Chapter 37 Its Over

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As we stand waiting for Kevin's army from a distance i see two figures heading our way in full speed,I alert Dylan as he is aware of them ,one stops and then grabs the one in front of him which is clearly Danny and Bobby I'm a bit confused on the matter since we saw them with the silver dog.

As we watch them silently they start walking towards us as Bobby holds Danny by the trout.They make it to hearing distance And Bobby starts to speak.

Alpha Dylan surrender or your little mutt dies.says Bobby

Bobby you would never hurt Danny.says Dylan

Your mistaken Alpha i will rip out his trout now surrender or watch Danny bleed to death.says Bobby

Don't listen to him Alpha its a tra.....

Shut up.says Bobby as his nails dig deep into Danny's neck, so whats it gonna be Alpha Dylan?

Im Sorry Danny but you know I can't.says Dylan, Danny only nods to Dylan's words

So be it.says Bobby as he it about to rip Danny's trout open Val shouts no and starts to run in there direction Dylan try's to stop her but she shoves Dylan aside since he wasn't ready for that he loses his balance and Val keeps running.Kyle comes from back of the pack in full speed after Val i watch in horror as the scene unravels before my eyes as Val runs toward Danny,Bobby smiles as they get closer then from all sides appears wolfs Val doesn't even notice since she is so focus on saving her brother she keeps running as Kyle shouts at her to stop.

When she is in arms length she is taken down by three rogues Kyle jumps and turns in mid air to land on one of the many wolfs that surround them.

Dylan we need to do something now.

Dylan stares at me and gives the word Attack!!!.

At Dylan's words every pack member starts to run on full speed toward the enemy most of them turn mid way others continue in human form.I brake from the line of sight to search for Kevin his scent is strong but there are to many wolfs here to pin point it.

I turn into my wolf form just in case i run in trouble but that wont be the case since no one can see me only her the silver dog so if i find her i find Kevin i run trough the raging battle as i move like nothing trough fighting wolfs something slams me against the hard ground i turn to see a huge black werewolf and immediately i know its Kevin.I stop cloaking myself and growl towards him he only shows his sharp teeth then jumps toward me with much force.

We fight for what feels like hours but just mere minutes he lands bites on my lower back and legs i manage to take him down with much force he starts to bleed through him large arm he takes a few steps back.

As i take the final step i jump and land a bite to his neck ripping out his artery he falls back and hits the ground.I turn back to find him already in hes human form i knell beside him and grab hes hand theres so much blood coming out of his neck i cant stand to look at him like this but i cant look away.

Im Sorry Kevin.

Thank You Beth.says Kevin while spitting out blood

For what?i say while tears fall from my eyes

For saving me.says Kevin and grabs my hand

I love you Kevin i always did and i always will.i say as i pull his head onto my lap and more tears escape my eyes

I love you too Beth.whispers Kevin as he's hand lets go of mine,his eyes turn dull and his hearts stops forever.

I fall on top of him in full out tears i cant hold this pain back i just killed my best friend.I lift my head and i gently close his eyes.All the sudden I'm thrown across the filed i look up to find The Silver Dog standing before Kevin's lifeless body.

You killed him good saves me the trouble of killing him myself.she says with a wicked smile

How dare you,Im going to kill you if is the last thing i do.

I stand with anger running trough out my body i run at full speed toward her killing anybody in my way.When i stand before her she simply smiles as she starts to circle me like shes the hunter and I'm the prey and i kinda feel that way I'm still weak from fighting Kevin.

I must say fighting with your little mate was hard work yet i managed to kill him just in time to kill you as well.

Just as those words hit me my whole ability to fight goes out the window Dylan is dead how can that be shes lying.

Your lying.i scream

Why don't you look across the field.she says

As i turn around i see Dylan laying on the ground theres blood all over him and around him my heart stops at the sight i feel my eyes fill with tears as my body falls to the ground in pure sorrow.

Isn't just a sight as the blood flows out of he's wounds and into the ground.she whispers in my ear,i really enjoyed killing him and i will enjoy killi....

I don't even let her finish as i grab her and slam her on the hard ground,She turns around surprised at my out burst.

You think i gonna let you kill me your dead wrong you think you broke me your highly mistaken.i say as i attack her with all my strength she struggles at dogging my attacks she mostly evades them but once i hit her its all over i keep slamming her against the ground punching her until i only see red she is no longer even moving as i continue my assault her face is all messed up as i land punch after punch.

Please...Stop.she whispers

But I don't care i keep going until my own hands start to bleed i no longer have control over my own body its moving on its own as i beat her to death.

I can here someone trying to talk to me saying Luna stop but all i see if my dead mate and the person who did it is right in front off me all i want to do is make her suffer for what she did.

Bethany.. Bethany...

I can hear his voice saying my name and it only makes me more angry.

Bethany Stop.i hear his voice clear as day as someone grabs my shoulder i awake from whatever trance i was in to look toward the person speaking and its Dylan I'am seeing things is it really him i stare blankly at him in shock.

Baby you can stop now its over.says Dylan as he grabs my hand and pulls me up

Dylan your...your..alive.i say as i jump into his open arms,I thought i lost you.

Shh baby you can never lose me.he whispers

But i saw you, you weren't breathing.

Its ok I'm here now.he say as he gently rubs my back

Alpha we did it,We won.says Kyle

Its over?

Yes its finally over.says Dylan as he howls in victory and everyone else joins on his howl


Ok thats done sorry iv taken so long iv been busy but i leave you this chapter i hope you guys enjoyed it there was a lot of drama and death.Only one more chap to go and the book comes to an end.btw sorry if i have major spelling mistakes not perfect

Thanks for reading😁

With Love Marymar💕

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