Chapter 20 The Hybrid

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Helloo my lovely readers this is the chapter i reveal Who's the Hybrid so keep on reading to find out!!!!

One month later!

Its been a month now and we haven't heard of the hybrid or alpha Jacob and I'm really worried what if he is planing something big i don't want the pack to suffer because of me he is after me after all but even if i wanted to leave Dylan wouldn't let me.We been training everyday ever since the attack on the pack we need to prepare for anything so we train i get out of bed and head into the shower to get ready for training today Dylan is already up and downstairs i put on my black leggings and sports bra and last my adidas i pull my hair into a high ponytail and head downstairs.Everybody is in the kitchen eating breakfast i sit down next to Kevin and he passes me plate while Dylan gives me the sink eyes for not sitting on his lap but for once i want to sit on a chair i wink at him and he smiles i dig into my food its amazing after the whole sex thing Dylan wanted to mark me but i don't know if i was ready for that so i told him to give me time to think and its been a month now and i'm gonna tell him tonight to mark me i'm kinda nerves.

I'm awaken out of my thought when Dylan start talking that its time to go train we all nod and head outside he walks behind me and grabs me by my waist and kisses my neck when we get outside Dylan says everybody grab your partner i try to get out if his grasp to go train with Kevin but it fails.

Today its Kevin's turn remember.i say

He shrugs and lets me go i give me a quick kiss on his soft lips and head toward Kevin.

Scared Potter?says Kevin

You wish.i reply with a smile(harry potter reference😁)

And we start to train Kevin grabs me and trows me toward the ground i fall on my ass.

Tap out.he says

Never.i say and i turn him around and now i'm the one holding him down i have both his hands but all the sudden i'm under him once more he haves me in a tight grip.

Surrender.he whispers in my ear,i have no choice but to surrender Shit!!!

Mercy.i scream out,he smile and lets go of me

Ass.i say

Slut.he replies

Okay everybody now in wolf form.says Dylan and walks up to us and grabs me and pulls away from Kevin.

I want a rematch.i yell at Kevin while i'm being pulled away,he just laughs

Ready.says Dylan,I nod and turn into my wolf form which is The silver dog ever since training started i been turning and i don't get weak like i used to when i turned i used to faint after i change now all i get is a bit tired thats it.As i stand in front of Dylan he turns as well into his grey wolf and gets into his fighting position i do the same and he starts to circle me i look at his every move i know what his gonna do when he jumps i step back and bite his leg playfully he growls at me.

Missed.i say trough our bond he doesn't answer only jumps on top off me and licks me

Did i miss now?he says playfully

I push him off and i attack him again but i miss and he bites me.After an hours of fighting in wolf form we go and change back i put on the same thing i had on earlier and back to training for what feels like forever when we finish its already dark we all go inside to shower and then Dinner,Yess Food i'm so hungry.!!I head upstairs and i jump in the shower i feel the bathroom door open then Dylan comes into the shower i roll my eyes i keep taking a shower when we both finish we get dressed and head downstairs to eat finally!

When we enter the kitchen everybody is eating and talking about training,Dylan sits down and drags me down with him Great note the sarcasm,Val hands him two plate's and we start to eat we all laugh at something one of the guys said about loosing his match with Kevin.

speaking of Kevin where is he?i say

Don't know last time i saw him he was heading upstairs.says Cole

Oh maybe he is still showering.i reply and we keep eating when i finish i head upstairs to Kevin's room but his not there so i go back downstairs i head outside and he is standing on the front porch.

Hey what you doing here you didn't come to dinner.i say but he just stares at the woods

Kevin.i say while i touch his shoulder

Beth i....but his is cut off by a loud growl i look and its Jacob and his pack.

Lets go inside.i grab his hand but he doesn't move,Kevin!!! i scream

He grabs my hand and looks at me with glowing eyes ,and my eyes widen!


He pulls me toward him and trows me over his shoulder and walks down to the rouge pack and they don't do anything they all lower there heads what the hell is going on!!!Kevin let me go!!i yell

Bethany.i hear Dylan scream

Dylan!i scream

Kevin puts me down and holds me close to his chest i look up at him he doesn't look like the Kevin i know.I look toward Dylan and he is full out wolf form running toward us and so is the pack i'm so confused.

Kill them all.says Kevin and the rouge pack start running toward Dylan's pack

Kevin what are you doing.i say he look at me and smiles

You haven't realize who i'am?he says with a grin

I'am the Hybrid Beth.he says

My whole world turned upside down what no no this isn't happening not my Kevin he not the hybrid he can't be.

Your lying.i say with tears running down my face

Its true Beth i'v been after you before i was your friend at first i thought it was nothing to big but after you turned i knew you were mine.As he says all this all the sound the fighting all around me is gone i can't even hear myself think.I just stare at him this isn't true it can't be its all a dream.

Its true Beth.he says and pulls me closer and hugs me,i can't move this is all wrong.

Bethany!!!!!i hear Dylan Scream in my head thats when i wake out of my thoughts,i pull away from him and i turn he laughs at me before i know it he turns into a huge wolf but its different its pitch black he is standing on to legs he's terrifying he growls at me and i'm lowering my head in seconds.

Come.he scream at me and i walk up to him whats happening why i'am acting like this.

Beth don't listen fight back.says a Female voice in my head

Who are you?

I'm your wolf Mads.she says

But how?

I didn't wake up until now,Now fight.says Mads

And i do i bite his leg but he pulls me off of him and pulls me up like a rag doll i try to escape i kick him with my back legs and he lets go i fall to the ground and i attack again and again but i'm so tired what why? i didn't get this tired anymore.

Its because I woke up.says Mads

I feel so weak my body isn't responding.

Bethany you can't faint.says Mads

I can't my eyes are closing slowly i turn back into my human form and fall to the ground i see the Hybrid or Kevin walking toward me he turns back and lifts me off the ground and carries me away i can see the pack house becoming smaller and smaller i close my eyes and the last thing i hear is my mates soft Voice telling me he will come for me to be strong then theres only darkness.


Okay my lovely readers what you think about the chapter about Kevin being the Hybrid did you expect it to be him or not?? i decided a long time that Kevin was gonna be the hybrid!!!
I hope you enjoyed vote and comment if you were surprised!!!! jijiji btw sorry if my spelling is not that great!!✌

Thanks for reading📖

With love Marymar🌙

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