Chapter 35 Escape

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Danny's P.O.V


Well great.says Bobby all the sudden

How can this be?She says with confusion all over her face,i only stare at her beautiful face i finally found her.

Please don't kill him.

She looks up toward me then to Bobby she starts to walk toward him slowly once in front of him she puts his heart back into his body and i huge wave of relief flows over me.

Whats your name?i ask but just as those words leave my mouth she hits bobby over the head and nocks him out he falls to the ground and she turns toward me.

Im sorry my mate,is the last thing i hear before she hits me on the back of my head the last thing i see is her bright amazing blue eyes as darkness takes me.

I wake to find myself tied to a three in front of me is Bobby in my same position i look around to find wolfs all over us just staring.

Finally your awake.

I look up to find Kevin walking toward me with someone who looks exactly like The luna and to my surprise right behind her is my mate.

I wasn't expecting Dylan to send his little mutts after me.says Kevin

Why? Is all i say to my mate i don't even look at Kevin.

Look at me when I'm talking to you.says Kevin with anger then hits me

If your gonna kill us then do it already.says Bobby

Oh we are not  gonna kill you not yet anyways.says the one who looks like the luna

Your the distraction.says Kevin with a wicked smile then they all walk away to leave only my mate standing before us.

Selena make then suffer.says Kevin

Selena thats her name my mates name i smile at her then i notice she working with then the Hybrid i wonder why would she do this i never seen her before not once.

So your name is Selena.

Shut up.says Selena

I stare at her is she evil? she is with the hybrid she cant be the moon goddess wouldn't  pare me with someone like that i cant believe it,its not true.


I said shut up.says Selena as she prepares some liquids

Why are you doing this.i say but she doesn't answer only grabs a small glass bottle and walks toward Bobby then makes him drink.He starts to scream as his whole body starts to turn red.

Stop!!!i scream at her but she doesn't stop only stands and grabs an other bottle then walks toward me.

Please Selena i know your not like this.

You don't know me mutt.she says and pours the drink down my trouat and my whole body feels like is on fire its like aside all over my body every cell feels like it evaporating i scream in pain as my body try's to heal  over and over again.She stands in front of me and Bobby but her facial expression is not happy nor sad is a mix of both.I stare blankly at her as she turns away to leave the last thing i hear is her small footsteps as pure abyss of darkness takes me.

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