calm and collected. Adrian looked into the woman's eyes the way he looked into mine, but there was no affection with this woman. She started to tremble and I knew what he was doing. Her eyes grew wide with fright then she relaxed slightly and started touching herself. I couldn't watch anymore, I turned away. Adrian grabbed my hand and lead me out the door. I glanced back and saw the woman writhing on the floor on a sexual high.
"Im sorry you had to see that" Adrian said as he led me to the commons
I followed quietly. There was a small door I assumed was a janitors closet that led to a narrow stair case. There was a hall that split left and right, we went left. The hall was dark with only a small light to see by. We walked for I don't know how long but my feet were killing me.
"Am I capable of doing what you did to that woman?" I asked
"Yes. All of our kind can make people think something that isn't real" he said
"That was kind of scary to see"
"I usually don't do that unless I have to"
"Where are we going?"
"This tunnel let's out after about a mile. The town has a car rental place. We will stop there and get a car then we will go north into Canada"
"Why not Mexico? It's closer"
"They would expect that. Canada is the least expected place someone would go to hide"
"Oh okay"
"Do you think we can go shopping? I don't want to have to wear these sweaty clothes the whole trip" I said and he laughed
It echoed down the narrow tunnel and was like music to my ears.
"Are we going to talk about what almost happened in the room?" I asked shyly
"Not now"
"Why did the guy look at you when he was talking about disgracing them?" I asked remembering earlier
"It's a long story"
"We have time" I said and he sighed
"It was years ago. They are under the impression I am my own son, but anyways I was in battle. I retreated before anyone else and disobeyed my commanding officer. I was then dishonorably discharged and labeled a traiter. They think if I stayed to fight the other men wouldn't have been slaughtered"
"Oh wow. That's just, I don't know. I'd call it self preservation"
"They didn't see it that way. In their eyes I betrayed them"
"One more question. How are we going to get into Canada? Don't we need passports?"
"That was two questions" he said slightly amused
"I know"
"I have a passport for myself waiting in Michigan. Once we leave here I can make a few calls and get you one set up by the time we get there"
"You seemed to be well prepared for anything"
"I need to. Demon hunter could show up at any given moment and we have to be ready to flee when they come for us"
"Makes sense" I said as Adrian bring us to a stop in front of an iron gate.
He opened it easily and just enough for us to slip through one at a time. He closed it and slid a bolt through to lock it.
"Just incase they went this way if they found the tunnels" he said taking my hand
We walked to a small clearing in the woods. He moved a few rocks and got a small box. He opened it and pulled out two disposable phones and a wad of cash and a credit card.
"You really were well prepared" I said
"Like I said, I have to be to survive in this world"
"Yeah. I'll have to do the same won't I?"
"Eventually. What happened in your capture that they let you go?"
"The test they did on me all said I was human. They flashed something in my eyes that was supposed to make me forget"
"You really are special" he said
I felt a small smile on my lips that didn't quite reach my eyes. Flashes of all the intimate moments between him and I appeared in my mind. I could see him staring at me as I looked off at a tree.
"This is a beautiful clearing" I said
"It is, isn't it. I never really cared much about the beauty of nature"
"I would have never guessed with all those flowers at your house"
"My daughter planted the ones outside and helped with the inside"
"You have a daughter?"
"Yes. She was taken by demon hunters a few years ago"
"Im so sorry"
"Don't be, it's not your fault"
"Maybe we could get her back"
"Not if they killed her already"
"Oh. What did she look like?" I asked
He pulled out his wallet and showed me the picture. I had to keep my jaw from dropping when I saw her. Those blue eyes almost the same shade of Adrian's and the blonde hair that I remember framing her face. She was younger in this picture than when I saw her, but there was no mistaking who she was. She was the blonde woman who turned me into the demon hunters and ran test on me.
"Shes alive, she's working with the demon hunters" I said
"How do you know?"
"She was the one who turned me in and ran test on me"

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