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"The Lover's Gifts"

It's December and you know what that means! It's Christmas!

"Ice! Could you help me set up the star?" My mom shouted from downstairs

"Coming!!" I said as I ran down and saw a Christmas Tree

"The star is all that is left. Could you?" I was handed the crystal-like star. I reached for the top and placed it gently "Beautiful!!"

"It is..." I stare at the tree with happiness

"I need to go buy some things with my friends. I left some money on the table so you can go buy something for Rex too. TeeHee!"

"MOM!!" I shouted as I push her

"Alright. Alright. I'll go now! But I was serious though! I want my Christmas gift to you is something that you will be happy. Anyway, bye" She gave my forehead a kiss

"Thanks mom... now... To call the other two!"

I picked up my phone and called Adam and Kou. I asked them if they have plans on buying their boyfriends gifts

"I am too nervous Bro!" Adam said

"I-I was Planning b-b-but what if he doesn't like it?" Kou stuttered

I offered them to join me as I buy my gift as well. They overjoyed and hung up quickly.... What is it with my friends and being too excited. It's such a pain in the tail.

45 minutes later . . .

"Hey Bro!!" They came together as Adam gave me a fistpunch

"Hi Ice. I brought some snacks" Kou gave me a bag of cookies

"Your cooking is the best but we are going out. Anyway, let's go!"

As we walk we started to joke about our boyfriends like being so annoying. Eventually, we arrived at the mall

"We're here!" I said

"So where shall we go first?"

"Let's start with Kou. I know Riko for about almost forever and" I look at Kou "he likes games, right?"

"Yep!" Kou's eyes sparkled "My Rik-Rik loves games and I know what!"

"Rik-Rik?" Adam and me said in Unison

"Ummm...." He blushed "He calls me Kou-Kou... a-a-and I want t-t-to give him a p-p-pet name" he stuttered

". . . cute . . ." Me and Adam whispered

"Maybe I should give Kyle a pet name?" Adam whispered

As we talk, we arrived at the games store. We browsed all the games there to find the perfect one but there's one that popped my interest

"Furrout 4!" I said

"It's finally available!" Kou said

"You've been looking for this?" Adam asked

"Uh-huh! Furrout is Rik-Rik's favorite! Rik-Rik said he wanted it for so long since the teasers!!"

". . . . . ." We fell silent

"W-w-what? D-d-did I said something?"


He just blushed but we also bought the game and oh boy it was expensive. I offered Kou some of my money to buy it.

"Next! Kyle! Adam, what is his taste?"

"Hmmm..." He tried to think "Oh! There's this book he has been looking at since we became a couple."

We followed Adam to the store and saw the book

"Lover and the Loved: Book 7, My Sweet Prince" I read

"I know this, it's a book about two opposites falling in love but they are both gay" Adam said

"How did you know?" Kou asked

"He has a collection at home but sadly he cant buy this one cause they said it's out of stock until next year. We can buy this on display but it's so expensive cause it was signed by the author..." He then looks like he lost all his energy


I took my wallet out

"Excuse me! I would like to buy this book here!"

"Ice! What are you-?"

"How much do you have?" I interrupted


We shared all our money to buy it. He was not joking as he said it was expensive. We went out and Adam was so happy

"I am sorry for the bother Ice..."

"I told you! It's nothing!"

"B-b-but you have no more money c-c-cause you spent it on us" Kou said

"Guh!" I forgot. I wasn't able to buy Rex a gift! I took out my wallet and opened it. I swear I saw a fly came out

"Sorry..." they both said

"It's okay! Really! I can think of another way." I say that but what?

"You can ask me" I turn and I saw Tulio

"Tulio? What are you doing here?" Adam asked

"Why else would someone be at a mall? To beg?" Sharp tongue as ever.

"Here." He then gave me 70 dollars "That's all I can give. Sorry"

"What is it with you guys and apologizing? But thanks" I then noticed a dress in his handbag "What's the dress for?"

"Umm..." He blushed "...Ivy..."

"Oh. My. God."

We all just shouted and wailed.

"I'm going now!" He then left us

"I never expected that!" I said

"Yeah.." Kou Nodded

"Well, let's go find your gift!" Adam said

We roamed around the Mall but we couldn't find something Rex want. I just told them I would go find something myself

"Are you sure?" they asked me

"I am fine. Maybe it's not here"

"Okay then we're leaving! Bye!" Then they left. I felt something fell on my cheek. It's snow.

As I walk home, I noticed on a store a giant half-blood stuff toy. It looks like me and the price is $70.

"All I want for Christmas... is you" I hummed as I bought the toy and went home

I wrapped it up and put it beside my bed as I sleep pass the cold nights.

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