Chapter 25 Losing you

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As i finish watching teen wolf i head upstairs to take a shower once inside Kevin's room i grab some clothe and jump into the bathroom i take a long shower with warm water its really relaxing when i finish i dry myself off and get dressed i put on some leggings and a peach color shirt i let my hair lose cause it still kinda wet when i'm about to leave the room Kevin enters in a rush he looks worried.

Kevin whats wrong.

The pack is under attack.he says

What by who?

The Rouge Alpha and his pack.he says

Omg we need to go help.

No you stay here.

What no.

Yes you are.says Kevin

I'm not gonna let them die while i sit up here doing nothing.

Beth you will stay here.

No.i scream and Kevin grabs my shoulders and squeezes hard,look at me,he says,,thats when i remember something he is gonna compel me!

No.i say and shut my eyes close

Beth look at me now.he screams i shake my head sideways,Thats when i hear loud growls and howls coming from outside i open my eyes and i try to pass him but he grabs me and looks into my eyes,Don't move he says an leaves.Thats when a amazing scent hits my nose it smells like peppermint and its driving my wolf crazy where is it coming from i want to go look for it but i can't move.

Mate.screams Mads at me

What do you mean?

Mate!! its are Real Mate is all she says thats when remember everything about my parents the silver dog the hybrid and most important my real Mate Dylan.i need to get lose of this compulsion i need to fight it but how i can hear Kevin talking with someone and i know its Dylan i can smell him and feel him how was i so blind to let myself be controlled by Kevin i was so stupid.

Let me take over.says Mads

Okay.i say and i can already feel Mads power going trough me all over my body then all the sudden i can move i run out off the room in a flash to see Kevin against a wall and Dylan running toward him but when he sees me he stops and stares his beautiful Red eyes i can't believe i didn't remember him as i was gonna walk up to him i see Kevin stand behind him in a flash he is about to grab him.

Dylan watch out.i scream but i was two late Kevin grabs him and squeezes hard i can hear his bones crack and he howls in pain no no this can't happen.I run toward him i fall to the ground next to him he turned into his human form.

Dylan please don't close your eyes.i sob,as his hand reaches up to touch my face and its like the first time i lean into his touch

Bethany don't cry.says Dylan while he drys my tears i can't stop crying this isn't happening.

Dylan.i say

I'm so sorry Bethany.says Dylan

Don't talk like that you will be okay.i sob even harder

I love you.says Dylan beryl a whisper

No Dylan please.i scream at him and he opens his eyes again

I love you my sweet Mate.says Dylan while his hand falls from my face,I love you more i sob then he stops breathing i can't feel him or see him moving no no no.

Dylan please wake up.i sob into his naked chest i can feel tears running down my cheeks and i can't stop them its to much i can't live without him.

Nooo!!!!!i scream at the top of my lungs theres so many emotions that i'm feeling right now Anger lost sadness hate its all two much.

Beth.i hear Kevin say while putting his hand on my shoulder how dare him touch me how dare him even speak to me.I turn around slowly to face him once he sees me he's face changes from worried to fear i stand up and i start to walk toward him.

Beth calm down.he says while backing up

Don't ever touch me again.i scream at him all i see when i look at him is anger

Stop.he screams with his hybrid voice

I just look at him with even more anger how dare he use that on me he think it will work.

Please that doesn't work on me not anymore.

I will kill you so stay back.he says i just laugh and i appear behind him,wanna bet.i say while i grab his head and brake his neck as he falls to the ground i don't feel anything only anger.i walk toward Dylan's lifeless body i kneel beside him and i put my hands on him one on he's chest and the other on his stomach they start to glow i close my eyes then all the sudden theres a huge blast of lights even with my eyes closed i could see how bright it was. As the light dies down my body feels so sore and weak my eyes are so heavy.

Bethany.i hear Dylan'd soft voice

Dylan your okay.i say while i touch his face

Of course i will never leave you.he say with a smile,i smile back at him before falling on top off him.

Baby whats wrong.he says while pulling me up so that i'm on his lap.

I feel so weak Dylan.i whisper

Bethany don't close your eyes stay awake.he says,i while get you to a doctor.

Its two late Dylan i gave my life for yours so you could live nothing and no one can save me.i say

What don't says that you will be alright just stay awake.says Dylan while standing up

Dylan Stop.i say and he does,I'm so sorry about all of this i never meant to hurt you promise me that you will live on for both off us.

Bethany please don't say this things i can't bare it.says Dylan with tears running down his face

Promise me.

Please don't ask this of me.he says with a sob

Promise me.

I promise.he says

I smile and say I love you Dylan Dunn my mate.i whisper

And i love you Bethany Martin my beautiful Mate.says Dylan and its the last thing i hear before the darkness take over me forever.


Hello omg thats the end of my book i hope you enjoyed it thanks for everything!!!!










Jajaja just kidding did i get you did i?

Heyyy everyone what did you think off the chapter did you like it if you did please vote and comment your thoughts!!!!btw sorry if my spelling is kinda bad i try!

Thanks for reading📖

With Love Marymar🌙

Merry Christmas Eve🎄🎄🎊🎉 i hope you have a good one😁💕

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