chapter four

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I rolled over and snuggled into the person laying next to me. 'Wait, person? Why is there a person in my bed? No, this isn't my bed. Where am I? Who is laying next to me? How did I get here? Why is the person laughing and why does that laugh sound so familiar?'

"Because you're talking out loud. And it's Tristan."

"Oh, um, forget any of this happened, okay?" I said as last night came back to me.

I attempted to roll over so I could leave but Tristan wrapped his arms around my waist holding me in place and pulling me into his chest. I opened my mouth to tell him to let me go but something began to rub against me and all that came out was a moan. I slapped my hands over my mouth and could feel the heat radiating of my face.

"Aw, don't be shy. I want to hear you moan." To prove his point he rolled his hips into mine, gaining him another moan. I tried pulling away again but he flipped us so that he was laying on top of me. "I am going to have you moaning my name by breakfast. Actually I'll have you screaming it."

He pulled my boxers, the only clothes I was wearing, off and threw them across the room, quickly followed by his. He flipped my onto my stomach and ran his hands over my ass.

"Relax. I don't want to hurt you but it will hurt if your stiff like this."

"How am I supposed to relax? You're about to shove your dick up my ass."

"I'm not just going to shove it in. I have to prep you first. You should have done some research on this I mean what if someone tried to take advantage of you."

"So what do you have to do to prep me?" I asked ignoring the last part of his sentence.

"First I have to get you to relax," he said and massaged the muscles in my ass and lower back. "then I have to get a good amount of lubricant on my fingers and your entrance and I slowly work my first finger into your tiny hole, wiggle it and stretch you apart until your ready to take my second finger. I wiggle them both around and then I separate them in such a way that it's called scissoring. And last step I add a third finger and I pump them in and out off your hole until your moaning then I push them as deep as can into you and I wriggle them around until I find your sweet spot." he illustrates, doing each of the actions as he says them.

He lined himself up with my newly prepared hole and slowly eased his way in. I could feel myself being stretched by his length even after the prepping. It hurt and caused me to cry out, Tristan began too kiss me full on the lips to hush my crying. Once the whole ten inches were inside me, he stayed there unmoving for a minute, giving me time to adjust to the feeling of him being inside me. When I said I was ready he slowly began to thrust into me. He kissed the back of my neck and along my spine. I was moaning so much the whole house must have heard us. He picked up speed and the thrusts became deeper until I felt like I was going to be ripped apart. Then he hit my sweet spot and I came seeing white, Not even five seconds later I felt Tristan cumming inside of me. I slumped against the bed not a care in the world. Tristan still deep inside me. He leaned down to whisper in my ear and-.

"Skylar, wake up." Tristan whispered. "You've been moaning my name for the last five minutes and as hot as that is, Lexi will kill me if your not down for lunch."

"Huh?" I asked still foggy from my dream.

"Get up, take a shower and come down to lunch."

I took a deep breathe. 'Okay so it was just a wet dream, but I did moan and Tristan thought it was hot.' I thought. After my shower I went to eat lunch.

I sat down by Chris and Sadie. Lexi had made hamburgers which were really good. I quickly finished and went back upstairs to my room to play Minecraft.

I came down for dinner a few hours later and afterwards I went up to my room but before I could go in two arms wrapped around my waist. I was going to pull away but a scent I recognized stopped me, it was Tristan. I relaxed. Once in his room he threw me on the bed.

"Stay there," he ordered and walked out of the room again. He was gone for ten minutes and when he came back he went straight to the DVD player. "Just watch. Nothing else."

He walked into what the bathroom so I turned my attention to the screen, where two men were making out on a bed. I had known I was gay since I was ten so it was no surprise to me when my dick began to harden.

At first I ignored my dick but as the video continued it became increasingly hard. After twenty minutes it was unbearable I was about to jerk off when I remembered Tristan's orders, 'Just watch. Nothing else.'

I repositioned myself about fifty times before the video ended, it was impossible to get comfortable with as raging boner. Tristan came back into room and seeing my discomfort, or rather the cause for it, said, "Good boy."

He proceeded to take my rock hard dick in his hand and rub the tip. I moaned at the contact. He began to slowly jerk me off and bring me to the edge of release but before I could he snapped a silver ring around my cock. I moaned in both pleasure and annoyance.

"You can cum in the morning," he stated before pulling out his own cock and jerking off in the most showy way possible. "You want a taste?" he asked, seeing the look I was giving it.

I nodded eagerly and opened my mouth around him. I hollowed my cheeks and let him fuck into my mouth. It was only a minute before he was cumming down my throat, I swallowed and pulled off. He smiled and kissed me, licking the remaining cum off my lips.

"Why?" I asked him after minute.

"Why what?"

"Why do you keep doing this? Loving me one minute and hating me the next."

"I don't hate you, I thought this would have proved that to you. I love you. I hate what that entails."

"And that is?" I asked, more curious now than annoyed.

"That I'm a monster. That I'm unfit to be alpha. That my mate is still a kid and I can't control myself and I'm going to end up mating and marking you before you're ready because of it."

"I'm your m-mate?" I asked in shock. He nodded, slowly. "So, what does this mean for us?"

"That depends on how you feel about this," he stated. I leaned back for a moment and he got a sort of disappointed look in his eyes before I leaned forwards again and kissed him full on the lips. "Does this mean you accept me?" he asked.

"On two conditions. We tell no-one until I'm eighteen and no kids."

"Um, I kind of already have one."

I slapped him on the back of the head, lightly, and gave him a 'no shit' look. He chuckled and kissed me again.

"Does this mean you'll take the ring off?" I asked hopefully, my boner had become painfully hard.

"Not a chance. This is your punishment for trying to hide what your dad did from me."

Before I could argue he pulled me down so that I was laying cradled against his chest. I couldn't sleep but after nearly three hours I was to exhausted keep my eyes open.

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