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"To Sing or to Play?"

Only two weeks left before the University of Talent. ICEBURG plan on winning!! I woke up early, did my regular routine and went to the studio Ivy rented out. When I enter, not only the band is there but...

"Bro!!" Adam gave me a fist punch

"It's not like I care, I just wanted to say good luck." Tulio is cold as ever but... for us, that is already joy.

"Umm... I-I-I-I brought some m-muffins..." Kou gave me a tray

"I helped!" Riko smiled but I just sighed. I can still remember he is at thye same level of uselessness as Rex.

"Kou, did he?" I glared at him

"Umm..." he just sighed

"I knew it" I smiled

"Hey give Riko some slack. He has just been convicted this week" Kyle said. He did? Why?

"He is framed by some douche that he vandalized school property with his name." Maya patted my back. When did she get here?

"It turns out it is a fraternity named RIKO." Kyle continued

"I've heard of them. They are the worst fraternity in the campus. I wouldn't worry about it." Tulio said

"Hey! If it wasn't for Kyle, I would be suspended!!" Riko gave a shout and we all laughed

"Umm... can we start to practice now guys?" Tim interrupted while eating some muffins. He will get fatter...

"Sure. I've read the song and it is pretty familiar. I guess it just needs more-"

"-electronics." Ivy interrupted me

"Yeah. It may help me cover my voice cause the verses are long and I have to sustain it in one breath."

"I got it. I already brought my kit." Ivy went in front and adjusted her 'kit'. I look around and I see Rex being so quiet

"Hey... what's wrong?" I ask

"Umm... nothing. Lets do this puppy!" he gave me a kiss

I am very curious what he means by that. I know he is lying. I will make him tell me later. By force if I have to!

"One, two, three and-" The music start playing and I start to sing. We continue to practice until sunset. After we practiced, everyone left and said their goodbyes. I, of course, stayed with Rex. He is the last one.

"You are too quiet. What's wrong?" I asked

"Nothing!" He insisted. That's it! Time to be a little dominant

"Oh? Well then..." I pinned him against a wall, with our noses touch and our tails intertwined. I continue to stare at him. "Why is my little puppy lying? Tell me~" I said seductively

"Ah... Uh... I... it's..." he stuttered. A little more push

"Hmm... You like this don't you~? I'll reward my puppy if you tell me~." I slid my hand in his pants

"Ahh! Ah.... Um..... ICE!!" He pushed me away "F-f-fine! I'll tell ya! Jeez. I never knew you were..."

"Gotcha! Now tell me!"

"On our performance, it's my second huge game... My coach told me to quit... one"

"That's it!? How dense can you get?"

"Shut up!" He pouted but I just laughed. "I planned on quitting the band..."

"Oh..." I stopped "Better tell that tomorrow but if you ask me..." I hugged him "I want to be with you"

"Puppy... I'll think about it."

"okay... Shall we go home?" I ask but something made me direct the question to something else "Nice boner..."

"L-l-l-l-let's go!" He made a huge blush. I don't know if it's cute or... hehehe

I wish he would make the right choice. I made it home and sleep, thinking about the band and Rex.

The next morning...

"PUPPY!!!" Rex came running to me

"Good morning to you too!"

"I got my choice."

"Well then? What did you said to your coach?"

"I said 'I. Quit. I love to be with what I do, coach.'" My eyes widen but made me question his attitude

"Umm... okay? That's great!!!" I hugged him "We have a math class together today. Let's go?"

"Tell professor I got sick"

"No." I dragged him to class. He keeps on whining like a 4 year old. I just sighed. Well, all is left is to win! 


Hey Everyone! Icelione here. I have something to say. I have been wanting to write a dare book in along time but for me to practice, I'll be making an additional chapter at the end called "ASK/DARE Ice & Co." I'll be accepting questions and dares from the comments. If you are confused about something, wanna say something to them or just make them do random shit, comment here and the remaining chapters. The good ones I will get so write on!! That's all for now. Later~!

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