chapter ten

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I woke up feeling great except for the pain at the bottom of my back which had only gotten worse since I fell asleep. I groaned and rolled over into Tristan's chest. He kissed the top of my head.

"Good morning, gorgeous," he whispered.

"G'morning," I replied.

"What do you want for breakfast?" he asked.

"Pancakes?" I asked, hopefully.

"Okay, I have a meeting with the Blue Moon pack at two today so you'll have to entertain yourself from two to four," he informed me.

"You sure you wouldn't rather have me wait for you to come back from your meeting for entertainment?" I asked, cheekily.

"Don't be cheeky."

I laughed and laid my head on his chest. He hugged me tight.

"What kind of pancakes do you want?"

"The kind that won't kill me." He gave me strange look. "You said you can only cook pasta," I explained.

"How about I make chocolate chip pancakes?"

"Yes, please," I said, happily.

He laughed and pecked my lips. He climbed off the bed and walked to the door.

"Don't go anywhere."

"Where would I go? I can't walk."

I lounged on the bed for half an hour before I reached for the remote. I turned the tv on to HBO and Games of Throne was on, I smiled and relaxed to watch it. Tristan came back with a plate of pancakes.

"Yummy. Gimme...gimme...gimme."
He chuckled and put the plate on the bedside table.

"We should move your stuff into here," he commented.

"Okay, tomorrow."

"Why not today?" he whined.

"I. Can. Not. Walk," I said, emphasising each word.

"You can supervise," he suggested.

"Or we could do it tomorrow," I countered.

"Fine, tomorrow," he surrendered. "Now eat."

He handed me the plate of pancakes. I smiled brightly, cut the pancake and ate it while watching royalty and wannabe royalty kill each other. Tristan laughed and kissed my cheek. He took my now empty plate and put it back on the table.

"You're amazing," he complimented.

I blushed and ducked my head. He tilted my head up by the chin. He smiled.

"Don't ever doubt yourself." he said. "You are incredible. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise not even yourself."

He kissed me on the lips. I smiled and leaned into him.

"School starts in a month are you ready?" Tristan asked.


"Why not?"

"It's school, now let's do something fun instead of talking about boring, old school."

"Okay," he said and brought his lips to mine again. He pushed me so that I was laying on the bed beneath him. I kissed him passionately. I started to take off his pants but he stopped me. "We aren't going to do anything until you're better."

"I'm not sick."

"But you are in pain."

"So what I have to go without sex until the pain goes away?"I asked.

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