Chapter 34 New Encounter

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We are leaving burn everything Dylan is expecting us.

I wake up in a flash my head hurts and my heart is beating out of my chest.What a dream it felt so real like i was there.

Bethany are you okay?says Dylan from beside me

Yeah im fine go back to sleep.

Your not fine i can tell.says Dylan

It was just a dream.

Tell me.says Dylan and grabs me then pulls me close  i sigh into his embrace

It was about Kevin, the rouges and the silver dog they were all there and they attack a small pack house they killed everyone Dylan they didn't even spare the children it was awful and Kevin killed so many people without even thinking about it it was like i was seeing the dream through her eyes the silver dog i felt like i was there when everyone was dead besides the one who was still fighting with Kevin the wolf didn't even stop when his legs were broken he didn't care if he died and Kevin was having problems after fighting for awhile he started acting like the old Kevin i knew.

What you think hes still good? Asks Dylan

I don't know but when he started overthinking to kill the wolf or not he fell to the ground in pain like something was trying to change him and i think that's exactly what happened cause after he got up he was different he look different he's energy felt dark.

It was just a dream baby.says Dylan

Thats the point Dylan it didn't feel like a dream it felt real.

Ok lets get up and call all the pack houses on the way from Kevin's pack house to here.says Dylan

I just nod and get out of bed i go into the bathroom and do my business after i get dressed we head downstairs to make the calls.

Once downstairs we head into Dylan's office but we are stopped on the way there by Val.

Alpha theres been an attack on one of the pack houses.says Val

What do you mean Val? Which house?

Is on the way here from alpha Sam's pack house it was Taker Pack.says Val, there was no survivors

At this news my heart leaves my body it was real the dream was real Kevin really did kill all does people how could he.

Beth are you alright? Asks Val

Yeah I'm fine just a bit dizzy.

Are you sure maybe you should eat something.says Val

No im fine.

Bethany the baby needs strength and so do you.says Dylan

Alright.i say and leave toward the kitchen there a see cole.

Morning Luna.he says

Morning.i say and once again my head feels weird my vision gets blurry and i lose my footing.

Luna are you alright.says Cole worried he helps me sit down

Im fine.

Are you sure? He asks

Yes how many times do i have to say it.i say,Cole just stares at me

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