chapter five

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I slept for barely fifteen minutes, the pain just wouldn't stop. I moaned and reached to take the ring off but a hand stopped me.

"Nope. I take it off, not you," he said but simply wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Well...aren't you going to?" I asked my voice cracking because of the pain.

"Not yet."

"Please...I'll do anything."

He smirked, pecked my lips and shook his head. I groaned and tried to reposition myself but Tristan held me in place. I was forced to lay there for another hour.

"You're about to have the biggest orgasm of your entire life," he said before reaching over and taking the ring off. I felt as if I was floating, I saw white as I came. I came more than I thought possible. I breathed deeply. I felt amazing.

"Better?" Tristan asked.


I leaned into his chest and closed my eyes. He snuggled up to me. I fell asleep in his arms.

I woke up again at nine o'clock. I smiled when I remembered what happened the night before. Tristan is my mate, he's my...what is he? My boyfriend? My lover? My what?
Before I could think of an answer a pair of lips touched mine.

"Good morning, beautiful."

"What are we?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"I know we're mates but does that mean we're dating or...?"

"Yeah, I mean if you want us to," he replied. I smiled, nodded and snuggled into him.

"I need to shower," I observed and climbed out of bed.

"I could use a shower," he said coyly. I rolled my eyes but made no vocal argument. Tristan grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the bathroom. "Strip. I'll run us a bath."

"Shower not bath." I whined.

"The bath is for fun. You can take a shower to get clean afterwards," he clarified. I arched an eyebrow but did as he said. He frowned at my scars but kissed them.

"Hey, you need to strip, too." He smirked and made a show of taking his shirt off.

'How have I not noticed his abs before?' I wondered.

"Are you going to get in or are you just going to stare at me?" he asked. I blushed but climbed in. Tristan kissed my neck and rubbed against me. I began to relax but couldn't help but think I was dreaming and would wake up in my bed all alone.Tristan seemed intent on proving me wrong though as he intensified his actions.

We ended up not leaving his room until nearly three in the afternoon. We went down stairs and I tried to hide my limp, he hadn't fucked me but he did a damn good job with a vibrator. I wouldn't have left the room at all but Lexi said she was going to skin us if we stayed in his room all day. So I had to go down stairs. I was trying to avoid looking at anyone because everyone in the house is a werewolf and would know what we were doing, even though Tristan's room is soundproof they could smell the sex on us, it's humiliating.

I made it to the kitchen without incident but Chris was in the kitchen. 'Please don't let him be able to smell it, please, please, please!' I begged to whatever diety that was listening.

"I don't even want to know," Chris stated as he walked past me and out the door.

I breathed a sigh of relief. Tristan came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me close to him.

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