Chapter 8

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"Turn around" Derek ordered walking into the bathroom.

I turned around slowly, wondering what was going on, I had done everything they'd asked so far. I flinched as Derek touched the back of my shoulder.

"Jason, go get me my medicine bag from the basement. If Gabriel is coming, we need to get this healed as much as possible before then."

After Derek had rubbed the ointment on my back. He ordered me to follow them to the kitchen. I picked up the towel again and went to wrap it around myself.

"Leave it" Jason said pulling it off.

We got to the kitchen and I was ordered to make them lunch. I made mac and cheese.

"What the hell is this?!" Derek asked.

"I-I'm sorry, I don't know how to cook." I said.

"Well you better start figuring it out. Now kneel."

I stayed that way as they finished eating. They whispered something back and forth and then both left the room without a word.

I continued to kneel trying to decide what to do. I was only about 12 feet from a door. I looked around and listened closely but didn't see or hear them anywhere.

I quietly stood, walked to the door, and tuned the handle. Just as I opened the door I fell to the ground in pain, my surroundings became blurry, I laid on the ground waiting until my vision came back. When it did I looked out side and saw Jason had a gun pointed straight at my head, Derek was behind me in the house and had a cattle prod hanging by his side.

"You will kneel anytime you are doing nothing else, you stay that way until ordered to do something different." Derek said "now stand."

I stood shakily, using the door to keep me steady.

"We have a potential buyer coming to look at you tomorrow, which means we need to get you waxed and ready to show." Derek said. He handed me a strapless bra, tube top and a mini skirt.

"Put these on." He said. I started walking towards the bathroom.

"Stop." Derek said. "Privacy is a reward and is earned. Do you think that little stunt you just pulled earned that?"

I stood there in silence.

"Answer me!" Derek yelled "you will always answer when asked a direct question. Now, do you think you deserve privacy?"

"No" I said quietly.

"What was that?" He said sarcastically.

"No, I don't deserve privacy." I said shakily looking only at the ground.

"Good, now get dressed."

I followed Derek's orders and got dressed as quickly as possible. Just as I finished getting dressed Blake walked through the door.

"Looks like I missed something good." He chuckled.

"Just in time." Derek said. "We were just about to leave to get her waxed. Let's go."

"Wait." Blake said. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

"Like what?" Jason said.

"Like the fact she's been all over the news and people are going to recognize her, shouldn't we dye her hair first like we usually do?"

"I knew there was a reason we kept you around." Derek said. "Let's do a black dye, Gabriel seems to always pay more for those anyway."

Blake left the room and came back a few minutes later with a tube of hair dye.

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