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"Cold Nights"

A/N: Slight adult content in this chapter. Just a heads up and let me take this time to THANK-YOU for the 4.2K views and 180+ Votes on my last book and this book is close to a 1000 veiws!! I am really happy there are still people reading my books even if I am not updating so frequently. Again, adult content, thank-yu and I'll review for my midterms. Later~!

"What now?"

I ask Rex as I sit on my bed. I can't believe I have to stay another 3 days. We are both alone and he is just laying on my lap

"Aren't I suppose to be resting?"

"Nuuu! Your soft..." He just nuzzled

"Get up lazy bones!" I bush him up. "I am a bit hungry. I'm calling he nurse"

I walk up to the telecom and called the nurse for my lunch and as if on cue, the nurse came in and brought my lunch

"that was fast!" I exclaimed

"I was just gonna bring it. Anyway, seems yhou have a bit of company" she winked "I better go"

When she left the room, I looked at Rex who is just sitting on the bed with a smile on his face

"You're so gay..." he said

"idiot. Let's eat. She brought more than one serving"

He nodded and we continue on with our day. At daybreak, we were both so tired. I guess we had more fun in the hospital when we're together

The next day...

"Hey Puppy!" Rex came in with company. It's Riko.

"Hey dude!" He gave me a high five

"What are you doing here?"

"Kou-Kou is a bit busy. He said he needs to clean up"

"Kou-Kou?" we both asked in unison

"Well, you call each other puppy so..." he blushed a bit.


We just laughed and we all talked until...

"By the way, I brought my card game." He showed us the huge box full of white and black cards

"Cards against Humanity? Let's go!!" Rex grabbed the deck and quickly arranged them

"Isn't this a bit offensive?"

"Not if your not easily offended" Riko answered

"I'll be the Card Czar..." Rex grabbed a card

"I would _____ you" he said

Since we are playing a complete-the-sentence-game, I chose the one that is less offensive and... hehehe

"okay. I would call yo mama for you... NOT A CHANCE NIGGA!!' Rex exclaimed

"just read the next one!"

"Um... I would kiss.... You.... " he looked at me "Aww!!! C'mere!" he lounged his lips on mine and we just stayed like that for a few seconds

"Love ya puppy!"

"me too. I love myself too!" I stuck out my tounge

"nice answer" Riko laughed

"let's continue!"

The day went on like that until It's nly me and Rex in the room

"aren't you gonna go?' I asked

"I am sleeping here for the night"

"can you?" I mean he is sleeping on the small couch "My bed is small enough already"

"I brought a futon. Maya gave me this yesterday when I got home"

He layed it out and lay there

"yawn~! G'night puppy!" he just went to sleep...


I missed him so much. I stood up and lay beside him, hugging him


"I love you" I snuggled

"I love myself too"

"that's my line!"

"Hahaha! Just kidding. I love you too." He shared me a kiss but...

"something's hitting me" I look down and I can see his erection

"I'm sorry. Just haven't gotten off since you've been gone."

"..." I covered him with my body


I gave him a romantic kiss. There is no CCTV in the room or anywhere we can be seen so it's okay.


I jerked him off with my hand. I can hear him moan. Then I felt like my erection is being caressed as well

"You can't have all the fun"

We continue to jerk off and kiss. It was a cold night and I love a warm companion.

"MmmpF!" I can tell he is close. I jerked him off harder and made my kiss deeper

"Mnng" he shot his seed in unison with mine and we continue to pant

"I love you.."

"I love you too..."

We slept in each other's arms to pass the cold night knowing there is always a time we are together

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