Twenty-Nine: Why Michal Loves Me

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Time runs fast when you're having fun. Before long breakfast hours were long over and the lunch hour fast approaching.

"Ready to go Darling?" Asked Michal, after a quick glance at his watch.

"Yah. Sure. I'm ready to go. As long as you're coming"

"Most definitely" Replied Michal, getting up from his chair and moving towards mines. I quickly got up from where I was seated and joined him.

Crossing his hand around my waist he held me closely by his side as we walked to the parking lot to retrieve the Benz.

As always, Michal opened the front passenger door and made sure I was comfortably seated then he walked to the other side of the Benz and got in the driver's seat.

Turning on the heater Michal warmed the air inside the Benz. Then he lowered his foot onto the gas pedal and the Benz launched forward. Within minutes we were speeding along the highway.

"Home sweet home." I said to myself, as I watched the trees and houses flash past the car's window then disappear along the horizon.

"Daddy can I have your musketeer please?" I asked playfully pointing to the musketeer that was in his shirt pocket.

I was pretending to be our child. Imaging he or she may repeat something across this very same line if he or she happens to be a lover of chocolate like myself.

"Sure darling" Replied Michal, playing along. Removing the musketeer from his shirt pocket he handed it to me.

I didn't want the musketeer, but since he'd given it to me I ate a piece then handed to him the remaining, which he merely refused.

"No thanks. I'm not a big fan of chocolate."

"Have it Michal. If you love me have it." I insisted.

"Okay... I'll have it." Replied Michal, taking my hand into his mouth and biting it gently.

"Ahhh...Michal that's rude." I chuckled, pushing him playfully on the shoulder.

"You know why I love you so much, Sasha?"

"Why?" I asked eagerly.

"You are fun, you have a great sense of humor and to top that all, I like your gist."

"My gist?" I ask questioningly.

Michal didn't explain, he only smiled and kept driving. A few minutes later we were parked inside the garage and Michal turned the key in the ignition, silencing the Benz's engine.

The word gist was still well alive in my mind and I was eager to find its meaning. I'll look up the word as soon as we get inside, I said to myself.

I'll share the meaning with you as soon as I find it. I'm sure you are as eager as I'm, to find out what is it that Michal really likes about me.

Before getting out of the car Michal and I exchanged a brief kiss on the lips, then he came around to my side of the Benz and open the door. Holding hands we walked into the house together.

Once inside the house, I dropped my handbag on the couch and hurried to my father's study in search of a dictionary. Sure enough, I found an Oxford English dictionary on the shelf. I quickly snatch the dictionary from among the other books and started searching for the word gist?

"Here it is!" I shouted.

"Here's what?" asked Michal staring at the dictionary.

"Gist?" Asked Michal, spotting the word he'd previously used.

"You're still onto that? What does it say there?"

"The essential part or a general sense of what someone says." I smiled, placing the dictionary back on the shelf where it belongs.

I wouldn't want my father to ask for his dictionary when he returns from England. He always keeps his things neatly organized. Something I'm not very good at!

Taking Michal's arm into mines we walked to my room. There we together had a shower then lay stretched out on the bed, tired and exhausted.

"Sasha, our date went very well. I'm very happy" Said Michal.


"Shhh..... Michal." I said placing my finger on his lips. then hoisting my self to sit on top him, just below his belly.

Michal's eyes lit up as I removed my blouse and bra and flashed my tall black hair behind my back then moving in on his lips. The kisses flowed for quite sometime.

Until Michal started remove his shirt with my help. Rolling over on top of me, he started moving his tongue between my breast, sucking my nipples and kissing my neck, simultaneously moving his arms gingerly between my legs.

I mourned in pleasure, the feeling was overwhelming. For the first in a very long time, I was close to Michal, I could feel his rasping breath against my face and hands stimulating my sex drive.

I could sense my body transitioning into sex gear. Wild and energetic, just waiting to spring into action.

Hot well-anticipated sex?! Yah...My body was screaming for it, and I just couldn't wait to dive in.

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