Chapter 10 The Packs New Alpha

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As we make our way down stairs Dylan calls everyone into the meeting room we wait for about ten minutes before its crawling with men women and children Dylan clears his trout and starts talking.

Attention everyone.he says and they all go silent

As you all have know by now that Alpha John my father was killed last night by the rouge pack.he says

Rouge pack as in Jacob Sails.asks one of the men standing by the door

Yes he was the one that toke my mother and made the Alpha make a deal to get her back him for her and he did after the exchange went down he ripped my fathers heart out right in front of me and my mother because of that i will be the new alpha if anyone has a problem with that talk now.he says in a loud voice he looked at all the members of the pack and they all lower there heads.

Al right then its done I'am Alpha now and i have myself a mate Bethany martin she is the new luna.he says and pulls me against him and once again everyone lower theres heads then they started clapping.

My Father funeral will take place tomorrow.Thank you that is all if any of you have any questions come to me directly.says Dylan they all nod and leave the room we both follow them out as well.

Alpha can we talk.says a tall brunette girl with grey eyes she is really pretty

Of course.he replied,Bethany i need to go make yourself at home you remember where my room is?

Yeah.i say

Okay i will send Val to get you some clothe.he says

Okay.i say

He nods and kisses my head and walks away before i go upstairs i go outside i need some fresh air today has been a long day when i get outside its a bit chilly but i don't mined the cold i actually like it i walk down the steps and i decide to take a walk around the house its really big it haves a large porch small i walk i feel eyes on me i turn around but nobody is there should probably get back to the house i don't want to get taken again so i do i turn around and i hit something well more someone he offers me his hand and i take it.

Sorry and thanks.i say

No problem Luna.he replies

Please call me Beth.i say

Sorry beth.he says

Whats your name?i ask

Cole.he says with a smile ,he is kinda cute with his grey eyes and thick British accent black hair and really tall i mean everybody in this house is ten feet tall.

So your Dylan's Mate.he says while looking me up and down


Man he always has the best luck with the lady's.says Cole

What do you mean.i ask as we start walking around the house

Well that he is popular with the ladies almost all the girls in this pack wanted him to be there mate.he says,a few of them tried but failed when he turned then down but there was one girl that got her shot it was when he was gonna leave to look for his mate.

Who?i ask just the thought of Dylan with an other girl makes me sick

Her name is Liv.he says,she is brunette grey eyes

Ah i don't know her.i say was it the girl that asks to speak with him no he will never don't think like that beth.

Well it was nice talking to you.i say

Yeah i see you around Beth.he says and winks at me.i turn around and enter the house i look at the clock and i'v been talking with Cole for about an hour it didn't feel that long i walk up the stairs and into Dylan's room theres clothe on top of the bed i guess Valerie or Val like Dylan calls her brought it.I grab it and head into the bathroom i take a long shower with warm water and it feels so refreshing when i finish i put on the clothe Val brought me and i put my hair in a high pony tail and i jump into Dylan's bed its all ready 10:40 and i'm super tired i close my eyes and i fall into a deep sleep.

Awake when i can't move my hands i open my eyes all i see our glowing grey eyes i try to move but i can't its the same girl who was talking with Dylan.

So your Dylan new plaything.she says with disgust

He.....i try to scream but she covers my mouth

Be quiet we need clear something out stay away from Dylan he's mine he may think that your his mate but he's just confused he will see that i'm his real mate and trow you to the curve.she says

This girl is crazy i bite down on her hand and she lets go off me i kick her stomach she fall on her side and i get up and run toward the door i try to open it when she grabs my leg i fall face first to the ground my vision goes
Blank for a few seconds she turns me around.

You little slut.she says with anger

When she was about to hit me the doors burst open and a very angry Dylan runs in he looks at the scene anger and confusion in his eyes he pulls The brunette girl off of me and slams her against the wall his hand on her neck he was about to kill her when Danny came in the door in a hurry Alpha.he screams,Dylan reacts and looks at him then at me and back at the girl.

If you ever touch my mate again i will kill you.he growls and lets her go she falls to the ground searching for air Danny helps her up and takes her out of the room Dylan is at my side in a second.

Are you alright.says Dylan while touching my head,Your bleeding and his eyes change color from red to black his whole eye

Dylan i say while i touch his face he leans into my hand and closes his eyes,I'm fine don't worry,he opens his eyes and there back to there brown with a hint of grey color.

Lets get you to the doctor.says Dylan and picks me up,he caries me to the clinic a few bed down is Liv,Dylan puts me down and walks toward Val they talk them walk my way.

Alright lets see.says Val and checks me over ,she cleans the cut on my forehead and she done

Okay everything is okay.says Val,Dylan nods and grabs me once more ,we walk toward Dylan's bedroom he puts me on the bed and closes the door he walks toward me and grabs my face and kisses me hard every time his lips touch mine its like electricity all over my body it feel amazing he pulls away to look into my eyes he haves love and compassion.

Lets get some sleep.he says and i nod i lay down and he lays beside me he puts his arm around me and pulls me closer it makes me feel safe i slowly close my eyes then theres only darkness.


Hey sorry if this chapter was a bit boring i was watching Deep Blue Sea while i wrote it so yeah.i hope you enjoyed vote and comment if your liking the story so far.btw sorry if my spelling is not that great!the guy in the picture is Dylan also known as Chris Wood

Thanks for reading.📖

With Love Marymar🌙

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