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"Countdown . . . FInale"

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Its been a while and now it's here!! I am finally happy to show you my (noob) writing skillz.  I am sorry it took so long. It was first exams, then deadlines week and then I was hospitalized due to stress.... -___- But enough of that crappy stuff. A heads up. This has NSFW .... um... so... yeah! Enjoy the last chapter!! And yes, there are BTR references here! Dont judge!

As I walk down the road near the park, I kept thinking about what would I do when Rex is gone? I only have like one month with him left and I haven't been spending time with him!!


I look at my side and I saw Tulio there, just standing. He is with Ivy, and I assume they are on a date. I made a smile for them

"What are you doing here?"

"Well.... Just thinking-" I started

"What would you do when he leaves?" Ivy continued

"Could you stop doing that?" I asked

"Heh. You'll get used to it..."

"Whats that mean!?" She answered Tulio

"Ha.... Hahaha! Sorry, It's just that you look cute together" I giggled

"S-S-Shut it, Ruuichi!!" Tulio blushed, while holding Ivy's hand

"Well, gotta go." I left them there just flirting. It hurts me to see them happy with a lover to be honest

I walk passed the park and left continue. I have no place to go. I then soon realize I am in front of a forest. It' s not deep but I love going here since last year. I enter it and it seems like there is someone here...


I look around and I saw him. Rex. He is just laying near the lake, asleep...

"Hehe.... Cute :3"

I tip toed slowly and peeked over his head. I took a closer look and gave a small peck on his muzzle. His ears then perked up

"Hehe. What up puppy?"

He jumped up and pinned me down and licked my cheek

"Rex.... You..."I growled

"Hehehe.... But... I am leaving in a week...." He layed over me

"I know..." I pet him "I love you so just follow your dreams!" He then looks at me

"Rex...." I caressed his cheek and a tear fell on my thumb

"Ice...." He leaned in closer

We shared a long kiss in the dense forest. It was like a fairytale and I don't want to end. We parted as a strin of saliva fills my lips

"Pup?" He asked


"You wanna do it?" He asked

"Do what?" I wonder with his words

"Um.... Your hood.... It's...."

I look down my pants and saw it is pent up. I pushed the wolf away and covered my hood. I look down and blushed like a tomato

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