540 15 2

"Who are you?"

As I enter the school gymnasium along with my parents, I saw a lot of people at the backstage. Some practicing vocals, gymnastics, archery and even... Adam?

"Bro! Ya joinin'? " I asked

"Hey Bro! Of course! I do plan on winnin'!" He replied while giving me a fistpunch

"But you do know wolves are better than tigers huh?" I smirked

"Oh... Is that a challenge? Bet 300 for the winner!" He said

"Smart huh?" I teased

"Ice, sweety! Your dad is getting tired of carrying your clothes!" My mom shouted

"I gotta go. Good luck!" I told Adam as I left "I told dad I can carry it!"

"I know but he wanna be fit again he says." My mom giggled

"Hey, honey, you told me to look better!" My dad pouted

"Sure~!" MY mom teased

"We're here. Hey Rex!" I said as I picked up my things.

"Hey puppy!" He kissed my forehead

"I-I-Idiot! I told you not in front of my parents!" I pushed him

"I know but that reaction is priceless!" He laughed

"Well... we'll leave you now. We need to find seat for our son's performance!" My dad said. As I turned, I can see him wearing a blue shirt with my face on it.

"What. Are. You. Wearing?" I asked

"Your mother made it! Look!" I look at mom and I see she also wears the same shirt.

"Good luck, sweetheart!" My mom said as they left. I wonder what will the others think. I am so embarrassed right now...

"Well, at least your parents are not like mine. They wore facepaint!" Rex blushed there

"Pfft hahahahaha!"

"Anyway, let's practice a bit before we go." Ivy showed up

"M'kay. Where are the others?" I asked

"Behind that curtain." She pointed at a blue curtain "Let's go"

Once I entered the curtains, I can see everyone is there. We practiced the 2 songs we are to perform. After practice, the MC called the attention of the audience.


"It's starting." Rex said

"Come on guys! Let's do this!" I shouted as I placed my hand in.

"1. 2. 3. FREEZE!" We shouted our cheer


We went out and placed our equipment. I can hear screaming from the entire room. So this is what it feels like a concert.

"HEY EVERYONE!!! I'm Ice and this is ICEBURG!!"

Rex strummed his electric guitar followed by Ryan's bass. Entered Tim's drums and Ed's keyboard. Ivy's supporting us from the sidelines. I started to sing Every Time We Touch by Cascade.

In the middle of the performance, the lights fell in front of me. It made me stop


I then can feel the ground shake. An earthquake?! What the hell?! I tried to move under a table but It's too strong. I stopped there.. dead in my tracks. Rex came running at me and hugged me.

"Hold on Ice!" He said so I did


We were on the stage so many lights came falling. I looked up and I see that a piece of concrete is gonna fall.


"NO!" I tried to save him but we'll die together. He really is an idiot! No choice...

I grabbed his tail and squeezed it that made him loosen his hold so I pushed him away.


I tried moving but I suddenly blacked out... I couldn't feel my body. It... I... am I... dead? I can't move. The last thing I remember was someone I saved... But... who was it?

I feel a little light in front of me and it made me open my eyes. Where am I? I am in a room with some people...

"ICE!!! You're okay" one said

"Thank-goodness..." I see the others crying but...

"Who... are you?" I asked

"Huh? It's me puppy!" the grey wolf said while wiping his tears

"Huh? Um... I don't know you..." Is all I can say. I honestly don't know these people. Who are they... and why are they crying? But more importantly...

"Who... am... I?" I whispered

"He has amnesia?!" One lion said. He is wearing a lab coat.

"Doc. Can you do anything?!" The human woman said "My sweetheart! My dear Ice..."

"Sweetheart? Are... you my mother?" I asked

"ICE!! Yes I am ... your mother " She continues crying

"Ugh... My head..." I pushed her away and I saw fragments of me... singing?

"What's wrong, sweety?" She asked again

"Who am I... and... who are you..."

So busy! Hope you guys are still there. Sorry for the slow updates but loyal readers will know why♥ So guys give me dates and asks like in the last chapter. Well, gonna prepare for midterms. Later~!

ICE: UniversityKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat