chapter two

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"Skylar, hurry up!" Sadie yelled from the porch the next day. We had just finished moving boxes into our rooms at the pack house, by we I mean me, Chris and Tristan, who would not stop looking at me when the others weren't around, with Sadie supervising.

I ran up to her. We walked to her room to play Barbies with Chris.

Me, Chris and Sadie played for about a hour before Lexi, the designated pack mother, called lunch. We ran down too the kitchen and I helped Sadie and some of the younger kids make their plates. We all ate outside at a big picnic table that was set up.

Not everyone lived at the pack house but it's where most of the pack spent their time. So we had to accommodate a large group of people. I sat down next to Chris and we were talking and laughing but when we finished he said he had to make up what he missed yesterday and then do it again as punishment.

I gave him a pitying look but shrugged it off and went to play with Sadie.

"Skylar, can you help me with the dishes, please?" Lexi asked me before I could take five steps, she was looking a little past me giving someone a 'don't even think about it' look but when I looked over my shoulder no-one was there, I shrugged it off and went inside to help with the dishes.

It took four hours to do the dishes. 'Why so many?' I wondered as I went upstairs to take a nap.

I had only just fallen asleep when I heard my door open. I grumbled at Sadie to let me sleep when the person chuckled.

"I'm not Sadie," Tristan said.

"Okay. Tristan let me sleep," I corrected.

"I did. It is now ten o'clock at night," he stated with a smirk.

"I slept for five hours," I said numbly.

"Yeah and now you're done sleeping because now I have to show you that I don't hate you," he said with an evil looking smirk on his face.

Before I could ask what he meant he was holding my hands above my head and was laying over me grinding our lower halves together. I bit back a moan and his smirk grew.

"Come on," he commanded. "There are to many prying ears around here." I obediently followed him.

He led me to the garage, tossed me into the passenger seat of his car, got in the drivers seat and drove away from the house. He reached over and slowly rubbed the erection I didn't know I had, he would bring me close to a release but wouldn't let me cum, I was about to snap when he abruptly stopped, pulled over into a small opening in the forest that lined the road we were on.

He pulled me from the seat and threw me lightly to the ground. I tried to stand but he grabbed my hips and held me in place, with one hand he adjusted my body to a position he liked then he reached around to my shorts and pulled them down to my knees, he did the same with his pants.

"Damn you have no idea how long I've waited for a chance to take you, have you. You have been driving me insane. Now I get to put you in your place, below me, taking my cock deep, hard, whenever, wherever I want," he growled into my ear.

I knew I should have been scared but I wanted him just as badly, to do as he asked, to please him. I shivered at the thought of having his cock in me as deep as possible. My cock twitched in anticipation. Even though the thought terrified me at the same time.

"Someone's eager," he commented. I nodded subconsciously. He chuckled and pulled at the waist band of my boxers. "You're a virgin, correct?" I nodded again, this time self-consciously.

"Aw, there's nothing to be ashamed of," he assured me and rubbed small circles into my back, he pulled my shirt up in process. There was a sharp in take of breathe, "Who gave you those?" He said lowly.

"No-one," I lied.

"Don't lie too me."

"It's not important," I insisted.

"Yes, it is. They hurt you and I want to know who they are so I can make them pay," he growled. "Now tell me, who did this."

"They're dead, so it doesn't matter," I pointed out. I tried to distract him by grinding my ass against the bulge in his pants but he flipped me so that I was laying on my back looking straight into his eyes.

"Who did this?" He repeated. I gulped and tried to turn my head away. "Skylar, it's my job as alpha to know what's going on in my pack. Now tell me who did this."

"My dad, ok," I snapped. "Now drop it."

Tristan froze just looking at me, his normally brown eyes almost black with anger glaring at me yet not seeing me at all, his fists clenched on either side of my head ripping dirt and grass out of the ground, his nostrils flared and his breathing became ragged. I tried to sink into the ground so I wouldn't have to face his wrath.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" he asked sounding hurt even through his anger.

"I didn't think it mattered. He's dead."

"Of course it matters. He. Hurt. You."

I winced slightly when he ran his hand along my jawline trying to calm me down. He growled, stood up, fixed my shorts, picked me up, set me in the passenger seat, told me not to move, locked the doors and ran into the forest, all in under ten seconds. I sat perfectly still for nearly an hour before he came back to the car.

He didn't say a word to me, didn't even look at me, he just started the car and drove us back to the pack house.

He quickly got out of the car and went into the house and presumedly to bed. After a couple of minutes I climbed out and went to mine.

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