Thirty-Eight: A New Family [Temporary ending]

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"I... I do!" I replied, with such enthusiasm and excitement, that I had to be reminded by the priest we hadn't reached the kissing part yet.

I was now completely sure of what I wanted. No longer was I pondering over the idea. It was now clear as this book. The next chapter of my life was with Michal, and the family we would together create.

"You may now exchange the rings" Continued the priest. Quickly Michal slipped the platinum ring unto my finger next to the engagement ring while I did the same.

"By the power invested in me. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Added the priest, concluding the ceremony.

It was an astonishing three minutes that followed. We kissed crazily. Like our lives depended upon it. Michal's tongue slipped into my mouth gently, but demanding, our tongues battled viciously.

It was like nothing I'd felt before. Something about this kiss just isolated it from all others. The enthusiasm and passion were unbelievably good.

The crowd applauded, and I threw my bouquet of flowers into the crowd. Which was surprisedly caught by Sandra.

Symbolic that she too would soon to be married. The crowd cheered her on and I could see her face beaming with surprise.

The priest then instructed us to a private room where we sat and carved our signatures to the marriage certificates.

Next in line was the wedding reception, which we enjoyed with open hearts, the cakes, the caressing, the kisses. Just about the everything.

We were then forced to cancel our reservation in a local hotel and rush to the airport when informed of a secretly planned honeymoon waiting for us in Hawaii. The land of endless beach parties.

We spent roughly two whole weeks in Hawaii. Enjoyed every bit of time spent there, before gathering our suitcases, and boarding the plane back home —

As I sat on the bed in the room, where I'd spent almost all of my childhood. I pondered on deciding what to bring, from those to leave.

I felt my nose becoming stuffy, and my eyes watery. The thought of leaving home for good. Seemed scary.

I was gonna really miss it here. No doubts. But it was time now. I had to leave. I had my own family now.

Just then mom and dad walked into my room. Mom sat on the bed next to me, and dad stood beside mom, rubbing her shoulder.

I could tell it was difficult for them as well.

"What you're feeling now is totally normal" Commented mom.

"It's always difficult moving out, and starting one's own family, but as the days pass by, one realizes that they should have done this a long time ago" Continued mom.

"There will be challenges and there will be disappointments. but I know you're strong, and together you and that Michal. You will pull through, and don't ever forget, you're always gonna have us" Put in dad, As they came forward and gave me a big hug.

"Thanks, mom. Thank you so much, dad. I really needed that assurances" I replied, wiping my eyes and closing the suitcase with the manicures, as the movers came in and started moving my stuff.

My new home was in a secure, gated community, and not far from the city. When I reached, I was pleased to find Michal waiting on the front lawn. With arms open wide I hugged and kissed him on the lips.

We then left the open lawn and walked into the house. Once inside Michal showed me around, I was fascinated. However, I wanted a few changes.

"This place is gonna need some remodeling. It just doesn't feel homey." I smiled.

"I want this room pink and..."

"Yah. You're right, this place would do well with some remodeling. I want my room blue. Aqua blue and... " Added Michal and we both laughed.

"Let me go call the painter." Begged Michal, excusing himself to get the phone.

Shortly after, he returned with the painter and we had so much fun painting. Michal wrote on my face and I painted his face.

"Please, not my hair" Begged Michal, as I raised my pink hands towards his hair.

"Okay. I won't put paint in your hair. But let's go get cleaned up and finish the packing tomorrow. What's for dinner?"

"We could order pizza." Suggested Michal.

"Pizza? I'm so sick of pizza. What you say about..."

Yah. We're nestling together just fine. We are a family. With only one major, but very small person missing.

I just wish the baby was here now.

That night we retired early. The next morning we resumed packing. When this was done, Michal and I laid on the bed his laptop open and we did some shopping for furniture online.

The furniture arrived shortly and together alined them across the various rooms and watch as the house came to life.

And just like that, we started a new family. A promising family of two, soon to become three.

"Mmm Sandra. She caught those flowers. I wonder if she found that right guy yet?" I asked myself smiling, as Michal switched off the night lights and pulled me in closer. Closer. And then even closer.

There's no such thing as happily ever after. The End.


Rushed! - This is a temporary ending due to major exams coming up soon. Until late June, enjoy.

PS: I'll miss you Intolerably. please follow me. I love you.

Comments/ Reviews. Please.

Yours sincerely,

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