Chapter XXXI.

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After a few more hours of cuddling with Thor, I got ready for the day. While brushing my teeth, I noticed my toothbrush was bloody.

Well, that's gross.. I thought, rinsing my mouth out anyway. Now that I have a gum infection, I have to rinse then with warm salt water.

Now that I thought about it, the last time I went to the dentist was 3 or 4 months ago.

While Thor showered, I walked downstairs and into the kitchen where I was greeted by Natasha, Pepper, Clint, and Steve's smiling faces.

And then there was Nick.

"Fury, you look so good this morning. Your natural scowl doesn't look as mean." I complimented, grabbing a water bottle out the refrigerator.

Giving me his resting bitch face, he kept eating. "I just don't want my face to wrinkle, that's all." He spoke.

With a small laugh, walked down the hall to the lab where I know Bruce and Tony would be. They always work.

"Good morning, fellas." I peeped my head into the room to see them at work.

They both glanced up, smiling at me. "Good morning, Kirsten." They said, simultaneously. "You know, Bruce. You are just so adorable." I thought aloud.

He blushed, looking back at the papers scattered all over his table. "Thank you, Kirsten. It means a lot." He smiled. I just love his smile.

Not in a romantic way, but when Bruce is happy I am, too. We try to keep it that way, too. The other guy is.. Yeah. "What about me? Don't you want to tell me how adorable I am?"

Tony joined in, and I gave an eye roll. "I'd compliment you, but you're head wouldn't be able to fit through the door." I remarked.

He nodded in agreement, and Bruce and I shook our heads. I left, returning back to the kitchen. "So, do we have any plans for the day?"

I asked, pouring myself a bowl of cereal. "We can go shopping! I definitely need to update my 1980's wardrobe." Pepper answered immediately.

"Well, I'm down if y'all are." I looked to everyone else who agreed. "Did I hear '1980's wardrobe' because I'm pretty sure Steve is WAY older than that." Tony remarked, entering the room with Bruce behind him.

Steve gave him an eye roll as he ate his salad. "Leave him alone, Stark." Nick defended.

As Tony walked across the room, he said: "Fine, fine. JARVIS, open the refrigerator." "Yes Mr. Stark." He replied, and the door gently opened.

Pepper huffed, shaking her head. "Tony, you let that system do everything for you." She said, sipping her orange juice. He nodded as if to say "you're right."

Pulling a bottle of wine out the refrigerator, he took out a tall glass. "Sometimes, I let him make my decisions. For example, should I drink today? Or today and tomorrow?"

Everyone emitted a groan, leaving the room. Now being the only person in the kitchen, he laughed. "Oh come on, it was funny!" Like all of his other jokes, he laughed alone..

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