Chapter 29 Awake

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As i lift my heavy eyelids a bright light hits my eyes hard i'm forced to close them back as i try once more to open my eyes i blink a few time so my vision can adjust to the brightness I sit up and i'm in a the pack clinic back home when did i get here the last thing a remember was healing Dylan.DYLAN! i stand up from the bed as my bare feet hit the cold floor i fall to the ground I'm so weak everything hurts my trout is on fire i stand once more and open the curtain that separates my bed from the other once its open i see Dylan laying on the bed beside me i walk toward him an i grab his hot hand he is shaking he has a cold sweat as i grabbed his hand it stop but he is still shaking but not much i bend down and kiss his head.

When all the sudden i hear footsteps coming out way when the person comes into to view its Val a let out a heavy sigh when she looks up theres a surprised look on her face then Happy.

Bethany your awake.she says and walks up to the hugs me hard

Val i'm happy to see but your hurting me.i say

Oh sorry how are you? are you feeling alright?.says Val

Everything hurts and my trout is on fire.i say

I will get you something for that come sit down so i can check you.she says while pulling me onto the bed i woke up on

Why is Dylan not awake?i ask while she works on me

He is in a coma.she say

What!i scream,how

I don't know he won't wake up Kyle thought you were also in a coma but i knew you were only sleeping.says Val

Oh.i say in a coma this can't be happening

What happened?asks Val

It was Kevin he trow the car off the road and then he attacked Dylan but he was already weak so he couldn't defend himself i tried changing into the silver dog but i couldn't my whole body was on fire and my stomach gelt like aside thats when the Silver dog talked to me in my mind and then i started trowing up black blood after i finished trowing up my inside something well more like someone started coming out of the black blood.

What how can that be? who came out?asks Val

The silver dog.

What? i don't understand.says Val

Me either but she is exactly like me Val the only difference is that her eyes one is green and the other is purple.

We need to tell the council.she says


Well after Alpha Dylan left to look for you the council appeared here.says Val

Why? And what is the council?

Cause someone told them that the Prophecy about the hybrid is close to be completed and its the leaders of all the werewolf's they make the decisions.says val


Yeah so they said that if anything new happened to let them know.says Val

Here drink this.says Val while holding a cup with black liquid

What is it.i say while eyeing it weirdly

It will take all the pain away.says Val

Ok.i say while a take the cup

Bottom's up.says Val while i pour it down my trout and it tasted like shit it was horrible

What was in that?

You don't want to know.says Val and turns to face Dylan

And all the pain is gone in less then minutes that thing really worked i stand and look at Val while she checks on Dylan a little while later she finishes and we walk out of the clinic i'm gonna go shower i feel like i stink as i make my way up the stairs Danny is coming down.

Luna.says Danny


How are you feeling?he asks

Good thanks to Val.

Thanks god.he says with a warm smile

And how about you?

Fine thanks.says Danny

Thats good well i better go i probably stink so i'm gonna shower.

Okay.he says and laughs

When i make it Dylan's room i grab some clothe from the closet and head into the shower i want to get back to Dylan as fast as possible.After i finish getting dressed i brush my teeth once i finish i look into the mirror to see my eyes are glowing bright blue but its not all blue its haves a hint of purple like when the silver dog was still inside me i back away surprised why are they this color.

Bethany come down its Dylan.i hear Val in my mind since Dylan marked me now i have the pack mind link.

I run down the stairs in a hurry i need to get to Dylan once inside the once clinic i hear Val shouting at Kyle and Danny to hold him down i make my way toward Dylan's side in less then minutes.

Whats happening.i ask

He's having a seizure.says Val


I don't know it must be the coma or he's way of trying to wake up.says Val

I grab my mates hand and he squeezes hard i can feel my bones cracking but i don't care the pain in my heart is worse then the pain in my hand then all the sudden his grip loosens i look up to find Dylan isn't moving or even breathing the heart matching is in flat line all i can hear is the beep.... sound nothing more this can't happen not again.

Clear.says Val while trying to bring him back but nothing i watch in horror

1 2 3 clear.says Val once again and nothing he's not responding i can feel my tears running down my face i cant stop them

Clear.says Val for the final time when the heart matching started beeping normally i let out a sigh of relief i bend down and kiss his lips i still have tears running down my face even tho i know he is alive but still in a coma.

Bethany.says Val


Your hand?she says

Oh Dylan kinda broke my fingers.i say without even looking at her i only have eyes for my mate.

I need to fix it before they heal.she says and i just nod as she works on my hand she starts talking about my results she did a few test on me while i was a sleep.

Bethany look at me.says Val

Val whats wrong?

Your pregnant.says Val all the sudden.


I know i know a cliff hanger sorry but i hope you likes it please vote,comment and share if your enjoying the story.
Btw sorry if my spelling is bad i try!
Thanks for reading. The picture is Beths eyes

With love Marymar🌙

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