Thirteen: The Proposal

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After an overly extended period of kissing, we finally reached the front of the line. There Michal produced our reservation slip and we entered.

Our seats were to the back of the dinner, away from most of the dancing and romancing. The atmosphere conjured by the music and decor was like none I'd experience before, it was perfect.

Everything seemed to pause as Michal and I made our way to our seats. I could feel a growing sense of attraction for Michal. As his hand slips gently around mines, I smiled. -

The sweetened aroma created by the blended variety of foods, tickled my nostrils as it circulated the air. Couldn't wait to make my order!

Michal led and I followed closely behind, his hand wrapped securely around mines. - I cannot believe I literally kissed Michal earlier. What's got into me?

The tables were elegantly decorated; red linen cloth, clothed the wooden tables, stocked with rose pink roses.

Why roses? I wondered speculatively as I eyed the complimentary bottle of wine parked on each table. I eyed the bottle of wine with growing interest as we moved towards our table.

The wine appeared blood stained in color, darkened with age I thought, as I made contact with the soft padded chair.

I couldn't imagine drinking all the wine. Yet I couldn't imagine not.

I just wanted to burst open the stopper, I wanted to feel the harsh sweet taste stimulating my taste buds. I wanted to feel the warmth it would generate throughout my body, as it passed through my systems. However I decided to wait until Michal signaled a waitress and we had our orders placed.

Michal didn't have to signal a waitress, however. The waitress came to us. She gave us a warm friendly welcome before handing to us a menu card.

Aftew which, she stood patiently beside our table and waited, whilst we decided on our meals. Michal being the gentleman he is, handed to me the menu card and instructed I place my order before he his.

Dipping into my purse I attempted to produce some bills, when Michal stopped me and paid the waitress with a hundred dollars note, advising her to keep the change. As an act of appreciation. A tip.

I was very impressed, everything was so very expensive and yet Michal had paid, without accepting the help I offered, and wow! What a big tip he had given that waitress. I could see the waitresses face beaming with smiles as she thanked Michal and hurried off.

Minutes later she returned with our meals which she presented on the table, and thanked Michal once more for the tip before walking off to assist other customers.

Reaching forward Michal removed the wine cap. Next, he poured portions into two glasses. One for me, and the other for himself. I was feeling very excited, Michal is such a sweetie.

"If he could just see a glimpse of my heart? Then he'd know how much I was in love him." I said to myself.

As we ate the food from the dish and drank the wine from the goblet, Michal started sharing some of his most remembered moments growing up as a kid and I the same. Lateran the night as our plates neared emptied and our stomachs near filled. Michal and I got real close.

My chair had somehow moved closer to his. I was laughing, flashing my hair and burying my head into his shoulder, his hands gently resting against mines whilst he played with my fingers.

Something I was really enjoying. His hand was a lot rougher than mines and this for me was some what great. It made me feel like the girl. Which I most definitely am!

Really? I was just being natural. I wasn't pushing my self onto Michal. Not that I don't love him. Its just all the romantic melodies and the wine was really starting to messing to my thoughts and emotions.

Michal seemed however, to have gotten a totally different understanding of my body languages, or maybe my actions just gave him the go-ahead, he was really very prepared for what he did next. Honestly.

Getting up from his chair Michal knelt down on his knees beside the table and softly called my name;


"Yes, Michal," I replied, feeling a bit dizzy as the wine soaked into my system. I'd already drunken two glasses of wine and was now busy sipping away at the third.

"Will you marry me, Sasha?"

"I know it's a bit too early to propose, b-but. I love you." He finished, producing a golden ring with diamond stone from out of the blues.

I was shocked, I was caught off guard, I even didn't stop to think, I just said yes. "Yes Michal. I- I will marry you!" I screamed smiling, as he slid the golden ring onto my finger.

The entire room exploded into thunderous applause, as Michal proposed to me, there, in front of all those couples. I blushed, I was happy, couldn't kept myself from staring at the genuine golden ring with diamond stone that Michal had slipped over my finger.

"How he must have saved for this? He must really love me." I said to myself, staring at the ring as the lights reflected off its surfaces.

Why? Why did I accept this proposal?

Had I made this decision too soon? Yah, I did. With all the guilt I was been feeling for the past weeks and the joy I was feeling now.

I just couldn't refuse his proposal. I couldn't refuse him again and I couldn't refuse that gold!

My accepting his proposal brought extreme happiness to his eyes and face. He really loved me. He wanted me for himself, but unfortunately, I didn't want the same.

I felt trapped between my words. Was I really going to marry this guy?

Do I love him? Or was it the golden ring with diamond stone, or some other material thing that I was attracted to?

I thought long and hard, giving up my casual sexual routines wasn't an option. There was no place in my life for a husband.

Really, I was not intending to marry Michal, I couldn't see myself taking that vow. The vow of loyalty forever.

The vow to live the rest of my life with an only guy, for richer, for poorer, through health or in sickness - till death do we part!?

Hell no! I was not cut out for that shit.


Dear Readers: This book is to be published Soon, however, I'm leaving the first draft online for all to read for free. If you're enjoying it, please help spread the word by VOTING, COMMENTING, ADDING to your public reading lists, and SHARING with your friends.

Thank you! <3

Untamed Desires [COMPLETED] [16+]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora