Chapter 4

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I went straight back to the room when we got back.

From the outside the door to the room looked like a normal bookcase - I know so cliche right? - I couldn't figure out what is was that made it open, there wasn't a button on the wall or a book that was pulled out like I thought there might be, it seemed to just open.

"I'll be back in a little while" Blake said "then we can get started"

"Wait, can I use the bathroom?"

"Right there" he said pointing across the room as the door was shutting.

I tuned around to look where he had pointed. There was a small toilet, low to the ground. It blended in with the room very well, which I guess is why I hadn't noticed it sooner.

I walked over feeling awkward about going in such an open place.

When I finished I looked around for a sink, only finding one in the room with the bed, there was no soap.

Later, I was brought in some food and water, I downed it like I hadn't eaten in days, which for all I knew I hadn't. The lights in the room dimmed and I assumed it was night out. I laid on the floor for a while before my mind got the best of me and I decided to take another look around.

I walked over to the wall where it had opened earlier and started feeling around hoping to find a way out, but there was nothing there.

I briefly thought about going to sleep on the bed, but the image of Cory laying there half dead made me change my mind.


When I awoke the next morning, I heard voices coming from the bed room. Curious, I quietly walked over to the door and peeked inside. I made eye contact with Blake and quickly pulled back.

"Well, come in then. You might as well see what you're in for." He said.

As I stepped in the room my heart was pounding, if I didn't know any better I would have thought for sure they could hear it.

I came to an abrupt stop, horrified at what I was seeing, I quickly tuned around to get out of the room, but the door had shut behind me and I could not get it open.

The men just laughed as they continued setting up their devices. I had seen enough horror movies to know what most of them were and what they were meant for.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Money" Blake replied.

"How is torturing me going to make you money? " I asked coldly.

"It's not the torture that will make us the money, it's how much you will sell for once we have trained you.

First we have to brake you down, then we make you into what clients are looking for, and in 5-10 weeks we sell you to the highest bidder"

"You know there are better more legal ways to get money right?" I mumbled under my breath annoyed.

"Sure, but not as much and not as quickly"

"Plus this is a lot more entertaining and fun for us" Jason chimed in.

I went and sat in a corner of the room while they finished setting up and wondered why this stuff wasn't already in here, they had obviously kidnapped before.

"Almost done" Jason said "we just need a couple things from the store, I'll go grab what we need, you finish here."

Jason waked to the door, opened it with a key and shut it behind him. I didn't hear him relock it. While Blake was working I began to inch closer to the door hoping I could get out of this creepy place.

"Nice try, but it automatically locks itself." Blake said without turning towards me. "All done"

He went to the door and opened it, this time leaving it open. I stayed back for a minute before following. I stepped into the other room and looked around. I didn't see Blake anywhere so I began moving to where I had slept last night.

Just as I was about to sit down, I was grabbed from behind and thrown over Blake's shoulder. I tried to get away but he was to strong, before I knew it we were back in the bedroom and he had thrown me onto the bed.

I started to feel sick and dizzy knowing what he was about to do.

As he went back to close the door, I jumped off the bed hoping I could beat him to it and lock him inside, instead I just made him mad.

He caught me quickly.
The room was full of the devices they had just set up and there was no where I could go that I wasn't trapped.

This time he strapped me to the bed, and tightened the strap around my stomach before taking off his shirt. On his pants I saw the gun that had been pointed to my head not long ago.

He walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. I just laid there in shock and fear not knowing what to do, the strap was to tight to slip out of and it made breathing hard. My breathing multiplied as he ran his hand along my arm and then up my leg.

"st-stop" I choked holding back tears.

"I will do what I want to, and if you try to stop me then things will just be harder for you." He leaned over to the dresser and took out a shot needle like the ones that had been in the van. "I'll just have to use this, and trust me its not going to feel good"

My breathing became unsteady and loud, soon after I began to shake. He set the needle back down and laid down on the bed turning towards me he wiped a tear off my face.

He rolled on top of me and I used all my strength to push him off. It didn't do much other that make him even more mad.

He jumped off the bed, grabbed the needle, and shoved it into me before I could even react.

"What did you just give me?!" I screamed.

"Just a Neuromuscular-blocking drug" he replied coldly

"What the he.." All of the sudden I couldn't move, I guess that answered my question as to what the drug does.

(Authors Note: please vote and comment to let me know what you think! This is my first story, Thanks for reading! *Also, check out my new book "Someone Is Watching" on Kindle, Nook, Apple, and Kobo now!)

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