Two: The Devious Plan

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Ted wasn't on my mind for long, as I really wasn't into him. In fact, me being interested in a guy? Isn't something foreseeing. Marriage? Relationships? Love? Not my thing. —

Once inside the bathroom, I deliberately took an overly extended shower. Forcing mom to leave. She had work.

When I figured she'd be gone, I emerged from the bathroom, pulled on my work attire, and walked down to the kitchen. Just as expected, she was gone.

Mom hadn't left, however, without giving me a piece of her mind. On the kitchen counter were my breakfast and a note scribbled in her handwriting.

It reads:

Sasha darling, I'm sorry, but I'll have to leave for work before you get out of the shower. When I get home in the evening, we will talk, love you.

My face was screwed after reading the note. "I'd escaped her now, but she has plans for this evening. Gosh!" I said to myself, feeling very much trapped.

"I'm not gonna let this spoil my day. Just the same I've handled her now. I'll figure something out later" I told reassuringly myself, as I readily ingested the breakfast she had left behind.

Picking up my handbag, I fumbled through its contents in search of my car keys. When I found they were there. I pulled the bag over my shoulder and exited the house.—

I work as a receptionist at Conle's Doctor office. My duty is to schedule appointments and entertain visitors/ appointees, whilst they wait to get through to Mr. Conley.

Mr. Conley is the owner, my boss. He's hot. And old too. Yet I just couldn't keep my mind off him. For the last few weeks, I've been fantasizing about this so much that it's been driving me crazy.

I knew he was married,  and I knew he had children. Yet all that didn't matter, I didn't care. It wasn't as if I intended to settle down with him. No way!

I just wanted to fuck him.

I couldn't get the thought of fucking Mr. Conle from my head. I kept asking, 'why shouldn't I?'

I didn't need his money, and neither did I intend on breaking his family. I just simply wanted to fuck him!

I wanted to get laid by my boss. Is this too much for a girl to ask of her boss?

It was a new day at work, and as usual, the morning hours didn't bring many visitors. I was to be blessed, however, with a visit that would bring my egoistic dream closer to reality.

"Morning Sash." I jumped, as the mailman's sudden greetings interrupted my thoughts. I honestly hadn't seen him enter. Daydreaming again.

"I'm sorry. I was, "

"It's not a problem. I have a mail for mister Cole." He cut in and smiled. Sliding the envelope across the desk, before walking off.

"Wow!" I exclaimed softly, raising my hands excitedly above my head.

Why's this receptionist so excited about getting a mail? What's with the mail? That's what you must be wondering.

The truth is, I wasn't really happy about the mail. I was happier because the mail presented an avenue through which I could carry out the very devious plan I had in mind.

As a receptionist, I don't get much opportunity to see the boss. In his office. Privately. I'm usually restricted to the desk. But now, I have a very good reason to pay boss a visit.

I had a mail to deliver.

And I wasn't gonna just deliver a mail,  there was gonna be an aspect of surprise to it.

Quickly I pushed back my chair and got up from the desk. Then headed straight for the restroom. Once inside the restroom, I slip off my underwear and left my vagina bare.

I then took out my make-up kit, re-applied lipstick, eyeliner, and flashed my hair a bit.

Poised before the mirror I stared at my reflection, doubting whether I looked perfectly enough to seduce my boss.

I'm sure you are aware of how we girls spend hours getting ready? I mean, unless you're a Marsan or something. Everyone knows we are confused brats who can't make up our minds. Anyway, I just wanted to put my best image forward.

After a few minutes, I managed to sum up enough confidence. I was now ready to seduce Mr. Conle. Taking a final deep breath, I opened the door from the restroom and walked daintily towards his office.

Just outside the office and behind its door. I took yet another deep breath, reassuring myself once again 'you can do this.' Feeling now a bit more courageous, I stepped forward and pressed the buzzer.

" Buzz ...z"

Gently pushing the door open. I entered the office sexily and closed the door silently behind me. I then smiled politely down at Mr. Conle who was seated behind his desk.

"Good morning boss, I have a mail for you," I informed, walking daintily towards him, then pretending to drop the envelope.

"Sorry." I squealed, quickly bending over to take up the envelope. Whilst positioning myself perfectly so that he could see my bare pink vagina.

When I got up from my knees and turned around. I realized my plan was a partial success. His dick seemed to have hardened, and his mouth hang open.

"What's wrong?" I asked innocently, pretending not to know.

"Nothing. Nothing" he stammered, quickly closing his mouth and getting up from the desk where he was seated.

Subconsciously he started walking gingerly towards me. Until he was directly behind me. I could feel as his arms wrapped tightly around my waist, I could hardly believe what was happening.

Never had I thought seducing Mr. Conle would've been this easy. All the more reasons why I shouldn't get entangled in a relationship I told myself.

Guys these days can't keep their dick in their pants. Every girl they see they just want to fuck. I never once thought this applied to husbands until today?

This is just yet another reason why I don't get involved in relationships. I don't want to be fighting a guy to keep his dick in his pants, and I don't want a guy owning my pussy!

These were the many reasons I convinced myself, that I was never getting into a relationship. The truth to be told. I was just a slimy little slut. Nothing more mattered to me. Just the sex.

I could now feel a growing sensation as Mr. Conle's, rock-hard dick pricked me into the ass, and his hands moved from my waist and started sampling my breast. Squeezing and rubbing them in a circular motion.

The excitement I was feeling was more than I'd ever imagined. I was pulling off a big one. A veeery big one.

My boss was standing right behind me, squeezing my breast, his rock-hard dick forcing its way into my ass.

And to move things along? I wasn't wearing a lingerie!


Hi loves! This book is to be published Soon, however, I'm leaving this the first draft online for all to read for free. If you're enjoying it, please help spread the word by VOTING, COMMENTING, ADDING to your public reading lists, and SHARING with your friends.

Thank you! <3

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