Thirty-Seven: The Wedding Party

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As I sat there in the dressing room reciting my vows, I smiled as the sunlight from the east swooped in through the windows, banishing my cold unpleasant thoughts and replacing them with the treasurous moments spent with Michal.

I didn't realize how long I'd been sitting there until the ringing of my cell phone dragged me back to reality. I was way past late for my wedding. The wedding was to commence fifteen minutes ago, and I was thirty minutes off!

As I stared at the phone screen I realized how intensely I had been daydreaming. There were over 500 missed calls and text messages displayed on my phone's screen from my mom, Michal and a lot of numbers foreign to my contacts. It was clear, everyone was wondering what had happened to the bride. Unintentionally I had made Michal and everyone worried.

"Poor Michal? He must be in a lot of pain. Must be wondering if I've run off." I sympathized. As my iPhone display once again lit up, and his number slid across its display, I was tempted to answering, I was, but I didn't.

I'm not gonna answer his call now. Let him worry. I wanna see his sweaty, scared face when I arrive an hour late. I smiled to myself, rubbing my hand gently across my oversized belly.

I know this is not very fair, or even pleasant on his part, but I was already late, and as such, I decided I might as well have some fun.

Quickly I exit the dressing room, narrowly missing a collision with my stylist and makeup artist. Who seemed to have been in a hurry to get to my room.

"Guy why didn't you call me? Didn't you all see that it was getting late?" I asked, growling at them.

"Sorry mam, but you asked not to be disturbed. We were just following orders."

"Gosh! Your gonna have to apply that makeup in the car. I'm already too late."

"Where's the cab I" demanded, sounding like the dictator, which I very well am not. Stress? It can change a person. Totally? And I mean entirely? Look at what it had done to me?

"The cars out by the front" Replied the stylist, who had earlier helped me fit the dress over my belly and choosing from a whole range of other apparels. Including earrings.

As I walked briskly towards the front entrance. I spotted the beautifully decorated limousine. Leaning on its side was my dad, the giveaway father.

He will be the one to walk me up the red carpet and hand me over to the priest under the arch. Across from Michal. That's if it will get that far xD.

Why hadn't dad come get me, if he was here all along?

Before long, however, I knew why he hadn't. I had a big decision to make, and he wanted only me to make that decision, alone. It was entirely up to me if I wanted to go along with it or not—

Though he felt it was the right thing for me to do, and what he personally wanted for me? He didn't want to force me—  If I had changed my mind he wouldn't force a decision.

When I reached outside a huge smile spread across his face and he gave me a warm hug.

"I'm glad you finally decided." He whispered into my ear, as he opened the door and I entered.

For a moment I was like. What? Dad's happy I finally decided on? This was however until my brain decoded the message totally and I smiled.

Inside the car, I was greeted by Cindy, my irated five-year-old flower girl who pushed a bunch of artificial flowers into my army. She was tired, pissed and weary from waiting.

"What took you so long?" She asked, her brown eyes staring up at me from beneath her tall black lashes. I swallowed hard.

I felt real awkward. I was being asked a simple question by a five-year-old kid, and I just for once didn't have a response. I couldn't tell her I was daydreaming. Could I?

It was my dad who had just gotten in from the other side of the car, who came to my rescue. Realizing I was lost for words from the puzzled expression on my face.

Ticketing Cindy's side, dad forced her to laugh. And as she laughed uncontrollably, she forgot that she had been previously been angered. I breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed into the seat, as the limousine pulled onto the busy streets.

Pacing up and down Michal dabbed at his forehead, perspiring with sweat.

Oh my god. What the hell's taking her so long. Her dad's with her, but he isn't saying anything substantial.

"She's still in the dressing room." That's the one thing he has been reiterating. 

She must be having doubts. If she'd just answer my call, then maybe I could help her exonerate them.

I was feeling real embarrassed and alone. Everyone at the wedding had their spouse. But I. The groom. I had no one. My bride seemed to have run away from me.

Like a man. I bearded this pain. Resting my butt on a bench in the shade of a palm tree. I buried my head in my palms.

The entire groom party, concerned relatives, and friends. All came and encircled me, offering their support and words of upliftment. Wiping from my eyes the tears that were never there.

All these acts of sympathy were meant to be helpful, but it only made me felt worst. It only highlighted me as the guy who was crying for his, runaway bride. Not good.

All this sympathy and encouragements were getting to my head. Rising from the bench I begged excuse and parted the crowd that had engulfed me.

"I'm gonna go get her. She's my life partner. This wedding must go on!" I assured myself.

Rushing towards my car, as my hand rested on the door lock, however, I stopped. I could hear the sound of the bridal party coming in the distance.

My heart leaped with joy and I quickly hurried towards the limousine as it entered the venue. Impatiently I knocked on the rear window. As the window rolled down. I saw Sasha with the vale covering her face.

"Please. Please don't ever scare me like this again." I begged. As the window started going up and the limo moved towards the private entrance at the side.

Everything was now back to normal. Just a bit behind schedule.

As she modeled up the red carpet, her hips swaying from left to right with her head under that vale. I pictured a princess, to be forever protected by her prince, and there on that spot. I vowed to protect her with my all my might.


After a lengthy wedding ceremony, Michal and I were finally together under the arch, and the priest began the binding processes. I was so happy to see Michal and I wanted so much to let him know.

"Do you Michal Clark take Sasha to be your lawfully wedded wife. For richer for poorer, through sickness or in health, until death do you part?" Asked the priest.

"I do" Replied Michal, smiling passionately.

The priest then continued. "And do you Sasha Connor take Michal Clark to be your lawfully wedded husband, for richer for poorer, through sickness or in health, until death do you part?"

My mind raced, and I looked down into the crowd, then at Michal's smiling face—

To my readers. My loves. Thanks for all the support. If it wasn't for your support, comments, and positivity I'd never reached this far. Thank you.     

                                      Yours sincerity,                                                 Dumane.  

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