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"I'll see you later to change your bands Ice. Bye" The nurse said as she left with a smile. I lay back and still thinking of my memories. I cant remember them.

"I wonder what did I do?"

I close my eyes, trying to remember my days. What happened? Who am I? Who are my friends? As I continue to think, I slowly fell asleep...


I walk down an empty hall. It doesn't look old. In fact, it is a school. The one room made me focus on. I entered it and I was welcomed by a light and a voice.

"You are useless... worthless... unwanted... left to rot...a half-blood..."

"Who's there!?" I shouted but the light only became brighter.



I was welcomed by a bright light and worried looks. As I recall, these are my parents.

"I'm Awake!" I shout that made them startled

".... Sorry... I just had a nightmare..."

"A nightmare? Can you tell us?" My dad asked

"..." I stayed silent. Should I?

"Ice?... It's okay if you don't want to..." my mom said

"Am I..." I continued to shake "adopted?"

They were both silent. I thought so...

"I am, aren't I?"

"You remember now? Everything?" My dad asked and I nod. I am cured I remember everything now... including of the things I forgot before the accident

"As you remember... you are adopted... by unwanted parents..." mom said sadly

"I am okay mom. I need to process it... " I asked them to leave and they did

"Call us when you are okay..." My dad said as they left

"... I am adopted..."

I lay there trying to contemplate my life.. I am unwanted... unloved... left to rot...

"Ice? Can I come in? time to change your bandages."said the nurse from before. I answered yes and replaced my bandages.

"I better go now Ice."

"Thanks again. Also... tell the doctor I have regained my memories."

"Really!? That's great!" she clapped her hands


"Hm? Why aren't you happy..." She asked

"I remembered something that I wished I forgot..."

"... Can you tell me?" she sat on my bed

"I am... adopted... because I am a half-blood"

"It's okay... wanna know something? I am also adopted." I look at her "My parents told me I was found on the streets. My husband gave birth to a half-blood and left him on the streets... I just wish I could hug him again. Years have passed and now I am a single mother of two"


"Sometimes, life can be unfair. But it's best to try not to dwell in bad memories."


"Glad to be of help Ice... I need to get going. I still have patients to attend to" She said as she went to the door

"And Ice... I am happy you grew up to be a nice kid. Your dad should've been very proud..." and she left.

"what? Uh... Ah!" Is she...!?

"ICE!!!!" Rex then came in from the door "I've heard your CURED!!!"

"Hello to you too" he then gave me a huge hug

"I miss you Rex"

"I miss you too puppy!"

We continue to chat and be flirty all day.



I may be adopted but I am with a family now. Great. I will never be alone anymore if I want to. I have my family, friends and I have Rex. I am so happy...

For that reason and I can finally leave the hospital. :) 

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