5: Unwanted attention

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"Flashing lights, camera, and bitter gossip flipped your life over in a blink of an eye."

Power was one thing, but being in power was another. It was heavy-duty, thrilling but very difficult. One mistake and the whole built-up thing will topple down before your very eyes. I couldn't afford that, not when my father believed in me so much. I tried asking him why he handed the business over in such a short time at such a small age. He answered, but not completely, always leaving me with more questions.

"Baba, why at this age, anything could happen, and as a young girl I can mess up. Why risk such a big thing?"

He coughed, which was very unlikely of him. Even at the powerful age of fifty-five, he seemed to fit like any other young man. He worked out, ate healthily, was an early bird, and cared about his appearance more than a teenage child did. Then his coughing got me suspicious. I even tried asking about his health, he dismissed me like he always did. I contacted his doctor, who assured me my father was alright; I believed him, but deep in my heart; I felt like there was something I still didn't know. Well, I knew little, but still. So, he answered, "Binti, I was 18 when I had to work my way up from a small business to this. Age doesn't matter as long as you're potential and purpose is strong and you are strong, so stop asking stupid questions," He grunted. I also noticed how grumpy he was getting even after the engagement. He was happy about our engagement then why so moody. Seema had said I was being paranoid because of so many responsibilities that now I was being cautious with everything.

I loved my father more than anything; he was strict and sometimes cold, but he was my father; he took care of me on his own. He could've abandoned me, but he didn't, he raised me to become what I was today. If a business degree wasn't enough, I would say, I learned all the tactics from the king himself.

Wearing black trousers and a shirt beneath my gray abaya, I fixed my black hijab and applied very little makeup to keep my features toned. I couldn't go without makeup now that I was a public figure, an heiress, and a CEO. I had to make sure my health and my appearance was A1, just like my father did. Grabbing my handbag, I went downstairs to the foyer where Baba stood waiting for me. He hadn't retired yet; he had said he would watch me, supervise me, and make sure things go smoothly and when he will be satisfied, he will retire and watch me become from a woman to a wife and then a mother. My father had big dreams and expectations towards me and my supposed marriage. It was scary because he showed no interest in marrying me, and to give me a child was a far-away thought. I didn't want to crush my father's hopes, so I always smiled and said In Sha Allah, so he stayed content.

"Asalamu'Alaikum Baba," I greeted joyously. What had changed that I dared to be jolly? I didn't know myself. Surprised at my happiness, he smiled brightly. "Walaikum'Asalaam princess." He replied hugging me. We were both surprised. It was a little awkward, but ignoring it well, I gazed up into the eyes my mother fell in love with.

"Well, if seeing him makes you happy, then I shall make sure it happens every day," He beamed. Suddenly I didn't feel like having a splendid morning. Stepping away, he saw my smile fall. As his brows creased together, he asked, "What's wrong?" I stared at him contemplating whether to tell him but the brightness that sparked in his dull eyes stopped me from doing so, he was happy after many years, how could I shatter that just because I wasn't?

Masking my depression, I smiled, "It's just awkward when you talk about him like that." I mumbled. This was the second time I lied partially to father, what now? I'll keep lying just to make sure Baba was happy and not disappointed. I didn't want anyone to talk about him. It was enough to be destined with him.

He guffawed, "And shy, just like your mother. Ma Sha Allah." He chuckled, giving me a warm gaze. This was another thing that confused me. One moment he would be warm and the other very much cold. Was he okay? Pulling me out of my thoughts, he beckoned me to get going for the first day of me being an actual CEO, and to top it off, Baba was going to supervise me, which was another nerve-wracking story.

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