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"Countdown . . . 3"

"Mom, I'm going out" I told my mom as I went out running to Rex's home. Today he is free and I just finished all my duties so I can focus on Rex

"Ice?" I encountered Carlo while running and it seems he has a huge grin on his face

"Yo! Whats up Happy go lucky?" I said

"Just got a job as a secretary!!" He said as he gave me a noogie

"Well, congratz!! But I cant celebrate."

"Go to your boyfriend!"

"Eh? How did you know?" I asked

"Well... you keep whispering in your sleep... Him leaving forever in 3 months... sorry..." He hug me

"Hehe. Thanks. I gotta go" I ran in the opposite direction and finally got to his house

"haah... haah..." I pant but I smile

I walk up to the door and knocked. The door was answered by the Mrs. Coloma, who seems to be leaving.

"Oh! Ice, darling! Came to see Rex?"


"Well, he left an hour ago to Maya. You should go. I am going to the mall with your mom" She gave me a hug and left

Maya? Wonder if he is still alive. Knowing him, he wont stop teasing the woman. I ran to the direction of her house and encountered Kia.

"Ice~!" She waved her hand at me

"Hey, whats up?" I said

"Hmm? You look out of breath!"

"Eh, I just kept chasing for someone" I wiped the sweat on my forehead using my right arm

"Here, use this" She gave me a small towel


"It's not used"

I accepted her offer and wiped my sweat. I returned her the towel and said thanks

"Well, just going to the mall to buy Ma-" She paused "Mama! Mama's Groceries!!" She then ran to the mall

"Eh..." What's that about? I went to the opposite direction and saw Maya just outside her house

"Yo!" I said

"Ah! Ice!" She looked shocked

"I'm not a ghost" I said

"Ah! Hahaha! Shut up!" She then gave me a punch on the shoulder. It kinda hurt

"Ya know, even if you are a girl, your punches still hurt"

"Eh! Sorry..."


I noticed she is trying so hard to smile. I wonder what's bothering her... I gave her a hug to comfort her


"I've known you for what? 8 years? SO we cant hide anything anymore"

"Ice... Lets go inside"

I nod and followed her. She lived alone and in just a small house like 3 rooms including the bathroom. It's kinda cozy

"Um... do you want something?" She asked

"Just tell me..."

"Heh. You are always the impatient type" She sat down and starts to cry "I'm gonna miss Rex"

"Oh... 3 months huh?"

"Yes... I've been with that idiot since elementary and we will be apart now... Hehe... I've always knew this was coming. I just never knew I was not ready..." She wiped her tears

"Hey, cheer up! It's not like he will die. Plus, you want me to tell Rex this?" I teased

"JUST. TRY. ME." She clenched her fist

"Haha. Sorry." I laughed "Anyway... atleast you got that out of your chest"


I spent some time with her and noticed it's the sunset. I've been staying for about 3 hours now... I told her bye and left her there, smiling


"......2 months left......"

ICE: UniversityWhere stories live. Discover now